Conspiracy Theorists Blame Jews For Sandy Hook Massacre


In the after­math of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Ele­men­tary, inter­net posts blam­ing Jews for the killings began to spring up on var­i­ous online mes­sage boards and con­spir­acy the­ory web­sites.  One the­ory, for exam­ple, pro­motes the notion that a sup­pos­edly Jewish-controlled Hol­ly­wood encour­ages killing sprees with sub­lim­i­nal mes­sages glo­ri­fy­ing gun vio­lence. Another attrib­utes the vio­lence to the State of Israel, claim­ing Israel per­pe­trated a “false flag” ter­ror­ist attack on Amer­i­can soil as alleged pun­ish­ment for Amer­i­can for­eign pol­icy on Israel and the Palestinians.

Among the most well-known pro­mot­ers of racist and anti-Semitic beliefs to claim that Jews were behind the shoot­ing spree is for­mer Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. On his web­site, where he dis­sem­i­nates his white suprema­cist ide­ol­ogy and specif­i­cally anti-Jewish views, Duke alleges that what hap­pened at Sandy Hook Ele­men­tary is a result of Jew­ish con­trol over sev­eral Amer­i­can insti­tu­tions and for­eign pol­icy. Duke con­cludes that it is the sup­posed Zion­ist con­trol over the media that resulted in the Sandy Hook shootings:
“Lead bul­lets are not mur­der­ers. The real mur­der­ers are not the bul­lets, but the Bul­lies of the Zio Media…Guns did not cre­ate the hor­ror in that lit­tle school in Sandy Hook, Con­necti­cut. The Zio mas­ters of the media did. They have devoured the real Amer­ica. The mas­ters of the media con­tinue to take us down the path of human depravity…”
Press TV, the Iran­ian government’s plat­form to dis­sem­i­nate its ide­ol­ogy to the English-speaking world, also exploited this tragedy to espouse anti-Semitic “expla­na­tions” of what hap­pened at the Con­necti­cut ele­men­tary school. In an inter­view broad­cast on Press TV today, Mike Har­ris, a con­trib­u­tor to the anti-Semitic web­site Vet­er­ans Today who has ties to mem­bers of the neo-Nazi National Social­ist Move­ment (NSM), held Zion­ists account­able for a num­ber of mass shoot­ings in America:
“We have had a Zionist-controlled Hol­ly­wood, a Zionist-controlled news media that is the con­duit to all of these vio­lence, these imagery, into every home in Amer­ica and so you won­der why there is a cul­ture of vio­lence? It is because it comes from the Jews in Hol­ly­wood. That is where the con­duit of vio­lence comes from. That is the source of it… You have to real­ize Israel has been oper­at­ing death squads in the United States since Gabrielle Gif­fords and Judge Roll were shot in Tus­can. There have been other inci­dents as the Col­orado shoot­ing, that was again Israeli death squads oper­at­ing in the US.”
In an arti­cle pub­lished on the Press TV web­site by Gor­don Duff, Senior Edi­tor of Vet­er­ans Today, Duff asked Har­ris if he stands by his claims that Israel is respon­si­ble for the mas­sacre. His response: “You [Israel] mur­der chil­dren as part of ‘busi­ness as usual,’ you shouldn’t be sur­prised that when chil­dren are mur­dered, peo­ple look to you.”
This is not the first time David Duke and Press TV have exploited a tragedy in Amer­ica to spew their hate­ful anti-Jewish ide­ol­ogy. On the 11th anniver­sary of the 9/11 attacks, David Duke appeared on Press TV claim­ing that Zion­ists mas­ter­minded the attacks on 9/11.

One thought on “Conspiracy Theorists Blame Jews For Sandy Hook Massacre

  1. First off not saying that jews did this – but , just as an intellectual exercise let’s say they did .
    First you wouldn’t get a jew kid to take the actual fall for the shooting . You would how ever want the kid to have a suspect last name , lack off history , etc .
    And for sympathy , attention , something to cast doubt , etc . You not only make sure you have a token jew in the class but you make sure you draw attention to the token jew by doing something to make the jew victim stand out … maybe shoot that victim more than the others … hum ….
    Just one possible angle , not saying it’s true but that’s how you do it in an investigation .
    And the guy / guys running in the woods did they dust the guy’s arm for gun powder residue ?
    Where their two long guns in the trunk or one ?

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