Damascus ‘False Flag’ Bombing Caught on Camera


Syrian opposition points the finger at the government as state TV blames suicide bomber for blast in al-Maidan district.

An explosion rocked the Syrian capital Friday, killing at least 11 people and injuring dozens … Notice ‘the conspicuous pools of blood’


Dozens of people are reported to be dead after a blast in the Syrian capital, Damascus. Syrian state TV said at least 25 people died and 46 more were wounded in Friday’s attack which it blamed on a suicide bomber.

The explosion, which targeted the central district of al-Maidan, a hub for anti-government protests, was described by the opposition as a government plot.Syrian television showed residents and paramedics carrying human remains, holding them up for the camera.

Other footage showed a police bus with blood on its seats and cars with blown-out windows and riddled with shrapnel… But damn it all, the whole scheme could have gone perfectly hadn’t it been for this blooper.


The whole fake scenario for yet another alleged al-Qaeda style attack was going smoothly and as planned … except for this footage, the first to show on the Syrian state TV, where the ardent, but rather uninformed, camera man caught the hands of Syrian government agents while randomly placing plastic bags stuffed with blood & human remains ready to be burst open on the ground of the crime scene.


Yes indeed, there is no such thing as “the perfect crime”

But that was a close one. Better luck next time Assad’s guys.

YouTube – Veterans Today -Staging the scene for Damascus’ friday bombing

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