Bums on Seats


 Nodded ... Mohammed Ishtiaq and Salma Yaqoob
Nodded … Mohammed Ishtiaq and Salma Yaqoob

‘Terrorist in 30mins’

By Virginia Wheeler




THE Taliban’s “master recruiter” claims he can turn a young man into a suicide bomber in 30 MINUTES, it emerged yesterday. Qari Hussain also says he already has 5,000 fanatics waiting to blow themselves up. The Pakistan Taliban commander made the boasts to terror expert Rahimullah Yusufzai. Mr Yusufzai reveals the threat in documentary The Taliban In Pakistan on web news network www.vbs.tv.  

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Published: 04 Feb 2011

TWO Muslim councillors sparked anger by refusing to join a standing ovation for a war hero.

They sat during colleagues’ salute for Lance Corp Matthew Croucher.


RESPECT party members Salma Yaqoob and Mohammed Ishtiaq were among more than 100 Birmingham City councillors at a meeting where the Marine, who won the George Cross for bravery in Afghanistan, was guest of honour.  


Guest ... L/Cpl Croucher

Guest … L/Cpl Croucher

L/Cpl Croucher, 27, of Solihull, West Mids, said yesterday: “I had overwhelming support from the majority of the council then these two decided to sit down in protest and it caused uproar. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but it’s naive to protest against individuals who have been at the sharp end of the fight. They should take their protests to Downing Street – protesting against me is pointless.”


Mum-of-three Cllr Yaq-oob, 38, head of Birmingham’s Stop the War Coalition, said: “This ovation was just a big public show, it was false patriotism.” Cllr Ishtiaq, 35, said: “We acknowledged him by nodding and smiling in his direction.”


L/Cpl Croucher, who now runs a security firm, was at Tuesday’s meeting to discuss a joint project with the Royal British Legion to provide housing for injured soldiers.




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