Doubtless it was the ‘talk of the town’ in America’s ‘Christian’ churches this past weekend–Israel’s celebration of Purim…
No, we’re not talking about that sick, perverse event where Jews worldwide dress up in all sorts of shape-shifting/theatrical paraphernalia, get drunk as all get-out and gleefully commemorate and celebrate the book of Esther, where it is alleged their ancestors slaughtered 75,000 Persians in retaliation for their ‘anti-Semitism’.
Rather, we’re talking about that OTHER Purim celebration, meaning the ritualistic assault on Gaza resulting in a few dozen ‘donkeys’ (The terminology used by Israel’s ex-Chief Sephardic Rabbi Ovadiah Yusef in describing non-Jews) being sacrificially served up to the Jewish god of war, Yahweh.
My, what interesting times we are living in…A theocratic political machine with 1stworld death-delivering technology calling itself ‘the most moral army on the planet’ going hogwild against 1.5 million 3rd worlders in what can accurately be described as the world’s largest private hunting preserve, where neither escape nor self-defense is a possibility.
And to think, prime time entertainment used to be innocent, defenseless people being fed to hungry lions. How far we have come…
And make no mistake about it—the recent bloodbath in Gaza was all about Purim. It always is. Like a full moon coinciding with all sorts of dark, violent and irrational behavior, every time this yearly festival of death comes ‘round, Israel goes on a killing spree of some sort in giving real-life significance to her annual celebration of anti-Gentile revenge.
Sometimes the toga parties thrown in Queen Esther’s honor are BIG, like the Zionist-engineered destruction of Iraq, as evidenced by Israeli writer Ariel Natan Pasko in his must-read article entitled ‘This War is for us” and which reads in part as follows–
“However, we already knew that this war is for us – i.e., the Jews and Israel. Chazal – our sages – throughout the ages have explained the Torah, telling us that everything that happens in the world is for the benefit of the Jewish People…Simply put another way, if all the world is a stage, then the Jews – and especially those in the Land of Israel – are the lead actors on the stage of history, and the goyim – the nations, i.e. the gentiles – have supporting roles, while the evil-doers are props and background scenery. As our tradition states, G-D – the great playwright – created the world for the sake of the Jewish People, and it is our responsibility to implement the Torah – absolute morality and the blueprint of creation – in it…
Stop and think for a moment: the last Gulf War in 1991 ended ‘erev’ – just before Purim. This Gulf War began ‘motzei’ – just after Shushan Purim. Get the picture? In between, “The Jews had light, and gladness, and joy, and honor.” (Book of Esther 8:16)
Read the Purim story in Megilat Esther again, it is a rags to riches story on a national scale. Haman, the proto-typical anti-Semite, plans mass murder of the Jews and in the end pays with his life, the life of his ten sons – all hanged – and the Jews kill 75, 800 members of the anti-Semitic – i.e. Nazi – party of the time.”
…and then, at other times, these Purim-inspired bloodbaths are—numerically speaking—‘minor,’ such as Baruch Goldstein’s machine-gunning to death almost 40 Muslims as they knelt down and prayed.
Either way however, the golden rule at this time of year is that someone has to die in a very dramatic and spectacular manner. Like some addict who simply cannot function till he gets his fix, it—Purimspiel–has to be pure, uncut, industrial-strength ritual murder in order for our Torah addicts to calm their nerves, get their shakes under control and feel ‘normal’ again, whatever the hell such a thing can mean in the Jewish sense.
Not that any of this would have received the slightest light of day in any of the ‘Christian’ churches of the West on this Sunday, the very day Christians celebrate the failure of organized Jewish interests in stamping out the message of justice and compassion preached by the Prince of Peace.
No, as far as America’s Christians are concerned, they traded in their old, obsolete Jesus a looooooong time ago for the new and improved model, ol’ ‘blood-n-guts’, who sits comfortably in His throne in new-and-improved Judeo-Christian heaven and cheers like a beer-guzzling fan at the Roman Coliseum every time the Jewish state launches some sort of holy hell against innocent persons, whether in the Middle East or wherever.
