by Sami Jamil Jadallah
With exceptions of the leadership in Washington, London, Berlin, Paris and Moscow, any stupid idiot imbecile with an IQ of minus 1 can tell you it is the Israeli Occupation that is the main reason for the Arab Israeli conflict. Jewish settlements, security for Israel are byproduct of the longest military and settlers occupation in modern history. If you think it is time for Obama to return his Noble Peace Prize, please let the White House know.
Political Washington, Berlin, Paris and London together with major US media such as the Washington Post, New York Time, Los Angeles Time, CNN, Fox New and other media organizations keep ignoring the root cause of the conflict and dare only, out of fear of retaliation from the AIPAC, ADL and the American Jewish leadership, refuse to put the Israeli Occupation on the table.
Every one wants to talk about Hamas the “terrorist” organization; its refusal to accept and recognize Israel. Its rockets that make the Israelis sleepless but cause little damage as the main issue. No want to talk about Israel refusal to accept and implement the two state solutions.
No one wants to talk about Netanyahu, the Likud, the Labor and all other major Israeli political parties that so far and until this date refuse to recognize an independent Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza. Israel even refused to give that recognition to the idiots in Ramallah who gave Israel full and unconditional recognition.
The Israeli siege of Gaza, the constant bombardment of Gaza from the air, the sea and by tank fires is totally ignored by politicians and media. No one wants to talk about the “calorie counts” the Israeli political and military leadership devised for Gaza to keep them barely alive but not to starve them like the German did in their death camps. Something Israelis learned from the Nazi.
No one wants to talk about the daily kidnapping and detentions without charge of more than 800,000 Palestinians detained by Israel since 1967. No one wants to talk about the house demolitions of “suspects” without formal charges and without convictions. No one wants to talk about the millions of “dunums” (dunum=4 acres) confiscated by Israel for its Apartheid Wall and for its criminal trespassing settlers. No one wants to talk about the tens of thousands of homes demolished because they were built without “permits”. Palestinians have to wait decades to get a building permits, while criminal trespassing settlers can confiscate land, build on it, get electricity and water free and under the protection of the IDF.
No one in the main stream media dare to ask the question why the American public is always kept in the dark by the very same media that hide the truth from them and dare not have a fair, balanced and honest presentations of both sides? And then claim the majority of the American public is on the side of Israel. The American public is not as dumb as you may think. Give them the facts and let them decide.
I am sure journalists at CNN, Fox News, Washington Post, the New York Times; the LA Times know the arguments on both sides. Yet because of editorial control, biases, fear, intimidation, suppression and muzzling of the truth only bring out the Israeli side of the conflict and never the Palestinian side by a margin of 1: 100. All without exception justify the killings and murders of innocent people in Gaza.
No one can tell me or convince me that someone as intelligent as President Obama and his secretary of State Kerry do not know the reasons for this festering problem that killed hundreds of thousand of people; Israelis, Jews, Americans, French, English, Spanish, and mostly Arabs. It is hard to believe that President Obama or Secretary Kerry do not know that it is not the Jewish settlements that is standing in the way of peace, but the Jewish Occupation, the exiles of millions of Palestinians without the right of return, the constant Israeli wars ( 47-48) Palestine, 56 Egypt, 67 Palestine-Egypt-Syria, 73 Egypt-Syria, 82 Lebanon, 93 Lebanon, 96 Lebanon, 2002 West Bank-Gaza, 06 Lebanon, 08 Gaza, 12 Gaza and 14 Gaza, not to mention attacks on Tunisia and Iraq.
Difficult to understand how intelligent perhaps not as intelligent as we think they are who continue to see Israel as having the right to self defense but not the people of Gaza, who are under siege for more than 8 years, behinds barbered wires, behind walls, with all gates closed are the offending and aggressive party and not the very damn cruel and inhuman Israelis that put them in such dire situation. When Israelis talk about Warsaw Ghetto, they also should think of Gaza.
Of course and whether we like it or not the Palestinian people in Gaza and in the West Bank have every and the absolute right to resist the Israeli military and settlers Occupation by every means including arms means. And have the right to defend themselves in the same way Obama justify Israel’s right to self-defense. I am sure Obama did not see Blacks defending themselves against police dogs and armed sheriffs in the South as “terrorists” lacking the rights to self defense.
Do not understand why the French, the Dutch, the Belgian, the Norwegians, the Vietnamese have the right to resist and fight the Nazi and American occupation but the Palestinians do not have the same right to resist and fight the Israeli Jewish Occupation? Israel was not created by God but against the will of God.
For President Obama, Chancellor Merkel, President Hollande and Prime Minister Cameron, Gaza and the people of Gaza have no rights to defend themselves, have no right to resist the siege they are put under by Israel, and have no rights to fire rockets on Israel when Israel have every rights to use fighter jets, drones, tanks and artillery and gunboats to fire, shoot, kill and destroy and keep it siege of Gaza.
It is OK for Israel to target women, children and civilian. Target schools, hospitals, power stations old folks homes but it is ‘terrorism” when Hamas fires its random missile with poor guidance and hardly any payload onto Israel. It is Ok for Gazans to die but not for Israelis to die.
It is Ok for Israel to totally destroy Gaza International Airport but not for Hamas to target Tel-Aviv Airport. I simply do not get it. For sure these Western leaders are not that stupid not to see rights from wrong, but they are simply cowards with no backbones. Hypocrites and blackmailed by international Zionism. Only in Gaza, we blame the victims for their own deaths. Thank you America for being the leader of the world. No wonder the world in such a mess.