Brilliant Funeral Plans Taking the UK by Storm


1000s of Brits have acted fast to protect their loved ones from hefty bills.

Elderly Couple
People are fighting back against 14 years of rising costs with this easy solution.

Funeral costs are rising at a shocking rate – and your loved ones could be left to shoulder the bill.

Funeral plans used to be rare a decade ago.
However, due to the ballooning costs, thousands of people have rushed to ‘lock in’ current prices and safeguard themselves against the future.
Nowadays, the average cost of a basic funeral is an enormous £4,078, and a religious burial is even higher1. And that’s before you take into account the price of flowers, catering, and estate administration costs, which the government refuses to pay.
That’s an eyewatering 116% increase in costs since 2004 – and a 4.7% increase in just the last 12 months!1
funeral plan can help protect you from this.
Relieving you and your loved ones from financial and emotional stress, it will ensure the cost of your funeral won’t rocket upwards over time.
With projections showing that costs look likely to continue rising, there has never been a better time to consider your financial future.
If there’s no money saved up for your funeral, or your life insurance doesn’t cover it, your relatives will have to pay these huge expenses.
Luckily, there’s one simple solution.

Eligible for a Funeral Plan?
Click your icon below to find out!

How Does it Work?

  1. Just a few pounds a week for cover. Funeral plans are surprisingly cheap, and for the worry they relieve it’s a tiny cost.
  2. No medical. You almost certainly won’t need any health check. It only takes a few minutes – then you’re all set.
  3. Peace of mind. Remove unnecessary stress for you and your family. By pre-paying for a funeral plan you can put all worry to one side.
  4. Freeze your basic funeral costs. With funeral costs set to continue to rise, now is the time to take action.
Eligible for a Funeral Plan?
Click your icon below to find out!

How Can I Get a Quote?

  • Step 1 – Click your location on the map below.
  • Step 2 – Answer a few simple questions so we can pair you with the right funeral plan supplier for you.
Experts in Money’s online quote comparison tool makes it easy to see what you could save on Funeral Plans and to get a quick quote

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