Christians United For Palestine


“I will show you my faith by my deeds.” James 2:18

Supporting Palestinians Living Under The Yoke Of Israeli Oppression

CUFPa is comprised of Christians from all over the world fighting for a Free Palestine.
They cross denominational lines and join together as one to face the greatest threat to world peace today: Israel, which is manipulating and wagging the American Empire to set the Middle East on fire to create Greater Israel.
In the process, the racist Israelis are brutalizing the Palestinian people and dispossessing them of not only their homes and land, but also of their freedom and dignity by treating them like no-class citizens in the ugliest form of Apartheid.
Join CUFPa in their fight against Israeli oppression, racism, and war crimes by sharing their site with others and by becoming active and vocal, while exercising a personal boycott of Apartheid Israel and everything made there.
“Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.” Isaiah 1:17
Make sure you visit CUFPa’s site and support such an important agenda.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

The Church Cannot Stay Quiet

 Christians United For Palestine
Catholic News Agency
– The Catholic Church will speak out against injustice and avoid any attempt to normalize the “festering wound” of the Israeli-Palestinian situation, a commission from the region’s leading Catholic bishops has said.

Targeting Children

Israeli Monsters #1 Target: Palestinian Children

“The Church cannot ignore fundamental injustice or acts that endanger peace and the welfare of the human person.
“By her very nature, the Church opposes occupation and discrimination and is committed to promote justice and peace as well as the unique dignity and equality of every human person.
“The Church can never ignore injustice as if all is well but rather is obligated to speak out, resist evil and work tirelessly for change. Like the prophets of old, the Church, a prophetic body, points out injustice and denounces it,” the Justice and Peace Commission said.
The Justice and Peace Commission saw an important intersection between the Church’s position against injustice, and political discourse against “normalization” of the Israeli-Palestinian situation. The local Church is responsible for reminding the universal Church that the situation is “an open, festering wound and that the situation cannot be considered normal,” the commission said.
While in the State of Israel, Jews and Arabs have equal rights in principle, in practice Arabs face discrimination in access to development, jobs, education, and public funding for their cities, the group added.
“Some of these forms of discrimination are embedded in legislation, but others are indirect and hidden.”
The military occupation of Palestine undermines the residents’ daily lives, through settlement, road-building, Israeli construction on Palestinians’ private land, but also military incursion, assassination, arbitrary arrest, collective punishment, confiscation of land, and destruction of houses. Checkpoints limit their freedom of movement, which hinders economic development and family reunification.
“In both societies, Israeli and Palestinian, the life of the Palestinians is far from normal and acting as if things were normal ignores the violation of fundamental human rights.”
Palestinian citizens need Israeli permits and approval for many parts of life, such as visiting holy sites and Palestinian parishes, schools and hospitals in Israeli-occupied Jerusalem. Similarly, they need Israeli permits to build homes and businesses in Israeli-controlled areas.
Continue reading here.

South Africa Cuts Off Ties With Israel

 Christians United For Palestine
If there’s a country that knows about Apartheid, it’s South Africa.
And the fact that they’ve cut off all diplomatic ties with Israel is not only symbolic, but a powerful catalyst that will energize the coming downfall of Apartheid Israel.
“The South African government is intending to cut diplomatic ties with Israel in protest of its treatment of the Palestinian people, the country’s Science and Technology Minister Naledi Pandor announced yesterday,” reports Zero Hedge. “Pandor informed parliamentarians of the government’s resolution during a ten-hour joint debate on South African President Cyril Ramaphosa’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) that he delivered last week.”
Confirming the decision, Minister Pandor said: “The majority party has agreed, that government must cut diplomatic ties with Israel, given the absence of genuine initiatives by Israel to secure lasting peace and a viable two-state solution that includes full freedom and democracy for the Palestinian people.
That move is in no small part due to the pressure put on the S.A. government by the people of South Africa themselves. Bravo!

