Book Review ~ “Might Makes Wrong”–Eric Walberg’s Postmodern Imperialism: Geopolitics And The Great Games



NB–Richard Wilcox has a Ph.D. in environmental studies and lives in one of America’s far flung postmodern semi-colonies.

    If modern universities were honest institutions instead of    overpriced degree mills, Imperialism 101 would be a required course    for all undergraduate students and political science majors. Eric    Walberg draws from a wide and relevant variety of sources to tell    the story which stretches throughout what he calls the three periods    of imperialism: Great Game I (classical imperialism); GGII    (Capitalism vs Communism); and GGIII The US-Israel Post Modern    Imperialism, our very frightening present day era.

    Walberg’s Postmodern Imperialism reads like a whodunit novel about    the real world but would also serve as a fine– and boldly    politically incorrect– political science textbook. Nothing is    assumed by the writer beforehand and all terms are clearly defined.    As an anti-imperialist Canadian, has lived in Soviet era Russia,    Uzbekistan and Egypt. What he offers the reader is therefore nothing    less than a lifetime’s work, theoretically original in scope yet    comprehensible  and assiduously documented. The book abounds with    valuable gems scoured from the lost pages of history are relevant    for which we find ourselves amidst the dizzying New World Order, or,    is it, Chaos Theory Realized? Walberg notes that “…’a postmodern    imperialism’, devoid of messy competitive wars for colonies” was the    post Cold War era goal for world peace– but as we can see entropy    seems to outweigh equilibrium these days.

    This book includes 5 chapters and a number of appendixes. Chapter    one deals with classical imperialism Great Game I (GGI); Chapter two    with GGII, the anti communist period and the Cold War; Chapters    three and four sharply define the role of Israel, Jewish and Zionist    power in global and especially US politics/imperialism. The final    chapter gives us a current scenario of struggles for power and    political machinations to grab the last resources, winner take all    and devil take the hindmost.

    The setting for the classical “Great Game” is focused largely on    Europe’s important role in Central Asia and the Middle East where    European, North American and other powers such as Russia and China    have struggled to expand their influence and territories. Walberg    notes, “[t]he term ‘Great Game’ was coined in the nineteenth century    to describe the rivalry between Russia and Britain.” The focus of    this book is on the last two centuries, and takes us up to the    present day analyzing many regions of the world where imperialism    has had an affect.

    Chapter 1 of the book, “GGI: Competing empires”, tells the story of    how European powers “carved up” much of the world to their own    advantage. I found this chapter very interesting since one often    wonders how the countries we have today in the world came about. In    many parts of the world it was directly due to GGI, where arbitrary    borders were drawn in places like Africa that separated tribes    according to new and arbitrary national borders.

         “After seven centuries, the fates of both the Middle East and 
         Central Asia have once again converged. But today, the vast    region, with 
         its dozens of ethnic groups, tribes, and clans, is composed of    largely 
         artificial states, the result of imperial divide-and-rule,    inciting friction 
         between peoples who had not experienced such brutal wars and    invasions 
         since the fourteenth century. The vast region is once again    discovering 
         common roots in Islam, now the chief catalyst of dissent and    resistance 
         to the imperial players, the US and Israel, bent as they are on    further 
         dismembering the region.”

GGI also included the United States, although less of a power at    that time,

         “America’s geography prevents any rival from challenging this    state of
         affairs, unlike the much vaster Eurasia, stretching both    east-west and north-
     south, containing more than 80 per cent of the world’s    population, with many   
         rivals contending for hegemony.”

As one reads along startling claims jump off the page: did you know    WWI was caused by the “International Bankers” ? Previous to that    time, “[t]raditional imperialism was based on the gold standard and    mercantilism—the center amassing gold from the periphery either    through direct theft or trade. London was the banking center that    ensured the pound as international reserve currency based on gold.”    Try that line out at the next party you attend and cause a Fox News    fan to spill their drink on their Armani suit. If that doesn’t    startle the uninitiated, Walberg states that “the events of    [September] 2001 had far more to do with US imperialism—and    Israel—than Islam.” This fact may cause the Islamophobes, which    includes a great many Americans due to their having been brainwashed    by the media, to sputter in a fit of anger, possibly spurting blood    from a bitten lip or chipped tooth.

