The term White Supremacism defines the likes of KKK, of racists, neo-nazis etc, and projects a notion of wickedness and evil .
Wherever suitable, the term is used freely and without hesitation, generally by the Left, including the anti-Zionist Jewish Left. No one thinks twice before accurately using the term to portray anyone who claims that so called “White” people are superior to “people of colour”.
In some instances, the term is used in association with those who express concerns that the cultural identity of their society might be threatened by immigration. In other instances, the term “White supremacist” is used against historians and researchers who raise uncomfortable questions about official historical narratives enforced by the establishment.
The Ku Klux Klan has been described as a Christian, as well as a white, supremacist group. So are many white supremacist groups in the United States today. George W. Bush’s support for fundamentalist Christianity has been linked to his having a “Christian supremacist vision” in his policies in the Middle East.
The racist delusion of “White supremacy”, is a reality involving generally unsavory individuals, overall a small fringe groups of white people. The term does NOT imply that all, or that most whites are supremacists.
The use of the term “White supremacists” in relation with precisely such people, is perfectly legitimate and legal, anyone can utter it when suitable without having to fear censorship, slander or smear. It seems pretty elementary that whomever uses the term to define people holding such “white supremacist” opinions, does by no means imply to be anti-whites or white-hater.
Under no circumstances would be Non-white people forbidden to criticise or discuss the problem of White-supremacism.
I never came across of a non-racist white person who would claim that the issue of “white-supremacy” is a “White-Only” issue, implying that only white people have the right to discuss, to examine or to expose “White-Supremacists”. In fact the contrary is true, all non-racists are always encouraged to publicly discuss, oppose, and demonstrate against “White Supremacy”, even within the main stream media.
The parallel between “White-Supremacy” and “Jewish Supremacy” is inevitable, both holding the same antiquated tenet of superiority of one ethnic and/or religious group over another, irrespective of the moral depravity of these claims and that science having debunked such racist proclamations as being pure bogus nonsense.
However, comparing the two reveals something that should be evident to anyone interested in humanity, society, progress, ethics, news, politics and affairs of state.
The contrast between the two could not be greater.
Indeed, proportionally to their respective demography, “White supremacy” is an extremely fringe phenomenon, generally relegated to some remote muddy training camps in rural America, where alcoholism is more awash than any form of political influence. The KKKs and otherwise White Supremacists are shunned and loathed publicly, and are at the outer margin layer of society. They are in fact so rare, that they are almost museum ripe.
“Jewish Supremacy” however, exists on a much wider and deadlier scale. Firstly “Jewish supremacism” in its different shades, covering a whole spectrum of intensity and visibility, represents a huge segment of the Jewish demography. Secondly, these “Jewish supremacists” have irrefutably a considerable political influence, and arguably they shape governmental policies.
Yet, the Anti-Defamation League condemns as “antisemitic” any writings about “Jewish Supremacism” and labels any person who utters the words as “anti-Semite”.
They even crown as “anti-Semite” whomever dares to demand the truth and asks for an independent investigation to uncover the real story of 9/11.
When someone uses the term “Jewish Supremacy” referring ONLY to SOME Jewish groups and individuals who are extremely racist against non-Jews, the truth-tellers are accused of anti-Semitism. Perplexedly, the accusations come even from the non-racist liberal Jews, who then insist to pretend that the truth-teller is attacking ALL Jews.
Free-thinking, Non-Jews are gagged; they are forbidden to criticise and to discuss the ominous social threat “Jewish supremacism” represents. The pretext invoked for this blackout is that this issue is an internal Jewish problem, and outsiders should not interfere with such private internal Jewish matters!
Well, as one who endears such values as Free-Thinking, Democracy, Science, Equality, and the Right to Freedom of Expression, excuse my rage and pardon my language, but I have to say: HELL NO !
I and all of us non-Jews have every right in the world to write about, to expose and to challenge any supremacism, but especially Jewish supremacism as it thrives amongst some Jewish people and some very influential Jewish groups.
Legally and morally, I have every right to do so because I am personally affected by it,
My own life is negatively affected by it,
My family and my people are negatively affected by it,
And the whole Arab and Muslim world is tragically affected by it.
Hundreds of millions of humans are tragically affected by the wars and hatred fomented by Jewish supremacists in this gradually more violent twenty fist century.