Oscar Celebrities #SkipTheTrip To Israel

 Christians United For Palestine
By Ramah Kudaimi, USPCR

Israel had offered all-expenses-paid trips to 2016 Oscars host Chris Rock and 25 top nominees including Mark Ruffalo, Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet, Matt Damon, Mark Rylance, and Cate Blanchett. The Israeli tourism ministry organized the trip with hopes that the superstars would use their platforms to show Israel in a positive light, countering worldwide outrage over Israel’s oppression of Palestinians.
So what happened? It was an utter failure. Now, it appears that not a single star visited Israel. The AFP wire service even ran this extraordinary headline appearing in many media outlets, “Israel invited 26 Oscar stars to visit. So far none has.
Bringing celebrities to Israel has long been part of a “Brand Israel” strategy to improve the country’s image abroad. As Israeli tourism minister Yariv Levin explained last year, “These are the most senior people in the film industry in Hollywood and leading opinion-formers who we are interested in hosting. Their visit will have enormous resonance among millions of fans and followers, including social media.” But as of now, the Israeli tourism ministry would not confirm any visits by the stars, and there was no evidence of trips on social media.
It seems that the harder Israel tries to improve its image, the worse it fails. That news comes on the heels of former Super Bowl star Michael Bennett and several other NFL stars also choosing to #SkipTheTrip that they were offered by Israel.
Far from achieving their desired effect, these propaganda trips give us an opportunity to create broader awareness about the Israeli government’s brutal policies and attempts to whitewash them. While not every celebrity will turn down such offers, our cultural boycott campaigns are ensuring that every celebrity facing the choice must now consider the Israeli government’s cynical motivations and the impact on Palestinian communities struggling to survive.
That’s why days after the Oscars trips were announced last February, the US Campaign helped organize a coalition of Palestinian, Israeli, European, and U.S. organizations to launch a #SkipTheTrip campaign including a petition to the stars, individual letters to actors, and a comprehensive social media strategy. The dynamic campaign included creative memes, a comical video, and a satirical invitation from the legendary Brian Eno highlighting the types of “holiday” experiences one could have visiting Palestine like being interrogated, tear-gassed, beaten, and shot at.
Our efforts caught the attention of the Academy, which quickly distanced itself from the gift bags that included the trip and filed a lawsuit against the company that put them together. Then, when we tried to place an ad with member group Jewish Voice for Peace in Variety — the most important paper in the entertainment industry — calling on performers to #SkipTheTrip, we were censored! We were not about to be stopped. We called out Variety’s double standard and placed a full-page ad in the LA Times, generating headlines worldwide.
In the end, Israel’s big Oscars outreach campaign to showbusiness ended up netting them a bunch of no-shows instead.
Congratulations to everyone whose efforts led to a great victory. And if you want to be a critical part of future successful campaigns like this one, please consider making a contribution to the US Campaign today.

Every Christian’s Goals

 Christians United For Palestine

“…the assembly of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth.” 1 Timothy 3:15
The pillar of the truth has been severely damaged by Jewish Zionist lies and manipulation. It’s time to repair it. To do so, the following are needed:
1. REMOVE the word Jew from the translated Christian Bible, since it is not in the original non-translated version.
2. Organize a BOYCOTT of the Apartheid and Oppressive state of Israel.
3. Propagate the fact that today’s converted JEWS ARE NOT the Hebrews of the bible, and have no so-called divine right to historic Palestine.

4. Promote a ONE-COUNTRY solution where Christians, Jews, and Muslims have the same right in the land.

It’s about time we Christians became once again the buttress of the TRUTH, and leaders in the fight against OPPRESSION.
“Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.” Isaiah 1:17

Israelis Sniping Palestinian Children

 Christians United For Palestine
“The bloodthirsty hate the innocent.” Proverbs 29:10

Israel is not a country. It is a den of vipers, whose crimes against humanity would make Hitler blush.
To understand the Israelis’ mindset in committing crimes with impunity, there’s no one better to explain it than Israeli journalist Arieh Shavit, “We believe with absolute certitude that right now, with the White House in our hands, the Senate in our hands and The New York Times in our hands, the lives of others do not count the same way as our own.”

Killing Palestinian Children copy

A Jewish sniper REALLY shoots to kill

IDF Sniping Palestinian kids

The Jewish sniper’s bullet went right through the heart of the Palestinian kid in the foreground

The Jewish sniper shot this child in the face

Palestinian Children Killed

Moshe Ya’alon, Former Israeli Defense Minister: “Proud of killing the most Palestinians.”

Small boys baited
“Israeli cruelty, and what Palestinians view as sheer hatred for their children, was epitomized by the killing of 13-year-old Iman Darweesh Al Hams,” wrote Kamel Hawwash in his article Israel implements a deliberate policy to terrorize Palestinian Children.
“She was shot by Israeli army soldiers from an observation post in what Israel claimed was a ‘no-man’ zone near the Philadelphi Route in Rafah. As if that were not enough, the Israeli army commander fired the entire magazine of his automatic rifle into Hams’s body. A year later, that commander during trial expressed no regret over his actions and said he would have ‘done the same even if the girl was a three-year-old.’
“He was cleared of all major charges.”

Israel’s Moral Bankruptcy

 Christians United For Palestine
“Moral Bankruptcy: the state a person reaches when he trades away or violates too many moral values.” – Peg O’Connor, Ph.D.

How many

How many Israeli terrorists does it take to arrest one Palestinian kid?

