Columnist Not a Propaganda Spokesman for Terrorists

by Terry Richards
Terry Richards Peaceably Demonstrating for Exception to Ordinance to allow St. Petersburg Firefighters to Fill the Boot for Jerry’s Kids in the Street


This is my response to Tanya Galavij (E-mail: Hemat Boland Pour) Assistant Producer & Coordinator Programs Department of Press TV Iran’s television network, broadcasting in English round-the-clock and is Based in Tehran (Website:; and, Morteza Mostafavi from Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) E-mail: (<>). The Islamic Republic News Agency or IRNA, is the official news agency of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Both are Government-Funded and controlled under the Iranian Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and asked me for an interview and further statement in connection with my article titled: THE REAL ECONOMIC TERRORISTS IN AMERICA?

I love my Country the United States of America, I just don’t like the behavior of Our Members of Congress right now and the way they are acting and running Our Government, especially the way they are handling the Debt Crisis, and the way they are treating and burdoning Our Middle-Class, Poor, Veterans, and homeless Veterans, and their failure to create the proper atmosphere to create new Jobs.

 If I did not love America I would I would not be wasting my time writing articles to try and save it from its very near financial demise. I would just leave it and move to another Country where I would feel more comfortable (Citing the old bumper stickers from the 70′s: “America!  Love it or leave it!”)

 So I don’t write articles like THE REAL ECONOMIC TERRORISTS IN AMERICA? to be a Propaganda Spokesman for Terrorists or Nations that dislikes or have hostile intentions towards the United States. I write articles like this to inform Americans, and to bring awareness to Our Government that they’re on the wrong path and need to change before Our Country is brought to its knees Economically with no chance of rebounding, and thereby, making us even more vulnerable to Terrorist attacks or even attacks by Russia or China because we would no longer be Economically relevant in the world.

 However, if it comes time when Our First Amendment United States Constitutional Rights of Freedom Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Religion, and of Our Right to Peaceably Assemble and to Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances are permanently infringed upon by the Government then I shall leave this Country and ask for Political Asylum in another Country, unless of course I am Unlawfully Detained by the United States Government.

So in the interim, I say to my Fellow Journalists Tanya at Press TV, and to Morteza Mostafavi from the Islamic Republic News Agency with the utmost respect, until the Iranian Government and other Governments like it allows Freedom Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Religion, and the Right of its Citizens to Peaceably Assemble and to Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances without infringement, retaliation or intimidation by the Iranian Government or other similar Governments, I will have no further statements to make to you in connection with THE REAL ECONOMIC TERRORISTS IN AMERICA? or any other similar future articles I write, because generally, my articles speak for themselves and do not really need any further explanation or clarification.

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