CPIML Releases Election Manifesto in UP

CPIML Releases Election Manifesto in UP

The CPIML released its election manifesto for the Uttar Pradesh Assembly election on 1 February 2022. The manifesto focuses on the issue of employment for youth. It also calls on the voters to defeat the BJP to protect law and order and democracy against the politics of hate.

The manifesto was released simultaneously on 1 February from Varanasi and Lucknow. At Varanasi it was released from a press conference by former State Secretary Ramji Rai and current State Secretary Sudhakar Yadav.

The manifesto says that development has happened only on paper under the Yogi government. In reality the State has gone backwards. Jobs have decreased instead of increasing in the last 5 years. Lakhs of posts lie vacant but young people got lathis when they asked for jobs. A humongous reservation scam happened in the 69000 teacher recruitment. The BJP government is ending whatever reservation remains through its privatization drive.

The manifesto also focuses on inflation and spiralling prices, economic inequality and an MSP Act for farmers. It appeals to voters of UP to make CPIML candidates victorious so that the voice of people’s struggles reverberates inside the UP Assembly as it does in Bihar. The party promises that if elected its MLAs will intensify people’s struggles inside as well as outside the Assembly.

Releasing the manifesto, the leaders said that in order to consolidate anti-BJP votes the CPIML will field fewer candidates than expected in this election. The party plans to fight from 11 seats where it has taken major initiatives in people’s struggles. Four of these seats have already been announced and they are Kalpi (Jalaun), Palia (Lakhimpur Kheeri), Hargaon (reserved) in Sitapur and Rae Bareli Sadar. The remaining seats, most of them in Purvanchal, will be announced shortly.

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