What We Can or Will Tell
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Veterans Today is the continual recipient of intelligence, much of which is quite unreportable.
There is enough chaos without us making it worse. Thus, we are censors, though unlike Wikileaks, we don’t take direction from the New York Times or the Israeli ambassador.
Let’s start with Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The US has entered into highly secret and very unorthodox negotiations, with the also very secret approval of General Kayani, with certain political leaders who, quite technically:
Don’t run Pakistan
Are known to be very opposed to US involvement
Why? The current government of Pakistan has, how do I say it, disappeared?
The problem there has been corruption. Several well known families have run Pakistan as a “US ally” for a long time. Those families have huge estates in Britain and private bank accounts around the world.
The Just Seem to All Take Turns at It
Pakistan’s “mystery man,” Imran Khan, defacto spokesman for the people of Pakistan has been making all this public. He is a very respected, highly educated and very westernized public figure, the most visible and charismatic in the Islamic world.
He is far from “harmless.” He also has a nasty honest streak and has real leadership ability.
Imran Khan – Moving up Quickly in Pakistan’s Polls
Thus, something very strange at the highest levels is going on.
America is responsible for killing 24 Pakistani soldiers last month. Frankly, the US got suckered into attacking Pakistani military posts by our Afghan allies, who have done this before.
Some truth: What is being said about the ISI and Pakistan, how they support the Taliban is insane.
Everything we are all told in our papers about Afghanistan and Pakistan is totally backwards. The two countries hate each other.
Fuel Convoys Can be Easily Attacked with RPGs
The US forces there, because of the problem with Pakistan are under a fuel blockade. No jet fuel is getting to Afghanistan and America is running out.
The big problem is helicopters which are powered by jet fuel. We can’t fly enough in to maintain operations, we can’t drive in because of the blockade and it is vital, even more than food.
Thus, under the table, as it were, the US is “back peddling” and “kissing behind” in Pakistan but thus far it isn’t working.
Within 48 hours something will happen.
What is being demanded?
Certain very unnamed “not so officials” in Pakistan are demanding a reassessment of US policy in Afghanistan toward, not just drone attacks but the political incompetency that has brought the US to alienate and radicalize those in Afghanistan that would have easily been American allies.
Our policies there and in Pakistan have been ignorant beyond measure, influenced by our own political corruption, key officials involved in the drug trade (from several countries) and lack of leadership by both Bush and the Obama administrations.
But, now…things are extremely serious and both the US and Pakistan are paralyzed because the news media in both countries has lied to the public so long that the governments themselves are unable to act without exposing their own corruption and incompetence.
Iran is holding a US drone, 5th generation. The best explanation as to why they have it is in the article in Veterans Today by Mike Harris.
He is an expert on the technology and has simply put the truth out there. Believe nothing else.
I have a very friendly relationship with Iran though I am not a big fan of religious government. I am published there and on both radio and TV with some regularity. I have worked to help stabilize relations there, Iran, Israel and the US.
Why did I say this?
I want Iran to return the drone and not turn it over to Russia or China. This is dangerous technology, destabilizing, and giving it back is the most profitable thing Iran can do.
America spies on Iran. So what. People spy. It is what they do. Get rid of the drone, make Biden pick it up himself, don’t make it too dramatic and package this so the Iranian people will feel they have won something.
Iran is not so politically stable. America isn’t either, as the current draconian measures attached to the recent Defense Authorization Act are showing.
The wild rumors, FEMA camps, things like that, that I used to laugh about are no longer funny, especially not when we supposedly have a “liberal” president.
The army and other “agencies” are totally sick of Netanyahu as are many of the people. Obama hates him as do other leaders except for Merkel. She loves him. She is totally nuts, by the way, if you didn’t know.
Israel has done this:
Ron Paul – Will He Pull the Trigger?
They have turned to Assad in Syria, spreading a story of a phony US invasion of Jordan. Why? Israel has angered Turkey. Turkey is threatening Syria but Syria is protected by Russia, somewhat at least. Complicated? It gets worse.
To some extent, Israel has revealed that it has considerable control over much of Hizbollah, the “terror group” they complain about so much. What they are close to revealing is that they are orchestrating their own terror attacks as a way of bilking America out of money. Ron Paul is very close to announcing this, he has little to lose.
Israel has decided to run its own presidential candidate in the US. I am not kidding. His name is Newt Gingrich, a man about half an inch from life in prison. This is an act of utter insanity.
This really isn’t “Jews.” Jews hate Gingrich, who, despite his pro-Israel blithering and butt kissing sessions with Abe Foxman would sell out Israel in a minute and actually has.
He helped orchestrate the Likudist takeover of Israel with his friend Rupert Murdoch, something that has been a total disaster for the Israeli Jews.
He covers his tracks by attacking Palestinians as a racist and bigot, hoping Jews have now become as stupid as typical Fox News neocons, the group he caters to.
Not only is his candidacy an insult to America but it is clear interference in America politics by an extremist group in Israel, the “Likudists” who should be on a terror watch list.
Newt belongs, minimally, on a “no fly list” with Alec Baldwin. (Baldwin is smarter and funnier)
More serious:
Israel Likuds – Playing All Their Cards?
Israel, by “releasing” or “leaking” the phony story of the US troops in Jordan through DEBKA, one of their propaganda outlets, a valued one, has done these things.
I call it “burning assets,” the worst thing any intelligence organization can do.
They did it before with Wikileaks and with Gaddafi. This is why the “Intel guys” in Israel hate Netanyahu, because of his “ham-handed” handling of “game theory warfare.”
He might as well be an enemy.
America needs an election, a real one. Obama is afraid to lead and the others are a nightmare.
Ron Paul is the only viable candidate with something to say but has mitigated his views, 9/11, Israel, Middle East, Federal Reserve, thinking he will be financially destroyed as far as candidacy goes.
Find one of those smart guys, IDF Intel or Mossad to explain why Paul’s old programs, when he used to make sense, are the proper “relief valve” to allow needed global realignments and economic stabilization.
In the interim, it is time for Obama, who shows a good grasp of some issues, to consider showing some leadership.