Bring back Kenya police canteens


Isaac Newton Kinity


Former President Daniel arap Moi should explain to Kenyans what happened to the canteens that were looted during his regime in the 1980s. The present government of Uhuru Kenyatta needs to trace these properties, return them to the police and punish the looters.

Who grabbed the Kenya Police canteens? Before the Independence of Kenya in 1963, there were canteens at every police station all over Kenya, with all kinds of commodities for consumption, at subsidized prizes. Those canteens continued to exist until the mid-eighties when all of a sudden, they were all looted and grabbed. The canteens were worth billions of Kenya shillings.
Today, none of those canteens exists anywhere in Kenya, yet those who looted and grabbed them continue to walk free. Maybe that was where some of the Kenya police officers inherited and/or learned the kind of corruption being witnessed in the force today. Nevertheless, the Kenya government should bring back all those canteens and return them to every police station as it were before, then ask President Moi to explain how they had disappeared in the first place, because it was during his reign when they were looted and grabbed.
Kenyans should not keep quiet and sit back as though they are dump and can’t see, when corrupt leaders continue to steal from them. The police should be made to enjoy the services of those canteens, because it was a crime to loot and to grab them. Although a few of the police officers are corrupt, the force should be respected for its duties through which they provide security to Kenyans. The Kenya government should be serious in the war on corruption. There is no reason at all why the Kenya government should allow a few leaders to torment innocent Kenyans through the looting of their properties.
First to be grabbed were the civil servants properties worth billions of Kenya shillings which they had acquired through a period of many years, thereafter the police canteens were grabbed. What a shame!
In order for the Kenya police and the Kenya civil servants to trust the Uhuru Administration, the government should establish the fate of those canteens and the fate of those civil servants’ properties, and then return them to the owners.

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