Call To Action Concerning the Shameless Zionist Warmongering Propaganda called ‘Stars Earn Stripes’


‘Stars Earn Stripes’ is a new military-reality program that first aired on Aug. 13. It features minor clebrities paired up with soldiers, law enforcement personell or first-responder to teach the ‘celebrities’ the skills nneded for waging war.
The following letter, sent to NBC by a fan of TUT best explains why we must GET THIS SHOW CANCELLED.
Attn. Robert Greenblatt, Chairman
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY, 10112
Dear Mr Greenblatt,
I am disgusted by your new show “stars Earn Stripes” which mocks and trivializes actual warfare and conveniently omits the human carnage it leaves behind.
Your obvious goal is to recruit a new generation of Gentile cannon fodder by making war look glamorous, sexy and exciting. You want to make sure Israel and world Jewry have an endless supply of Gentile patsies who will die and become maimed fighting whoever Israel decides is the enemy du jour.
The soldiers who star in your show are not heroes but rather war criminals because of their participation in criminal wars of aggression against Iraq and Afghanistan. They aremass murderers and psychopathic killers responsible for over 2.5 million deaths. The US military now mirrors the Israel ‘Defensew’ Forces in its sadistic brutality and mindless hatred towards the Muslim world, due entirely to Jewish control of my country and the mainstream media but people are waking up.
I will never again watch NBC, MSNBC or CNBC. I have already started contacting the advertisers on your filthy show and am in the process of alerting thousands, if not millions, of the need to get this piece of Jewish war propaganda off the air.
As we know all-too-well, all selling is about slick, sexy advertising. The American people were talked into launching a war against Israel’s enemies because of the media-intensive event known as 911. The program in question here, Stars Earn Stripes, is a continuation of that slick, sexy selling. If this program is not deep-sixed, more and more young people will be seduced into signing on the bottom line and destoying their lives, the only beneficiary of which is Israel and her agents of influence around the globe.
We are asking that the readers of this site contact NBC and voice your opposition to this program for the reasons listed in the letter below. Furhtermore we are asking you to contact those who are paying the bills for this program–the advertisers– and tell them you will not purchase their products, the 3 main ones listed below–
Ford Motor Co, Customer Relations Center
POB 6248
Dearborn, Michigan 48126
JC Penny
Coporate Office
6501 Legacy Drive
Plano, Texas 75024
Olive Garden Coprorate Offices
Attn. Guest Relations
1000 Darden Center Drive
Orlando, Florida

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