David and Goliath battle continues in Yemen to the shame of Saudi partners

The US cannot sit in judgement on anyone after what it has done in Syria and Yemen

Mike Pence cancels Middle East trip – original title

Are we maybe re-living biblical times?

[ Note: Press TV Programs tapes its interviews for editing into a fast paced news feature, so one never knows what parts of your contribution they will use. Sometimes it is just one clip, but for this one I got three in a ten minute program.

It’s always nice to have more time as reporting on these complex wars is much harder to do really just using sound bites. So the pressure is on guests to pack as much information as they can into helping the public understand what is really going on.

Mining ironies is one of my tactics, like Trump pretending he is all for freedom and people’s rights in Iran when he has a heart of stone when it comes to the people Yemen, Syria, Donbass, the Palestinians, etc. The man is a three dollar bill.

We Americans have to find a way to rub these threat frauds into the faces of those who are the real threats, despite their efforts to steer us all over a mirage cliff to remove us as opposition.

But as long as Trump is there, we won’t be going anywhere, as Trump and his gang of hoodlums, those in public view and those not, are going to keep us busy as long as he disgraces the White house with his presence and his tweeting.

VT might start collecting funds for a Trump Wall the size of the Vietnam Memorial where we can have all of his silly tweets carved into stone just in case his Israeli friends find a way to erase them from Twitter …JD ]

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Yes, kids are fighting in Yemen

– First aired … December 27, 2017 –

These are the headlines we are tracking for you in this episode of On the News Line:

US VP cancels Middle East trip 

It appears the US underestimated the rebuttal and push back on their decision to recognize Jeruslame al-Quds as Israel’s capital.

The US VP Mike Pence had to cancel his trip to the Mid-east again. Previously the PA president Mahmoud Abbas refused to meet him after Trump’s decision on al-Quds.

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Ansarullah fighters capabilities

Reports have surfaced that the Saudi bombing campaign on Yemen is not the only powerful force. Dozens of Saudi-led coalition military aircraft in addition to hundreds of battle tanks and armored vehicles have been destroyed by the Ansarullah fighters.

That may explain why the US just recently announced that they were pushing everybody to move into a political process as quickly, including the Ansurallah movement.

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