Dennis Ross Fired Over IAEA Dud

“Dennis Ross”, Obama’s pro-Zionist former Middle East envoy and his current advisor.

Good riddance. If only 20 years too late.

Aletho News

There is a hunch that the firing of Dennis Ross is one of the (well deserved) outcomes of the recent “nuclear Iran” IAEA report dud. The NYT writes:

Dennis B. Ross, a seasoned diplomat who has been one of President Obama’s most influential advisers on Iran, the Middle East peace process and the political upheaval in the Arab world, will leave the White House in December, a senior administration official said on Thursday.

Mr. Ross, who announced his departure at a lunch with Jewish leaders, told White House officials that he promised his wife he would leave the government after two years.

Yeah, right. The “more time for the family” excuse which is regularly used when people in the officialdom get fired. It never really passes the basic smell test.

A Middle East envoy to three presidents, Mr. Ross, 62, is known for his painstaking approach to diplomacy and longstanding ties to Israeli leaders, which made him an important interlocutor with Israel behind the scenes, but also stood in stark contrast to the bolder instincts and more distant approach of his boss.

“Painstaking approach” somehow fits. Ross was known as “Israel’s lawyer” and never minded any murder provided it was done to Israel’s favor.

That the Obama administration gave him a job was a sure sign that stupid and damaging moves in Israel’s favor would follow. As they did.

And here is the beef that gives me the hunch that this firing is related to the IAEA dud. As usual in Middle East issues the NYT buries the lead at the end of the story.

Mr. Ross was also involved in devising the administration’s pressure tactics against Iran, after Mr. Obama’s initial overtures fell flat. Tensions with Iran have risen in recent days because of a report by the International Atomic Energy Agency laying out evidence that Iran has continued to work on a nuclear weapon.

Russia, China: No new Iran sanctions

Tensions with Iran have not really risen. What has risen is international, especially Russian and Chinese, resistance against the confrontational strategy towards Iran which Dennis Ross had advised.

The recent IAEA report published under U.S. pressure, and which even former IAEA inspectors in good standing call “unprofessional, has widely missed the target the U.S. aimed at.

As the NYT writes “Mr. Ross was also involved in devising the administration’s pressure tactics against Iran”. He certainly was and the tactics he advised to follow FAILED.

Good riddance. If only 20 years too late.

Must read:

Blogger’s Nanodiamonds Analysis Starts to Kill The IAEA’s Case

Moon of Alabama | November 10, 2011


IAEA report is a dud, and ‘Moon of Alabama’ busted it wide open with “Nanodiamonds”

by annie on November 10, 2011

See also:
Dennis Ross announces he is leaving the Obama administration in December

By Philip Weiss on November 10, 2011

Source :alethonews

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