So, rather than exposing and expounding upon the cannibalistic attributes of the latest bloodbath taking place in Gaza, instead we can all be rest assured that in paying homage to Lord Satan’s personal headquarters on earth—the Jewish state—that America’s ‘men o’ the cloth’ no doubt pissed their pants in glee over this latest exercise of Jewish ritual murder and human sacrifice. Doubtless as well that they did so with a generous helping of the nonsense they typically use in flavorizing the silly religious stew they serve up week after week with words such as ‘Hallelujah’, ‘Amen’ and ‘Praise Yahweh’.
Little do they realize however just what kind of monster they are feeding by doing so, a fact easily proven with just a little stroll down recent-memory lane…
The same weekend this en masse/REALLY late-term abortion in Gaza took place, a piece appearing in the Israeli daily Haaretz entitled “Netanyahu: Israel will continue to strike anyone planning to attack its citizens” gives those with 20/20 vision a bird’s eye view of the dorsal fin popping up from the waterline and therefore a better understanding of the size of the shark lurking below.
The piece in question is typical in its serial-killer logic, i.e. that the victims ‘provoked’ the bloodshed and in the end ‘got what they deserved’. More important though is what the observant—no pun intended—reader derives by reading between the lines.
‘Israel will continue to strike anyone planning to attack its citizens…’
Ahhh, the aromatic language known as gangsterese…Nothing like it, at least not on God’s green earth …Sulphuric, arrogant, threatening, and of course, above all else, duplicitous…
Indeed, as with most things involving the Jewish state, the devil is in the details.
Remember, this is ISRAEL, a veritable hornet’s nest that spits out just as many criminals as it does lawyers to defend them when they are brought up on charges in Gentile countries. As such, in typical lawyerly fashion, Israel entertains an EXTREMELY broad interpretation of things, and particularly when such interpretations work in her favor.
First and foremost, what the reader must consider when weighing Netanyahu’s comments is that–
(a) Every Jew worldwide is considered a ‘citizen’ of Israel, irrespective of whether or not they practice Judaism or have even stepped foot in the Jewish state, and
(b) ‘Attack’ is not simply relegated to Qassam rockets or ‘suicide’ vests.
The second part regarding ‘attack’ is extremely important in understanding the idea that Netanyahu & co are trying to convey here.
The reader must understand that in the Jewish supremacist lexicon, ALL CRITICISM is tantamount to war against the Jews. Criticism inevitably leads to action and therefore ideas and words considered ‘uncooperative’ with Israel’s designs can be considered the first step in an inevitable conflict of interests.
This idea is THE BEDROCK of Jewish thinking, frames the entire ‘preemptive war’ doctrine and is the reason why organized Jewish interests are so keen to making sure the narrative in any discussion travels in the direction they decide it should.
In other words, as far as ideas and words go, Israel and her supporters maintain a policy of ‘shoot first and ask questions later’. Justifying itself with the Talmud’s exhortation that ‘If someone plans to kill you, kill them first’ it is applied in a myriad of ways, whether by terrorist organizations such as the JDL and the violence they perpetrate on vocal critics of Israel to organized Jewish interests who work to have writers and speakers fired from their positions of employment for having simply voiced opinions inimical to the false narrative Israel demands.
Most recently however the theme of perpetrating violence on others and using Judaic religious principles in doing it was expounded upon in a book published in Israel by one Rabbi Yitschak Shapira entitled ‘The King’s Torah’ that lays out the justification for murdering even Gentile children under the presupposition that they possess latent anti-Judaic impulses that will inevitably one day surface in real-life action.
More important for purposes of this discussion however is an article that appeared in 2003, written by Richard Sale, UPI correspondent entitled ‘Israel to kill in U.S., allied nations’ and which reads in part as follows–
“Israel is embarking upon a more aggressive approach to the war on terror that will include staging targeted killings in the United States and other friendly countries, former Israeli intelligence officials told United Press International.
The Israeli statements were confirmed by more than a half dozen former and currently serving U.S. foreign policy and intelligence officials in interviews with United Press International.
With the appointment of Meir Dagan, the new director of Israel’s Mossad secret intelligence service, Sharon is preparing “a huge budget” increase for the spy agency as part of “a tougher stance in fighting global jihad (or holy war),” one Israeli official said.
A former Israeli military intelligence source agreed: “What Sharon wants is a much more extensive and tough approach to global terrorism, and this includes greater operational maneuverability.”
Does this mean assassinations on the soil of allies?
“It does,” he said.
