Call for Applications

MEPI Student Leaders Institute Program (summer 2012)

Application Deadline: January 10th, 2012

What is the MEPI Student Leaders Institute?

  • It is a fully-funded five-week intensive leadership training program in the U.S. for undergraduate students. The program is held in the summer starting June 26 to August 7, 2012.
  • Participants develop leadership and collective problem-solving skills, while exploring U.S. history and culture.
  • The Institute consists of hands-on leadership training workshops, academic sessions, site visits, community service projects, optional home stays and other opportunities for interaction with Americans peers.

Can I apply for the MEPI Youth Summer Leadership Institute?
Yes you can, if…
þ  You are a Palestinian citizen, living and attending school in the West Bank, East Jerusalem or Gaza.
þ  You are not carrying an American passport or an American green card.
þ  You are a current university student, age 18 to 24 years old.
þ  You are proficient in English.
þ  You are mature, responsible, independent, open-minded, tolerant, and thoughtful.
þ  You have a strong interest in learning about the United States.
How do I apply?
Applications can be found at: http://jerusalem.usconsulate.gov/ysli.html (US Consulate website: http://jerusalem.usconsulate.gov/)
Nomination forms should be submitted electronically to [email protected] (West Bank and Jerusalem) or [email protected] (Gaza).

  • Deadline: No later than  January 20th, 2011

West Bank/East Jerusalem residents:
Tel: (02) 622-7172 or 0545-420953, or by email to [email protected]
Gaza Residents:  Tel: 08-2864-623 or Mobile: 059-9677-317, or by email to [email protected]


a. Last (family) name as it appears on passport;
b. First name(s) as it appears on passport;
c. Middle name(s) as it appears on passport;
d. Date of birth (month/day/year);
e. City of birth;
f. Country/place of birth;
g. Country/place of residence;
h. Country/place of citizenship;
i. Gender;
j. Candidate’s full address (include apartment number, street, city, state, and postal zone);
Postal zone: it is not existed!
k. Primary telephone number (home/mobile/work/etc)
l. Current email address;
m. Medical, physical, dietary or other personal considerations (please note, no physical examination is required to participate in the program);
n. Name of college/university;
o. Field of study; major and minor
p. Work experience, including positions and titles (if applicable):
I worked as:
q. Education, academic and professional training. Please include fields of specialization and any degrees earned (if applicable). Please also note any special honors or awards received;
r. Active memberships; Please list your membership in any other organizations
I am a volunteer in:
s. Special interests; Please describe any hobbies or special interests:
I am interested in:

t. Extracurricular activities; Please describe any activities, clubs, or organizations in which you participate. You may include volunteer and sports activities.
u. Previous travel and study or research experience outside of home country. Please describe any previous travel or study in the United States. Please include dates. If you have not traveled to the United States, indicate “none.”
v. Evidence of English language ability (e.g., personal interview, test score, etc.);
w. Future study or career plans; (1,000 words or less, to each of the following questions:
–          What are your career goals? How will leadership training help to prepare you to meet these goals?
–          Identify one political, social, or economic challenge facing your country today. What steps could be taken to solve the problem or improve the situation? What role can students play in this process?
–          Name one leader living today that you admires and explains why.
–          What qualities does he or she have that makes him or her effective leader?
–          How will your participation in the MEPI Student Leaders Program benefit you and others?

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