Cuba Claims for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons

Cuba's Foreign Affairs minister Bruno Rodriguez at the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva, Switzerland, Feb. 25, 2020.

Foreign Minister Rodriguez stressed that U.S. nuclear weapons arsenal threatens international peace and security.

Cuba’s Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Tuesday asked the international community to work in favor of complete nuclear disarmament at the 43rd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland.​​​​​​


US Deploys Dangerous Nuclear Weapon for First Time Ever

 “The international community cannot remain silent in the face of the current scenario, in which wars of pillage, arms race, and the lack of respect for the right to self-determination of peoples are proliferating,” Rodriguez said.

“The behavior of the U.S. administration and its military domination strategy is worrisome. The modernization of its nuclear weapons arsenal threatens international peace and security,” the Foreign Minister warned.​​​​​​

“This multilateral forum is prepared to negotiate simultaneously a treaty banning the arms race in outer space, and to provide effective security guarantees for non-nuclear-weapon States such as Cuba,” he said.

Bruno Rodríguez P@BrunoRguezP


Conferencia de Desarme

Trabajemos sin descanso por el desarme general y completo, especialmente nuclear, preservemos a las generaciones venideras del flagelo de la guerra y conquistemos una paz duradera y sostenible para todos.#Cuba

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2745:40 PM – Feb 24, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy239 people are talking about this“Disarmament Conference. Let’s work tirelessly for general and complete disarmament, especially nuclear. Let’s save succeeding generations from the scourge of war and let’s achieve lasting and sustainable peace for all.” 

The Foreign Affairs minister used the multilateral forum to denounce the U.S. campaigns against the Latin American leftist political forces, leaders, and progressive governments.

“We reject the unconventional war waged by the U.S. to try to overthrow the legitimately constituted government of President Nicolas Maduro in the sister the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,” Rodriguez stressed.

Today, with more strength than ever, “it is indispensable that all States refrain from exerting pressure on other countries, including the application of unilateral coercive measures, contrary to international law.”

“Total disarmament is the best way to preserve future generations from the scourge of war. Let us conquer a lasting and sustainable peace for all,” the Cuban diplomat concluded.

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