Dear All, Gas and electricity companies rip us off. They get away with it because they sell something we all need – and they’re too big for each individual customer to take on. But can you imagine if thousands of us, their customers, signed up to switch our gas and electricity companies as one group? If we all join together, we will have enough bargaining power to demand a cheaper price. Here’s how it will work:
Sign up – join other 38 Degrees members to get a fair deal on gas and electricity
Share it with your friends – the more of us who get involved, the stronger our bargaining position
Bargain – we work with Which? experts to negotiate with gas and electricity companies
Switch – If you like the deal we negotiate, switch easily online [1]
This will be the first time British customers have joined together to bargain to get a better deal on our gas and electricity bills – sign up to be part of it here:
There are nearly one million 38 Degrees members. Together we can use our customer power to get a fairer deal. That will help drive down prices for everyone. We’ll save ourselves some money. But we’ll also help all those who are struggling to afford to keep their homes warm. 38 Degrees has joined forces with consumer experts Which? on this campaign. [2] Which? are experts in the gas and electricity market and consumer rights. 38 Degrees members know a thing or two about people power! Together we could be the perfect team to turn the tables on the gas and electricity companies. If you haven’t switched gas or electricity company before, don’t worry, working together like this makes it hassle free and signing up at this stage doesn’t commit you to switching: A few weeks ago 38 Degrees members came together to shame gas and electricity companies in to passing price cuts on to their customers. [3] Our massive people-powered petition started making the news and the big companies started to feel jittery. They announced small price cuts. But our bills remain too high – as do their profits.
Usually when we come together to make change happen through 38 Degrees, our reward is making the world a better place – knowing that we have helped protect our woodlands or our health service, or that we’ve stood up to the power of Rupert Murdoch. [4] This time as well as challenging the injustice of rip-off bills, we can each save some money too. So please join in now, click here to be part of it:
Thanks for being involved,
Becky, James, David, Cian, Johnny, Hannah, Marie and the 38 Degrees team
PS Andrew Lansley’s NHS plan enters its next stage in the House of Lords this week. That means it’s time for us to decide what we could do next to challenge it. What do you think we should do next? Share your thoughts in the poll here: