Distortion of History: BSNs Observe Black Day


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By Sajjad Shaukat

In order to pollute the minds of the patriot people of the Baluchistan province against the

federation of Pakistan, every year Baloch Sub Nationalists (BSNs) observe March 27 as a black

day on alleged annexation of Kallat state with Pakistan in 1948.

During this very day, shutter down strikes in small and far-flung areas of Balochistan and

demonstrations of small attendance by exiled BSNs take place. As these hostile elements, while

following the foreign agenda of the anti-Pakistan countries distort the historical facts; the Baloch

must need to know the actual perspective about accession of Kallat state with Pakistan.

No doubt, Baloch leaders and people of Balochistan played a vital role in creation of Pakistan,

and ultimately succeeded under the leadership and guidance of Quaid-e- Azam Muhammad Ali

Jinnah in achieving Pakistan as an independent state. In fact, Balochistan is an integral part of

Pakistan with a history of supporting Resolution of Pakistan-1940, which envisaged creation of a

separate homeland for Muslim majority areas of the Sub-continent, as the Baloch had strongly

opposed plan of the united India.

Unfortunately, there are still been certain dissident elements which not only opposed the idea of

Two Nation Theory-the fundamental ideological base for creation of Pakistan, but also left no

stone unturned in polluting the minds of the innocent Baloch by distorting the history of

Balochistan’s accession to Pakistan. In reality, before the independence of Pakistan, the

territories which are now consolidated into the province of Balochistan did not constitute a

settled province. Apart from Quetta District that was administrated under civil law, the rest of the territory was under Frontier Crimes Regulations (FCR). The then government of British India constituted a special body of tribal elders known as “SHAHI JIRGA” for consultation by

Assistant Governor General (AGG) on local issues relating to British Balochistan.

On June 29, 1947, “SHAHI JIRGA” of the British Balochistan as representative body of AGG along with elected members of Quetta Municipal Body unanimously passed a resolution of forming part of Pakistan. The State of Kalat had customary over lordship on the princely states of Kharan,

Makran and Lasbela. As these three states decided to join Pakistan in March 1948, the Khan of

Kalat (KoK) also acceded with Pakistan on March 27, 1948. The brother of KoK Shehzada

Abdul Karim of Kakat having mustered 130 tribesmen started insurgency in 1948 which never

took off ground and the matter was brought under control.

Regretfully, Baloch Sub Nationalists (BSNs) distort history of accession of Kalat with Pakistan

and give reference of the so-called insurgency of 1948 by brother of KoK, whereas the document

of accession of State of Kalat with Pakistan was signed by KoK himself as legitimate ruler of

State of Kalat.

Notably, as a result of the general elections 2013, the government led by the nationalist leader

Chief Minister Balochistan Dr Abdul Malik Baloch was established in Balochistan, while on

December 7, 2013; local bodies elections were largely held in a peaceful manner in the province.

However, these elections proved that majority of the Baloch are loyal to the federation, and do

not favour separation of the Balachistan, as they have rejected the case of separatists, being

projected by anti-Pakistan powers.

Even a Gallup survey of the UK official body, DFID, conducted on July 20, 212, had disclosed

that the vast majority of the Baloch people oppose the idea of an independent Balochistan. This

survey has also proved that some external entities have been conducting acts of sabotage in the

province by backing the minority groups.

As regards the deteriorating situation of Balochistan and the missing persons, everyone knows

that Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), Baloch Salvation Front (BSF) and their affiliated

outfits, including another group, Jundollah (God’s soldiers) which have been fighting for

secession of the province gets logistic support from American CIA, Indian RAW, and Israeli

Mossad. In the past few years, these militants kidnapped and killed many innocent people and

the security personnel in the province. They also massacred many persons through suicide

attacks, bomb blasts, targeted killings and sectarian violence. Therefore, they are responsible for

dumped bodies and extrajudicial killings in the province. On a number of occasions, these

insurgent groups claimed responsibility for their subversive acts. A majority of the disappeared

individuals are also in the detention centers (Farrari Camps) which are being run by foreign-

assisted Baloch feudal lords (Sardars) who want to continue old system of feudalism in the

province so as to maintain their status, prestige and influence at the cost of people of the


It is mentionable that India, US and Israel have been internationalizing the Balochistan issue in

accordance with their secret goals. In this respect, in connivance with the Baloch separatist

leaders who have taken refuge in Switzerland, Sweden, US and London, these foreign elements

use media, various NGOs and human rights organizations for false propaganda against

Pakistan’s security  agencies in relation to extrajudicial killings, mutilated bodies and the missing persons.

Nevertheless, during this vary day, it is also of particular attention that since, the government of

the Balochistan province announced general pardon and protection to the Baloch militants as part of reconciliation process, many militants and their leaders have surrendered their arms and

decided to work for the development of Pakistan and the province.

Besides, Pakistan’s Armed Forces have broken the backbone of the foreign-backed terrorists by

the successful military operation Zarb-e- Azb which has also been extended to Balochistan where peace has been restored. But, it is misfortune that based in Afghanistan; external secret agencies such as CIA, RAW and Mossad have, again, started subversive activities in Balochistan. As part of the double, game, these agencies are using the separatist elements and terrorist organizations like the Islamic State group (Also known as Daesh, ISIS, ISIL), the Tehreek-e- Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the Tehreek-e- Taliban Pakistan Jamaat-ur- Ahrar (TTP-JA also known as JuA), including other similar outfits in creating unrest in Balochistan, as recent terror attacks in the province has proved.

Now, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project is their special target. Taking cognizance of historical facts, the idea of observing Black Day must be denounced by all the segments of society, while the majority of the Baloch has already rejected the call for shutter down strike. But, these anti-Pakistan aims of the separatist elements also needs to be countered by our own historians, analysts and media persons by giving true perspective of history and denouncing the hostile elements who distorting the facts in order to advance their vested interests.

These internal entities of Pakistan must point out that People of Balochistan, especially the youth are very loyal and patriotic Pakistanis who believe in unity and sovereignty of the country. They cannot be misled by elusive designs of greedy leaders who plan to observe March 27 as Black Day.

Particularly, media must proactively project the role of Baloch leaders in creation of Pakistan

and in defending the state of Pakistan. For the purpose, talk shows must be held giving correct

perspective of historical records by explaining the process of accession of State of Kalat with

Pakistan and internal rift between KoK and his brother.

Our own intellectuals must indicate that insurgency of 1948 which started by Shehzada Abdul

Karim of Kakat never took off, because it was not supported by other realist Baloch leaders, and

it was based on misguided thoughts suggested by few Indian Congress leaders. The aim was to

destabilize Pakistan by creating militancy in Balochistan.

Returning to our earlier discussion, last year, Baloch Sub Nationalists and Baloch Salvation

Front called for a shutter down strike in Balochistan on March 27 to observe it as Black Day.

Since it is the date of legal accession of State of Kalat with Pakistan, therefore, the strike call was

based on negative contemplation and wicked designs to misguide the Baloch, especially the

youth. In order to obtain the foreign agenda against Pakistan, these hostile elements who distort

the history, want that every year, this Black Day should be observed.


Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants,
Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations

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