Colombia emerald czar 'big time narco': Declassified US cables

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Infamous businessman Victor Carranza, known in Colombia as the “Emerald Czar” because of his control over the country’s emerald exploitation, was a “big time narco” and paramilitary leader, according to declassified U.S. cables and intelligence reports from the 1990s.The formerly secret documents were declassified at the petition of Washington-based research group the National Security Archive (NSA), that published the embassy, army and intelligence reports on its website.
The 77-year-old Carranza, who is currently under criminal investigation for his alleged involvement in the formation and leadership of paramilitary groups, was a “big-time narco” with ties to major drug traffickers, a 1991 diplomatic cable obtained by the NSA said.Allegations that the controversial businessman from the east of Colombia was leading illegal armed groups were repeated in six other declassified documents from the embassy, the CIA, the U.S. Southern Command, the State Department and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).According to the U.S. Army in 1998, Carranza “has been involved in illegal financial activity, including drug trafficking” and “[m]ultinational oil company executives” had “expressed concern about the expansion of Carranza’s paramilitary forces.”
The NSA also got its hands on a 1997 report on massacres in the towns of Mapiripan and Miraflores in which the State Department said a paramilitary leader called “Clodomiro Agami” had admitted responsibility of the Miraflores massacre in which 12 farmers were slain.The alias in the State Department reports is strikingly similar to “Clodomiro Agamez,” which was the alias of Carranza, according to “El Aleman,” a former commander of paramilitary umbrella organizationAUC.Despite multiple and ongoing accusation of his involvement in paramilitary groups, Carranza has never been convicted and is estimated to control approximately one third of the global emerald market
Farouk Yanine, Victor Carranza and paramilitaries 
Former paramilitary leaders described how the General and emerald king carranza financed weapons transfers and training thru the mercenary israeli Yair Klein to the  paramilitaries deathsquads in Puerto Boyaca. Althhough the former paramilitary is running for Justice and Peace law, testified in the investigation that against Ramon Isaza and other demobilized ACMM. In hearing said that in 1986 he met Yanine Diaz, Col. Davila Romero, Bárbula Battalion Commander, Ramon Isaza and other commanders of the Magdalena Medio.
“The general was concerned about the influence of the guerrillas and said it was time for us we spent on offense,” said Baquero. According to Vladimir, the military not only lent them military weapons for paramilitary training, but gave him 80 million pesos monthly him and Henry Perez. “I received the money in the 14th Brigade and the Battalion Henry Charry Solano. Each month he signed a receipt like contributions informant said. “Baquero said that actually gave 120 million dollars, but the remaining 40 million delivered to the Brigade soldiers 14 as part of a previous agreement. According to former paramilitary leader received this payment monthly from January 1987 to July 1989. 
Baquero said the money came from a CIA program called ‘Key 51’ and that he had met with U.S. Yanine Diaz with some claiming to be representatives of the CIA, and who agreed strategies control of the guerrillas, including the training of civilians.Victor Carranza and other funders ‘Vladimir’ and Gerardo Clavijo Zuluaga, alias ‘Poison’, ho to mid 80’s were trained by the mercenary Yair Klein, said that the training courses also attended by a group of men near the emerald Victor Carranza, including his nephew, and security men trafficker Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha calling themselves ‘the pachunos’. At the hearing both demobilized assured that funders of the workshop were the entrepreneurs of the Peasant Association of Ranchers and Farmers of Magdalena Medio, ACDEGAM, Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha and Victor Carranza. According to ‘Vladimir’ the tuition was $ 5,060 for each of the 30 men who were trained. Not the first time that former paramilitary leaders refer to Victor Carranza participation in the creation of self-defense.
Iván Roberto Duque, alias “Ernesto Baez referred to as the “Czar of paramilitary” and Freddy Rendón Herrera alias “El Alemán”, said the manager of emeralds was part of the AUC.
Former paramilitaries also assured that in the event of closure of training with Yair Klein, attended Colonel Luis Bohorquez Montoya, the former mayor of Puerto Boyacá Fernando Rubio, former Senator Victor Renan Boat caldense Lopez and a former deputy minister, but did not reveal his behalf.

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