When our very existence is threatened and when the sanctity of life itself is rescinded because we are seen by some Jewish people as Goyims, “creatures” of lesser value compared to Jewish lives, I have every right to scream my head off to expose this sociopathic… “Jewish supremacists”.
When our land and property are stolen from us at gun point by Jewish people who claim entitlement to others’ property because they say God favours them and gave it to them, I have every right to pound the words … “Jewish supremacists”
When we are treated like animals by those who according to their Talmudic- kabbalistic books see us as two-legged animals created only to serve the Jews, I have every right to shout out loud… “Jewish supremacists”.
When our children are hunted down like fish in a barrel, because our children only have “animal souls”, unlike Jewish children who were given “divine souls”, I have every right to cry… “Jewish supremacists”
I will not be silenced, and will shout what the world dares not to say its name:
I will shout “Jewish Supremacists” until the world hears my cry.
Therefore, I call upon Jewish people who are sincerely concerned about anti-Semitism, to seriously inspect and to act against their brethren’ anti-gentile-ism and anti-humanism, which to my horror I have discovered in their most authentic and revered books; in the documented Talmud, in the Jewish Law (Halacha), in the public statements of many rabbis and their pseudo-secular political allies, in the actions of Jewish-settlers in Palestine, and even in the writing of one of the most reputable Jewish philosophers Moses Ben Maimon. also known as Maimonides.
“Maimonides’s Mishneh Torah is considered by traditionalist Jews even today as one of the chief authoritative codifications of Jewish law and ethics”. source
Moses Ben Maimon (Maimonides) talks about the right of the Jewish king to “ wage a milchemet hareshut, (war of aggression) i.e. a war fought with other nations in order to expand the borders of Israel or magnify its greatness and reputation”.
He also sees no problem with subjugating and enslaving gentiles
“They shall be your subjects and serve you”
“The subjugation they must accept consists of being on a lower level, scorned and humble. They must never raise their heads against Israel, but must remain subjugated under their rule. They may never be appointed over a Jew in any matter whatsoever”
Nor does this “chief authoritative codifications of Jewish law and ethics” see any ethical predicament with “Jewish wars” of extermination and annihilation.
When I first came across the ugly ideology that festers amongst the Jewish supremacists group Chabad Lubavitch, I assumed that it was only a worm in the can.
When I started digging deeper, I was horrified to discover that it wasn’t just a worm in the can, it was an enormous CAN of WORMS.
It goes further than a statement by a “lunatic” rabbi, or a “bizarre” book by a settler extremists, or some violent behaviour of fringe fanatical group.
I came to discover racism and supremacy with unparalleled proportions which not only thrives amongst the very vibrant, powerful and extremely influential Jewish group Chabad Lubavitch, but also extends within some mainstream Jewish philosophy, literature and sacred books.
To my horror and dismay I discovered that such condescending ideology has its roots in the “sacred” books of Talmud, Halachaand Tanya, all of which explicitly divides people into two categories: Jews (refined ethical humans with divine souls) and non-Jews (corrupt sub-humans with animal souls). The Tanya explicitly declares that unlike the Jewish souls, “The souls of the nations of the world, however, emanate from the other, unclean kelipot which contain no good whatever”
Palestinian child looks in horror at her doll vandalized by soldiers
with the Hebrew word shiksa- whore
“Jewish supremacy” exists and it is not mere “Zionist supremacy”, it is much older, more fanatical, more sinister and more dangerous than Zionism, it goes further and deeper than Jewish nationalism or Jewish imperialism. It has its roots deep in the very ideology, laws and practice by many Hasidim who interpret the word “Chosen” to mean far more than message-carriers with their living-example, and instead understand it to mean: Jewish people (materialized by “Israel”) have the divine right to lead and dominate. Should it be called Political Judaism, the deluge of corroborating evidence would be overwhelming.
Anyone who even superficially scrutinizes Zionists and its crypto-Zionist variety as they support directly or indirectly the Jewish-Zionist colonization of Palestine, can easily distinguish the ideological cross pollination between Talmudists and the so called “secular” Zionists with all their networks of support and influence.
Former Chief Rabbi of “Israel” Rabbi Ovadia Yosef with Benjamin Netanyahu
Former Chief Rabbi of “Israel” Rabbi Ovadia Yosef with Sharon