“A Jew will be the next interior minister and chief of staff to President-elect Piñera” headlined on occasion the Jewish News Agency. In these weeks, Israeli circles in the Israeli Embassy in Tel Aviv and the appointment of Rodrigo Hinzpeter is not to be lost.Various means have long spread the defense minister is now close to American Jewisch Committee(AJC), powerful group of influence in the United States and Latin America. A note on his profile published in the magazine Que Pasa Hinzpeter said “Study is believing Jew … Judaism and regularly attends an Orthodox synagogue.”In August last year The Citizen published an article where Matias Rojas said: “In March 2011, while President Sebastian Pinera effected his Middle East tour, a delegation of the American Jewish Committee, composed of 18 members, was received quietly in the currency Hinzpeter Minister and the ambassadors of the United States, England and Israel.
Although the visit lasted three days, the national media did not cover some of what was discussed, who attended and what agreement was reached … Hinzpeter also listed as a participant of a conference held between Latin American Jewish communities in November 2006, organized by the American Jewish Committee in Miami. The final statement available on the website of the Committee said that the representatives of the various communities “affirm their solidarity with the State of Israel in its historical legitimacy.”The leader of the right-wing sector of the Jewish community in Chile, Gabriel Zaliasnik Israelite wrote in Word, which is the defense minister of “people with political leanings and interest that the cause of Israel” should be heard. Congressman Eugenio Tuma said at the time that Hinzpeter “is a militant of the Israeli cause”.
Itching was caused when the citizen, in his Facebook account, published on November 5 a poster which stated that Rodrigo Hinzpeter had military service in Israel and the inconvenience of someone with such background assumptions could assume the leadership of the Ministry of Chilean Defense (which drew the ire of the Jewish Community of Chile and a subsequent response of the medium through a public statement posted on their website ). Ignacio personero James wrote that “he went to Israel to do his military service to complete their secondary education, which usually lasts two years and three for those who continue their education in the casualty unit Intelligence Mossad .
” The note referred to Qué Pasa,Andrés Jana, Hinzpeter personal friend, said that together were “study trip to Israel” at the time of students. Some people put on Twitter that “Hinzpeter is a Mossad agent”. Hinzpeter never clarified what happened in Israel, if indeed did military service or received any type of instruction army has not denied links with the Mossad .There are strange things. As he took over as Minister of Defense, on the website of the portfolio, he published his biography and said: “Rodrigo Hinzpeter graduated from Alexander Fleming A67 Liceo”and allusion was not passing through the Hebrew Institute …Nobody worried about the issue, moreover, could obviate the key role played by Hinzpeter, as Minister of the Interior, in the case of detention of Pakistani Saif Khan , where he put together a plot involving the CIA, a service Private security U.S. Embassy in Chile, the FBI and the PDI.
THE COLOMBIAN LEAGUE There is another issue that can not be ignored. Will Rodrigo Andrés Hinzpeter Allamand line in defense policy to assimilate military, security and intelligence of Colombia, taken at the meeting of Sebastián Piñera, Alberto Espina and Allamand himself with senior military and Colombian agents?The design devised by the far-right former President Alvaro Uribe, materialized in the Democratic Security Policy Document (PSD) which are removed thesis and visions Piñera’s government introduced in the text of the First National Security Strategy and Defence by Allamand and now try and impose Hinzpeter resume.
Basically, as in Colombia, which is Armed Forces to interfere in matters of internal security, fighting crime and domestic organized crime, and in the fight against violent or subversive groups. That figure includes the National Security Adviser, similar to the Security Council of Colombia, Piñera received instance, Thorn and Allamand, keeping it secret until today what was being discussed and reported. The publication Cambio21mentioned that this project “in academia is related to the Plan Colombia”, the legal spearhead U.S. financial and in that nation to fight the guerrillas, narco and lead to the Colombian military .
In an interview withCNN, the expert Eduardo Santos said that this whole plan is “bad copy of American reality.”Piñera was more than clear on the plan they want to implement and that, so far, was arrested by the Congress. “The global context, said the president-security of all countries has changed today transcends the traditional field of defense, which is the safeguard of sovereignty, territory and the sea of our country, as the emergence of new threats is that expands and extends to issues that were not traditional part of what is meant by the concept of defense and, among these new threats include arms trafficking, drug trafficking, organized crime, piracy and many more. ”
The armed forces stuck in those battles. As inMexico and Colombia, where today all military branches are dark and dramatic linked to corruption and crimes by participating in the “war on drugs” and organized crime.The Democratic Security Plan Uribe lies its power and operate at the Ministry of Defense and the President, the First National Security Strategy and Defense Piñera lies in the Defense Ministry and the Presidency.Both, incidentally, include increasing the budget, and as Chilean Congressmen expressed their objection to defense monies will gain $ 325 million to nearly 700 million U.S. currency, after the repeal of Law Reserved Copper.