Mustaqbal War against Us Led to Abra Battle, Christians Must Hold Aoun Accountable
 Fugitive Islamist cleric Sheikh Ahmed al-Asir on Monday appeared in a new audio message — the second after the Abra battle — in which he lashed out at Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and noted that Iran “has turned itself into an enemy of the Arabs.” “Attacks against us are countless and do not need any evidence. They have attacked us in our institutions, centers and mosques, and their evil has targeted our brothers in Syria, contrary to what (Nasrallah) claimed about turning Iran and the Shiites into the enemy instead of the Zionists,” Asir said. “Iran — with its hateful, criminal Velayat-e Faqih (Iran’s form of Islamic rule) policy — has cooperated with the Great Satan (the U.S.) to slaughter us in Afghanistan and Iraq, and it gave you (Hizbullah) the green light to occupy Lebanon through your weapons and lately the mask has fallen in Syria … Iran has proclaimed itself as the enemy of the region,” the fugitive cleric, on the run since the army overran his Abra headquarters on June 24, added.
[ed notes:Lets point out the outright lies in his childish unfounded allegations..1- Iran backs supports/ed several arab movements,in jihad,resistance,and Islamic unity,and even zionists admit this!!! anyway a few examples disproving the frauds claims and more…see.. Iranrenews support for Palestinian resistance  Gaza Solidarity Meet in Beirut  Older Post  Iran’s Angle in Yemen Iran supports revolutionary Islam in Egypt: MP At Iran-Afghanistan-Pakistan summit, a show of unity Iran to call for Muslim unity at OIC summit in Mecca IRAN READY TO EXPORT RADIOISOTOPE
PRODUCTS http://www.namnewsnetwork.org/v2/read.php?id=158909  Lebanon needs Iran’s expertise: Mikati http://www.irna.ir/ENNewsShow.aspx?NID=30405122&SRCH=1 African states should unite against colonial powers: President http://www.irna.ir/ENNewsShow.aspx?NID=30405091 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad – Least Developed Countrie’s(LDC’s) should receive reparations for colonialism and slavery, Iran says http://www.mehrnews.com/en/newsdetail.aspx?NewsID=1308201  

Criticizing Nasrallah’s Quds Day speech, Asir accused the Hizbullah leader of seeking to rally Shiites behind his rhetoric “after the mask fell off in the region.” “Enough with using Palestine for your own interests, as Palestine is cursing you, just like (Syria’s) Qusayr and Homs did,” Asir added.
 [ed notes:im sorry but where does this ape-human hybrid inbred get these adhom attacks from?why would Hezbollah need to use Palestine,when reality is it is Palestine who has benefitted from Hezbollahs resistance and support.not vice versa!!!who trained who in tactics?who channeled weapons to who?Besides that,who liberated southern Lebanon?was it Palestine or the Hezbollah?who benefitted ?who never abandoned the other?moving on…
The Islamist cleric also blasted Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun, accusing him of “resorting to blind incitement” and of “using his spiteful media outlets night and day to incite against the Sunni community.” [[[[Asir attributed Aoun’s “incitement” to his “lust for presidency” that was “blocked by (former premier) Saad Hariri.” “Remember how he has incited against the Syrian revolution and how he has stood by the butcher against the victim and how he is still justifying the crimes of Nasrallah and his murderers who entered Syria to slaughter its people, especially in Qusayr and Homs,” Asir added]]]]].[[[[[[“When the fire reaches the Christian areas, Christians must hold Aoun accountable for these stances,” he went on to say.]]]]]] 
 [ed notes;hes basically threatning the christian communities,saying when they get attacked and slaughtered they should blame Auon,not those whom are behind the attacks,those behind asir,hariri and zionist west…btw im not here to defend auon,but hes been saying some real things for qute some time now,though his latest meeting with saudis has me a bit nervous…anyway lets recapp auons sensible positions this year… Aoun: Europe is being controlled by IsraHell Aoun: No One Wants New Cabinet, Nusra Members Arriving in Lebanon with Suicide Belts http://thenakedfacts.blogspot.com/2013/07/aoun-no-one-wants-new-cabinet-nusra.html
 War in Syria Will Lead to New World Order: Lebanese 
Aoun: Syria Facing International Aggression, Not Internal Revolution  Aoun: I Proudly Reject STL Funding  Michel Aouns’ right political choices Aoun: UN Sanctions for STL Funding Tantamount to Militray Invasion Aoun: Political Accusation Must Stop, “I have the right to blame the crime on those who want to stir clashes among the Lebanese and we urge everyone to be vigilant,” 
 Aoun Says ‘Takfiri Ideology’ behind Dahieh Blast
Asir accused the army’s Commando Regiment commander Brig. Gen. Chamel Roukoz, Aoun’s son-in-law, of inspecting the conflict zone in Abra in the wake of the clashes to “steal the limelight” and “because of his ambition to become the next army commander.” [ed notes;these investigations were fully open,and march 14th media itself was caught distorting and staging narrative and doctoring pictures to manipulate public into believing asir and goons,were on defensive,when in actuality,its been proven,asir was stockpiling massive arsenal,and ordering his men to attack army,OPENLY!!!
The fugitive cleric also launched a tirade against ex-PM Saad Hariri and “some al-Mustaqbal leaders who did not hesitate to fight me and distort my image.” “What was the harm I caused you that prompted this campaign? Ever since we rallied in downtown Beirut in support of our beleaguered brothers, Saad Hariri and his associates started to describe me as an extremist,” Asir added. “What happened in Abra was the normal result of the fierce war waged against us by the al-Mustaqbal movement. 
[ed notes;when you outlive your purpose your masters ,scapegoat you,in order to distance themselves from the dirt they conspired with you to achieve…the end result was you became a liability and had to be discarded..dont get angry because they used you,then threw you out like used up toilett paper…the Lebanese public saw thru you and your handlers machinations,including media hype(recall the winter skiing trip? lol) your days are numbered,good luck hiding under some gulf leaders latent homosexual robe lol 

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