The moral bankruptcy of a people can easily be gauged by the way they treat children. Israel has shown time and time again that it is past being morally bankrupt. It is way into dark territory, satanic even.
“The Israel Defence Force’s arbitrary use of violence against Palestinian children, including forcing them to act as human shields in military operations, has been exposed by veteran soldiers in detailed statements chronicling dozens of brutal incidents,” writes journalist Ruth Pollard.
“The most disturbing trend that emerges from the soldiers’ testimonies relates to the wounding and killing of children in the occupied West Bank and Gaza by either targeted shooting or by failing to protect minors during military operations, the report from veteran soldiers’ group Breaking the Silence says.”
Children who survive the IDF’s inhumane treatment while in detention are left scarred for life.
“In most cases, I found children who suffer from various traumas,” recounts documentary photographer Samar Hazboun. “Some were not able to talk about what had happened in prison; others burst into tears. In many cases, the children suffer from insomnia, involuntary urination, nightmares, depression, and fear of going out and facing people.”
Political analyst Randa Wahbe goes further: “Since the beginning of the second Palestinian uprising against Israel’s occupation in the early 2000s, over 10,000 Palestinian minors have been arrested by the Israeli military and subjected to cruel treatment, interrogation, and imprisonment – most are arrested on flimsy charges of stone throwing, punishable for up to 20 years. According to Defense for Children International-Palestine and UN OHCHR, 82% of minors experience physical violence at the hands of Israeli soldiers during their arrest and detention, and 97% of children undergo military interrogation without a parent present.
“On average, children spend 13 days in solitary confinement. During this period of intense isolation and questioning, children are coerced into signing confessions, written in Hebrew, a language most cannot understand or read, and are then indicted on that basis. Considering that the military court has a 99.7% conviction rate, the fastest way for a child to be released from custody is by pleading guilty, even when they are innocent.
“Israel is the only country in the world that systematically tries children in military court. At least 700 children are tried every year. It is worth noting that Israeli children illegally living in settlements on Palestinian land are subject to Israeli civil law rather than military law, further indicating the racist and discriminatory use of law for the purpose of criminalizing Palestinians.

“Now, more than ever, it is urgent for Congress to pass Betty McCollum’s proposed bill, which would prevent the use of US tax dollars for the Israeli military’s detention and mistreatment of Palestinian children.

“The message of McCollum’s bill is simple: As Israel’s largest benefactor, the US must stop funding Israel’s human rights abuses against children.

“Congress shouldn’t stop with this bill. Israel uses military law as a weapon to stifle any form of Palestinian resistance against its now 69-year-old military occupation and colonization of Palestinian land. Over 800,000 Palestinians have been arrested since the military occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and upwards of one million have been arrested since 1948. Political detention is central to entrenched occupation, and Congress must stop funding the instruments of oppression that affect Palestinians.

“Palestinians of all ages should not be persecuted for maintaining steadfastness on their land, nor should they be targeted for struggling for their freedom.”


Meet The Fake Hebrews

 Christians United For Palestine
Converted Jews of today are not the Hebrews of the bible.
They have been using the “Jew” appellation since the late 18th Century in order to appear to be Judahite Hebrews – see How The Ashkenazi Jews Conquered the West.
That way people could see them as the Chosen People, while they endeavored to steal Palestine and create modern-day Israel without the objection of the Christian world, especially since they were Eastern-European Nomads seeking a new country following the loss of their homeland Khazaria.
As Jewish land thieves disembarked in Palestine in the 1940s to seize Palestinian lands and homes that Zionist terrorist groups – such as the Irgun, the Stern gang, and Haganah – had stolen in order to turn the country into Israel, they adopted Hebrew names to complete their “Hebraization” process – not unlike what they did when they scattered throughout Europe and America and assumed European surnames.
“We all went ‘native’,” admits Uri Avnery, Israeli political commentator. “On reaching the age of 18, we all exchanged our Jewish names for Hebrew Names. (That’s how Uri Avnery came into being.) We started to think of ourselves as a new nation, with a new ‘soul’, connected to Judaism, sure, but mainly historically.”

Then they – who originally spoke Yiddish – resurrected the dead Hebrew tongue after thousands of years in the dustbin of oblivion to make it Israel’s official language. In so doing, they consolidated in the world’s mind the impression that they were Hebrews rightfully returning home, when in fact they were not.
However, in their lust to deceive the world they got blindsided and completely overlooked the fact that, following the destruction of the Kingdom of Israel in 721 B.C., not even the Hebrews spoke Hebrew. They spoke Aramaic, the language of Jesus.
Consequently, Israeli Jews are nothing but impostors living on stolen Palestinian land.
Their very presence in historic Palestine is the working of dark spiritual forces, which are trying to destroy the New Covenant of Christ by “resurrecting” the obsolete Old Covenant, using converted pharisaic Jews who are NOT even remotelydescendants of the patriarch Abraham.
“To your (Abraham’s) descendants I give this land….” Genesis 15:18
In so doing, they hope to totally muddy up the Christian faith, and obscure the truth of the superseded Old Covenant and of Christ’s fulfilled prophecies concerning the total annihilation of the Hebrew people and the destruction of Jerusalem, which took place in 70 A.D.
“For the land is full of adulterers; it mourns because of the curse. Their pastures have dried up into a wilderness. Their course also is evil, and their might is not right.” Jeremiah 23: 10
There has not been peace in the Middle East the moment non-Hebraic, pharisaic Jews set their sight on Palestine and created Israel in 1948.
The founding of that Apartheid country was forged on lies, especially on the misrepresentation that today’s Jews are Hebrews rightfully taking possession of inherited land, when in fact they’re NOT Hebrews at all – all Hebrews are irrevocably dead, their land inheritance buried along with them.
“The LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight… And the LORD rejected all the seed of Israel, and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of spoilers, until he had cast them out of his sight.” 2 Kings 17:18,20

Churches Are Standing Up

 Christians United For Palestine
By Anna Balzer
Stand UpHave you heard the news? In the last several weeks alone, more than 35 local, regional, national, and international church bodies have taken bold actions in support of Palestinian rights!
A flurry of churches — 17 and counting — have declared themselves HP-free across the country in denominations including American Baptist, United Methodist, United Church of Christ, Unitarian Universalist, Presbyterian, Church of the Brethren, Quaker, Catholics, and others, as Friends of Sabeel – North America announced this week. The global Boycott HP Campaign campaign continues to escalate pressure on HP until it responds to these key questions and commits to ending its role in Israel’s abuses of Palestinian rights. Are you part of a church? Learn how your congregation can become HP-free. It’s easier than you think!
These principled churches have brought local congregations into the larger snowball of regional, national, and international churches taking action. Brace yourselves… there are a lot of them!

  • The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada affirmed the rights of Palestinian children and called for withholding U.S. military aid to Israel with a nearly unanimous vote!
  • The World Communion of Reformed Churches, with a membership of 80 million Christians worldwide called for solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and rejected any use of the Bible to legitimize injustice.
  • The Mennonite Church voted by approximately 98% to institute a policy against investment in Israel’s military occupation!
  • The United Church of Christ (UCC) General Synod (national) passed with 79% a resolution in defense of Palestinian children, having already passed divestment in 2015.
  • JThe Minnesota Conference of the UCC voted 144 – 5 to divest its $8 million in investments from companies involved in the occupation.
  • Fifteen United Methodist Annual Conferences — representing thousands of congregations — adopted a total of 23 resolutions this year supporting the HP boycott, excluding investment in occupation, opposing anti-BDS legislation, and more.

That’s a lot to take in! After you’ve caught your breath, take a moment to thank the DisciplesMennonites, and UCC so they know what broad support they have in this time.
Continue reading here.

17 Christian Groups Defend Right To Boycott Israel

 Christians United For Palestine
By Michael Gryboski, Christian Post Reporter
A coalition of 17 Christian groups have sent a letter to Congress, urging them to reject a bill that would make it official U.S. policy to oppose boycotts of Israel.

I do not recognize

(Photo: REUTERS/Carlo Allegri)

The various Christian leaders, including many liberal mainline Protestants, sent the letter Monday, arguing that the “Israel Anti-Boycott Act” that is going through both houses would unjustly suppress “nonviolent peaceful action meant to bring about social change.”
“We are concerned by any legislation that suppresses legitimate criticism of public policy, and that restricts freedom of expression and our ability to determine our own witness through investment and selective purchasing practices,” read the letter.
The faith leaders also stressed in the letter that they view their efforts as “an effort to change unjust Israeli policy toward Palestinians,” but not “to delegitimize the State of Israel, nor to marginalize or isolate our Jewish neighbors, or their enterprises.”
“As churches and church-related organizations, we reject any efforts by the state to curtail these rights. We urge you to oppose the proposed legislation, and thus support the rights of individuals and institutions to spend and invest in accordance with their faith, values, and policies,” they concluded.
Signatories of the letter included the Rev. Teresa Hord Owens, president of the Disciples of Christ; Jim Winkler, president of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA; the Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; J. Herbert Nelson, II, stated clerk of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.); and the Rev. John Dorhauer, president of the United Church of Christ.
Introduced in the Senate as S.720 and in the House as HR 1697, the Israel Anti-Boycott Act would amend the Export Administration Act of 1979 to prohibit support of international state-sponsored boycotts of Israel by U.S. citizens engaged in interstate or international commerce.
The “findings” section of S.720 explained that the United States has a history of opposing boycotts against Israel by international bodies.
“For a half century, Congress has combated anti-Israel boycotts and other discriminatory activity under the Export Administration Act of 1979,” noted the bill.
“Congress recently passed anti-boycott, divestment, and sanctions measures in the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 …”
The bill has bipartisan support in both the Senate and the House.

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