(Artwork courtesy of Skulz)
(Note to non-Shas Party members: Upon rereading this thing, I think I recommend that you just skip everything and go to the second video at the end of this post and watch/listen to it. All the other shit is just too damned depressing. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.)
1. Rabbi Shmuel Eliahu, a Jewish fanatic who believes that Jonathan Pollard is the “foundation” of the world and Israeli Prime Minister and war criminal Bibi Netanyahu think exactly alike. Bibi even left Israeli Vice President for American Affairs (IVPFAA) , Baruch Obama, with a copy of the Book of Esther – a book that Eliahu likes to quote when he too war mongers about Iran. Shas Party members will be happy to note that the book is a favorite of their insanely bigoted religious leader, Ovadia Yosef, who encourages women to recite that very revealing book if no man happens to be available. Thus, in the White House, the reader of Netanyahu’s gift will be Michelle.
2. Here’s a perfect example of how the Israeli bureaucracy is the ideal device for stealing Palestinian land. It is not an exciting read, but notice how the set up allows not just for the maintaining of Migron, a settlement the Israeli court system has ordered be destroyed, but for the building of another settlement instead elsewhere as a compromise. The compromise includes giving Migron three and half more years of existence by which time “facts on the ground” will have changed and the original settlement will not only continue to exist, it will have grown. Not mentioned in the discussion of this charade is the simple fact that all Israeli settlements are illegal.
3. What is the alleged US ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro, doing?
PRIME MINISTER Binyamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, are known to be film buffs, and when security was not quite as tight as it is now, they would occasionally sneak into a Jerusalem cinema after the lights had been turned down and would leave just before the end of the movie so that no one would recognize them.
They can’t do that anymore, but they can watch movies in their own home or in the homes of relatives and friends.
Follow Me?, the movie that they watched last Saturday night at the Herzliya Pituah residence of US Ambassador Dan Shapiro was of particular personal interest because it was about Netanyahu’s older brother Jonathan, better known as Yoni, who led the famous Entebbe rescue mission in which he was killed.
Danny boy also supports Israel’s murder of Palestinians when he isn’t cuddling up with Bibi and watching Zionist Bullshit movies. Oh, and when he does this, he is speaking as your representative. Hahahahaha.
“The United States, Shapiro wrote Saturday, “condemn[s] in the strongest terms the rocket fire from Gaza by terrorists into Israel, which has dramatically and dangerously escalated in the past day, and call[s] on those responsible to take immediate action to stop these cowardly acts.“
4. Okay, let’s see if I understand this correctly. Zionist-controlled financial institutions destroy the foundations of our economy, Zionist-controlled government officials send US men and women who can’t find jobs all over hell and back to fight wars for Israel, and in the mean time American Jews go to Israel to get cushy jobs and you get to pay for it. Yeah, I think I have that about right.
Against overwhelming odds, Israel has matured into an economic powerhouse boasting a strong currency, a lower unemployment rate than the US and the EU, and a rich and diverse culture. With all that Israel has to offer, aliyah is increasingly becoming a normative lifestyle choice for recent college graduates and young professionals from western countries. While there are many reasons that Jewish people of all ages and backgrounds decide to pack up their lives and start anew in Israel, two common denominators seem to account for the ever increasing numbers of young professionals (aged 18-35) moving to Israel in recent years: idealism and opportunity.
Here’s a nice example from the same article:
Samuel Englender, 25, originally from Michigan, recalls, “Though I had little work experience, I came to Israel full of hope and excitement. I know it sounds too good to be true, but two days after I passed on my resume I received a call from a start-up high-tech company and ten days later I was an account manager.”
5. Of course it works both ways. Israeli Jews come to the US and take jobs here. Again, all this shit is funded in part by tax-deductions but also by Jewish millionaires and billionaires and in the case of Meir Dagan (and no doubt others) Israeli spies. The article is entitled: “Ex-pat Israelis Celebrate Success at Leadership Council Gala.”
The gala of the Los Angeles-based organization was titled “Connecting Us to Our Roots” and honored Meir Dagan, former director of the Mossad, and Ehud Danoch, former Consul General of Israel in Los Angeles, and featured live performances by Rita and Liel Kolet.
The organization, founded in 2007 by well-heeled Israelis living in Los Angeles, raises money to support Israeli Scouts, identity-building educational programs in Israel and Los Angeles, and cultural and hasbara activities.
Until just a decade ago, Israelis and American Jews often looked down on expat Israelis as people who had abandoned their country. But by organizing activities and raising millions of dollars for Israel and local causes, the ILC and its supporters have staked out a new, proud hybrid identity.
“I am in awe of the ILC accomplishments in five short years,” supporter and philanthropist Haim Saban said.
Haim Saban? He could be the asset of the Israeli spy that was working withMossad Jane Harman. So it is most fitting that he be a part of this. There’s so much stuff on Saban that if you don’t know who he is, just do a little searching. You’ll be shocked.
