Image result for us attack on airbase syria
I’ve now had the opportunity to fully research the so-called “damage” done by the American Tomahawk missile attack the night before last.  It is pathetic, to say the least.  The Russian MoD views the damage as a trifle describing the attack as a failure.  I too join that chorus after having received several communications from my sources and from Samer Hussein.  One Syrian officer who was quoted in Fort Russ, described the results of the missile attack as “laughable”.
Of the 59 Tomahawks fired from 2 U.S. missile cruisers in the Mediterranean – not the Persian Gulf as I mistakenly wrote yesterday – only 23 got within the perimeter of the base.
The Shu’ayraat AB is a base used for both maintaining aircraft and as a launch pad for Syrian bombers and helicopters targeting mostly ISIS in Eastern Homs.  At the time of the attack, I have been informed on the best authority, that 6 MiG aircraft were being repaired outside hangar protection.  The repairs were ordinary maintenance on high-performance bombers of Russian origin.  Only one of the aircraft was struck which then caused a fueling tanker to explode damaging severely the other 5 aircraft nearby.  (Fort Russ reports that the jets were MiG 23s).
An aging Antonov-124 cargo plane, largely used for storing tools was also damaged.  Its wings had been dismantled by the staff at the base.  It was a nothing target.  Other items destroyed by the American Tomahawks were one tanker truck, some cars, one hangar and a bulldozer.  Neither one of the 2 runways was hit although Russian officers believed that the primary target were the runways to prevent the SAAF from taking off.
Image result for antonov 124
Well, folks, Fort Russ is right.  A Tomahawk missile costs about $1,000,000.00 per missile in today’s markets.  It’s manufactured by proven mass-murdering Raytheon Corp.  If the U.S. fired 59 of them, and only 23 made it to their targets, the U.S. not only wasted $36,000,000.00, but, also, plunked down a total amount of $59,000,000.00 for this turkey of an operation!  The damage to the Syrian AB was no more than $2,000,000.00 since all bombers, in their reinforced hangars,  were spared destruction.  From a financial point of view, the attack showed that Trump is a squandering buffoon.  He is not the penny-wise, pound-wise, entrepreneur he touted himself to be during his campaign.
And the best thing is that the Syrian Air Force immediately repaired the entire base in 24 hours with 2 of our bombers taking off and pounding targets in the Al-Shaa’er Mountain gas and oil fields area which the ISIS rodents, almost quizzically and preternaturally,  knew to attack while the U.S. was firing its missiles, demonstrating clearly that Trump has been mesmerized into becoming terrorism’s chief advocate.  We can actually smell British in this one.  بوي بريطانيايئ    (In Farsi)
Raytheon is, evidently, manufacturing junk rockets for the hapless American military.  With Russia now hurrying new anti-aircraft systems to Syria, one can only expect the U.S. to stop these reckless and senseless maneuvers.  But, Trump had to test his power as Philanderer-in-Thief.
Recklessness?  Tulsi Gabbard said exactly that in Congress yesterday when she called Trump’s folly, “reckless”.  This 2-tour-of-duty veteran of the Iraqi War minced no words and demanded that the new president stop taking unilateral action without consulting Congress.  She was joined by Rand Paul who also questioned the legality of Trump’s ludicrous behavior.  We can’t wait to hear Richard Black’s trenchant remarks.

  Image result for tulsi gabbard

And she’s a looker too.  Tulsi Gabbard, Representative of Hawaii, in her army uniform.  Unlike Trump the Coward, Rep. Gabbard served her country in war.

But, Trump also murdered Christian villagers. According to AMN, the missiles which did not find their target, wound up killing 9 Christian villagers who lived in the Shu’ayraat area.  What a man that Trump is!



BUSRAA AL-SHAAM:  This town is the home to one of the world’s most fabulous Roman theatres.  It was also home to a very important Alqaeda command-control center connected to the Jordanian terrorist government.  Yesterday, Syrian artillery struck the C&C center killing every rodent inside.  The websites for the Alqaeda murderers are refusing to release the names of all their lost rats.      