But the best part of this 2003 article is where Binyamin Netanyahu, at that time a former Prime Minister said,
“I have no intention of stopping the activities of this government against terror…”
So, in effect, the same Netanyahu gloating over the deaths of Palestinians in Gaza and who promised that ‘Israel will continue to strike anyone planning to attack its citizens’ also promised in 2003 that it would stand by Israel’s new policy of assassinating ‘terrorists’ on the soil of allies.
Now, as for Israel’s definition of the word ‘terrorist’—again, we have to remember that different words mean different things for different people and Israel applies this term in a VERY broad manner…
In demonstrating this, let’s take yet another stroll down recent memory lane and recall a statement made by one Rabbi David Feldman, spokesperson for the groupJews Against Anti-Semitism who was quoted saying the following–
‘Clearly there are laws on the books which have outlawed the inciting of riots or acts which endanger human life. Mel Gibson’s movie will incite violence against Jews and put the lives of millions of Jews in danger. Under Section 802 of the 2001 USA Patriot Act, any crime which endangers human life is defined as an act of domestic terrorism. Mel Gibson’s incitement of anti-Semitism is a crime which endangers human life and under the Patriot Act his film The Passion is an act of domestic terrorism.
We hereby call upon Attorney General John Ashcroft, the Department of Justice, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and the Department of Homeland Security to arrest Mel Gibson as a terrorist, confiscate all prints of The Passion, confiscate all materials related to the film as terrorist paraphernalia and shut down every terrorist hate-site on the internet supporting the film.”
So, in other words, according to the ‘good Rabbi’ David Feldman, thoughts and opinions matter, and depending upon how these thoughts and opinions play out viz a viz Israel and ‘her citizens’, they can be—in the deluded, backwards thinking of Jewish supremacists–the opening salvo in waging a war of terrorism against ‘God’s chosen people’.
SO, recapping it all, ‘terrorism’ begins in the mind with certain ideas, and therefore, in order to ‘kill someone before they kill you’, Israel has embarked upon a new policy of ‘preemptive war’ that includes assassinations in ‘friendly countries’ including America, a policy which the current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been quoted saying he has ‘no intention of stopping’ and that ‘Israel will continue to strike anyone planning to attack its citizens…’
Ist alles klar jetzt? Israel will kill anyone it wants, anywhere it wants and under any conditions she sees fit merely for holding and/or expressing opinions Israel doesn’t like.
SO, in applying what Netanyahu was quoted saying this past weekend viz a viz Gaza and the few dozen ‘donkeys’ killed by the Jewish state—
–Mearsheimer and Walt, authors of ‘The Jewish Lobby’—DEAD.
–The writers, publishers, subscribers and readers of various publications such asWashington Report on Middle East Affairs and others that cover Israeli terrorism in the Middle East and its espionage activities in America and elsewhere—DEAD.
–Patriotic public servants such as Phil Giraldi, Ray McGovern, Michael Scheur and others who have since retired from the various intelligence and law enforcement positions they held and who are now working actively to warn the American people about the danger that the Jewish lobby poses to the continued existence of the United States—DEAD.
–Christian pastors such as Rev. Stephen Sizer who use their ministry to speak up for the rights of Israel’s victims and who expose the very un-Christ like behavior of the day to day antics of this thing known as the Jewish state—DEAD.
–Media outlets such as Press TV, Russia Today and those who manage them, produce their news and commentary and shed light on the situation in the Middle East in a realistic and informative way—DEAD.
–And of course, last but certainly not least, currently-sitting Presidents and elected officials such as Barack Obama who are not ‘sufficient’ enough in their affections for the Jewish state, who should be ‘taken out’ by Israel’s Mossad as proposed by one Andrew Adler, Jewish-American publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times—DEAD.
…and a list of others that just goes on and on and on…
And so, as we ponder Purim and its recent celebration as manifested in Israel’s recent carnage in Gaza and weigh all this against the words of Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu concerning ‘striking’ those standing in opposition to the living, breathing embodiment of religiously-applied terrorism, what we are left to conclude is that–amidst the chorus of ‘Hallelujah’, ‘Amen’ and ‘Praise Yahweh’ heard across the fruited plains of America in her various churches—that when it comes to Israel, her partisans and the speeches they make, indeed the devil is in the details.