The “Gala” was sponsored by the Israeli Leadership Council. What is the ILC? It is a tax-deductable charity:
Founded in 2007 by several prominent members of the Israeli-American community in Los Angeles, the Israeli Leadership Council (ILC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with the mission to build an active and giving Israeli-American community in order to strengthen the State of Israel, our next generation, and to provide a bridge to the American-Jewish community.
Translated into English the ILC is an Israeli intelligence operation supported by tax-deductable contributions. I swear if you put the word Israel into the name of just about any outfit it will be granted 501(c)(3) status, even if you call it “The Israeli-American Let’s Kill all The Palestinians Training Camp for Israeli-Firsters”.
The ILC sees itself as a “role model”. Here’s why:
Serve as a Role Model — ILC encourages a culture of giving, activism, and connection to Israel through personal examples of community involvement, as well as active support of initiatives that further Israel’s welfare, security, education, and its relations with the United States.
Here’s another goal of this subversive organization:
- Empower our community – ILC will help the Israeli-Americancommunity convert its needs, desires, and values into action and a strong and influential voice.
That’s right, this 501(c)(3) works to give “a strong and influential voice” to Israelis living in America. Talk about Israeli-firsters.
But they do much more than this. Much more. Thank God your taxes support them so they can do as much as possible.
What else to they do?
Well they support the Israeli Scouts program in Los Angeles. In fact they savedthe Los Angeles chapter of Israeli Scouts. Of course the Israeli Scouts program is all over the US and Israel, though the Israeli version is called “Israel Scouts” and is part of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. If that is the case, why have Israeli Scouts in the US?, But I digress.
The Israel Scouts movement is extremely militarized and it brags about this:
Only 55% of able-bodied 18 year olds in Israel are drafted into the army or complete their military service, while 100% of the Tzofim serve in the army.
In fact, there is a US-based “Friends of Israel Scouts” organization and since the word Israel is in it, it is tax deductable. The “Israel Scouts” program has a north American Branch called Garin Tzabar which focuses on getting American-born Jews to serve in the IDF. This is all tax-deductable. The ILC loves the Garin Tzabar program and supports it. By the way, the Garin Tzabar program was featured on Mantiq al-Tayr some time ago.
What else does the ILC do?
It supports sending Israeli propagandists into California universities to advocate for Israel. These propagandists, called Shlichim, act:
As representatives of Israel, the Shlichim train students in advocacy and assist them with initiatives to further “Hasbara” for Israel. With this initiative, we hope to make our students more powerful and proud advocates for Israel.
And when I say Israeli, I mean Israeli, the ILC imports these people from Israel – and you subsidize it.
What else does the ILC do?
It runs a similar hasbara program on campuses in California designed deceive other groups into supporting Israel. This program actually uses American-born Israel-Firsters. It’s called the “Ambassadors Program” aka Shagririm.
And this shit just goes on and on. Oh, the ILC just works in California, it’s not even a national organization. They sure as hell have a hell of a lot of organizations. Find out which ones are in your state.
6. Did you know that Los Angeles has the largest Israeli ex-pat community in the United States? Yup, over 200,000 thousand of them. You shouldn’t be surprised given all of the above. And guess what, they are holding a huge pro-Israel orgy on April 29, 2012 celebrating 64 years of stealing Palestinian land and murdering Palestinian men, women and children.
Go to this ILC-supported outfit’s website and read all about it. It should be pretty cool, especially the part of the celebration called the “Positively Israel Pavilion.”
Oh, and don’t miss the chance to paint Los Angeles “blue and white.”
7. Well, it’s video time. Please get out your barf bags if you click on the very short video clip below. It is unbelievably creepy.
Okay, I’ve got to make up for showing that horrible piece of Zionist Bullshit.
The video below is much, much better. Trust me. Listen to it, you’ll get into it the further it goes. You will feel better, I’m serious. (Click here for English lyrics.)
بنار الفرقة بعدك كاويني
Let’s see if we can go to Ramallah
Dang it MT, you know what? I forgot to include a very important aspect for the digital hijinx gracing the cover. “Celebrate Israel’s 64th year of illegitimacy AND ethnic cleansing.”
I am so humiliated and sorry. How the fuck could I have forgot about that? Oh my bad, my very VERY bad.
To my Palestinian brothers and sisters all I can say is, well DUH!!!
Please Consider This:
An entire generation of Americans had great hopes for President Kennedy. He was murdered on the 53rd anniversary of the first day of the meetings that created the Federal Reserve bank on November 22, 1910. That meeting was attended by men who represented the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and JP Morgan. Paul Warburg attended in person, They drafted the legislation that was enacted as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. By murdering President Kennedy on that day the bankers were sending a clear message to the American voters: You will not tamper with the banking system we created to transfer all of your wealth to us. His death also allowed Israel to develop nuclear weapons. And it allowed the bankers to demoralize America by getting her into the Vietnam war so she could lose it.
The 2012 Elections. America’s Last Hurrah