Al-Wa’ir Quarter:  The 4th tranche of sorry-looking rodents and their miserable offspring took off for beautiful Idlib in 3 buses yesterday as part of the deal to liberate the quarter and relocate those malignant grubs who refuse to accept amnesty.  About 400 total left while hundreds of former reptiles accepted a return to a normal life through amnesty.  Last Saturday, 836 left the city and found their way to Idlib under the auspices of the Syrian Red Crescent Society, the Syrian Army and Russian Military Police.  Most of the rodents who did not accept amnesty were non-Syrians.
John Esq. sends this great interview with the former British ambassador to Syria about the CW canard in Idlib:
Samer Hussein sends this wonderful report of SAA’s victories in Latakia:
George Clooney as mass-murdering pig is behind the propaganda of the White Helmets: (From Igor Bundy)
Drone footage of the non-damage to the Shu’ayraat AB from the Russian MoD:

I’ve now had the opportunity to fully research the so-called “damage” done by the American Tomahawk missile attack the night before last. It is pathetic, to say the least. The Russian MoD views the damage as a trifle describing the attack as a failure. I too join that chorus after having received several communications from my sources and from Samer Hussein. One Syrian officer who was quoted in Fort Russ, described the results of the missile attack as “laughable”.
Of the 59 Tomahawks fired from 2 U.S. missile cruisers in the Mediterranean – not the Persian Gulf as I mistakenly wrote yesterday – only 23 got within the perimeter of the base.
The Shu’ayraat AB is a base used for both maintaining aircraft and as a launch pad for Syrian bombers and helicopters targeting mostly ISIS. At the time of the attack, I have been informed on the best authority, that 6 MiG aircraft were being repaired outside hangar protection. The repairs were ordinary maintenance on high-performance bombers of Russian origin. Only one of the aircraft was struck which then caused a fueling tanker to explode damaging severely the other 5 aircraft nearby. (Fort Russ reports that the jets were MiG 23s).
An aging Antonov- 124 cargo plane, largely used for storing tools was also damaged. Its wings had been dismantled by the staff at the base. It was a nothing target. Other items destroyed by the American Tomahawks were one tanker truck, some cars, one hangar and a bulldozer. Neither one of the 2 runways was hit although Russian officers believed that the primary target was the runway to prevent the SAAF from taking off.
Well, folks, Fort Russ is right. A Tomahawk missile costs about $1,000,000.00 per missile in today’s markets. It’s manufactured by proven mass-murdering Raytheon Corp. If the U.S. fired 59 of them, and only 23 made it to their targets, the U.S. not only wasted $36,000,000.00, but, also, plunked down a total amount of $59,000,000.00! The damage to the Syrian AB was no more than $2,000,000.00 since all bombers in their reinforced hangars were spared destruction. From a financial point of view, the attack showed that Trump is a squandering buffoon. He is not the penny-wise, pound-wise, entrepreneur he touted himself to be during his campaign.
And the best thing is that the Syrian Air Force immediately repaired the entire base in 24 hours with 2 of our bombers taking off and pounding targets in the Al-Shaa’er Mountain gas and oil fields which the ISIS rodents, almost quizzically and preternaturally, knew to attack while the U.S. was firing its missiles, demonstrating clearly that Trump has been mesmerized into becoming terrorism’s chief advocate. We can actually smell British in this one. بوي بريطانيايئ (In Farsi)
Raytheon is, evidently, manufacturing junk rockets for the hapless American military. With Russia now hurrying new anti-aircraft systems to Syria, one can only expect the U.S. to stop these reckless and senseless maneuvers. But, Trump had to test his power and Philander-in-Thief.
Recklessness? Tulsi Gabbard said exactly that in Congress yesterday when she called Trump’s folly, “reckless”. This 2 tour of duty veteran of the Iraqi War minced no words and demanded that the new president stop taking unilateral action without consulting Congress. She was joined by Rand Paul who also questioned the legality of Trump’s ludicrous behavior. We can’t wait to hear Richard Black’s trenchant rejoinder.
And she’s a looker too. Tulsi Gabbard, Representative of Hawaii, in her army uniform. Unlike Trump the Coward, Rep. Gabbard served her country in war.
But, Trump also murdered Christian villagers. According to AMN, the missiles which did not find their target, wound up killing 9 Christian villagers who lived in the Shu’ayraat area. What a man!
BUSRAA AL-SHAAM: This town is the home to one of the world’s most fabulous Roman theatres. It was also home to a very important Alqaeda command-control center connected to the Jordanian terrorist government. Yesterday, Syrian artillery struck the C&C center killing every rodent inside. The websites for the Alqaeda murderers are refusing to release the names of all their lost rats.
Al-Wa’ir Quarter: The 4th tranche of sorry-looking rodents and their miserable offspring took off for beautiful Idlib in 3 buses yesterday as part of the deal to liberate the quarter and relocate those malignant grubs who refuse to accept amnesty. About 400 total left while hundreds of former reptiles accepted a return to a normal life through amnesty. Last Saturday, 836 left the city and found their way to Idlib under the auspices of the Syrian Red Crescent Society, the Syrian Army and Russian Military Police. Most of the rodents who did not accept amnesty were non-Syrians.

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