    Basic concepts of imperialism are explained: “[t]he term geopolitics    refers to the use of politics in controlling territories.” This in    itself is interesting given the term “geopolitics” is the    academically acceptable form of “imperialism.” This is similar to    when the US War Dept. changed its name to the Dept. of Defense (DOD,    or, Dept. of Killing the Defenseless).

    We also learn about “Lebensraum” the German term which defines that:

         “that Eurasian land borders in the massive expanse of Eurasia    are arbitrary    
         and can be changed to meet the increasing needs of the    population and 
         industry…. states are organic and growing, artificial    constructs, that the land
         and people form a spiritual bond, and that a healthy nation’s    borders are 
         bound to expand. This was the Monroe Doctrine and the    concurrent Manifest 
         Destiny writ large for the Eurasian continent.“

Not surprisingly, “[t]he goal of empire, and of all the games    described here, is some variation on economic growth, the pursuit of    profit, and (for public consumption) improving the well-being of the    backward peoples—the latter infamously dubbed “the white man’s    burden” by Rudyard Kipling…” Thus, as nation states solidified    their own territories in Europe and America, technology allowed for    ever greater expansion and expressions of violence of conquest.    Although imperialism began as far back as the days of Columbus, by    the 19th century the great game of “might makes right” was underway    against the indigenous peoples of the world.

         “Already by the nineteenth century there was no such thing as    neutral 
         territory. The entire world was now a gigantic playing field    for the major 
         industrial powers, and Eurasia was the center of this playing    field. The game
         motif is useful to describe the broader rivalry between nations    and economic
         systems with the rise of imperialism and the pursuit of world    power.”

But as all good people of common and natural sense know, violence    begets violence, and to live by the sword is to die by the sword:    World War I which was started by the International bankers, was a    disaster for European society. Death on a large scale in the first    world war led to WWII due to the unjust arrangements dictated to    Germany, largely under the influence of Jewish financiers (2; 3).    Walberg writes:

         “Whichever side ‘won’ WWI, the international bankers were    guaranteed to 
         emerge the true victors, with both warring parties deeply in    debt to the 
         international banking elite….in 1919, the CFR [Council on    Foreign Relations]
         was established in New York, financed by Morgan money, which    would be 
         the mouthpiece of the American branch of the now    Anglo-American  
         empire….The international bankers, who enjoyed the protection    of the 
         British crown around the world, were well aware that the    British government 
         was virtually bankrupt by the outbreak of WWI. They were    already focusing 
         on the US and were able to pressure President Woodrow Wilson to    sign the 
         US Federal Reserve Act in 1913, putting money creation in the    US in the 
         hands of private bankers rather than of government, as it was    already in 
         Britain, France and Germany. These GGI central banks were    already moving
         towards the financial endgame of imperialism—the creation of a    world 
         system of financial control in private hands….The creation of    the Bank for 
         International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, in 1930,    ostensibly to  
         manage German reparations payments, marked a new stage in the 
         globalization of financial capital, with the BIS a ‘coordinator    of the 
         operations of central banks around the world’.”

Indeed, as the book The Empire of the City: The Secret History of    British Financial Power claims, the international banking cartel    played a decisive role in intentionally setting off some 20 wars, by    funding multiple parties, during the 19th and 20th centuries. When    countries are at war they go into debt, and the debt must be paid to    the bankers (4).

    Walberg places attention on the Rothschild banking family,    especially during GGI, yet noting that even today “[t]here are only    5 nations without a Rothschild model central bank: North Korea,    Iran, Sudan, Cuba and Libya. Until recently, there were two others:    Afghanistan and Iraq.” As Michael Collins Piper who recently tackled    the issue of Rothschild banking and political power has written:

         “The Rothschild family are the “King of Kings” –if only by    virtue of their
         immense wealth. And they are, beyond doubt, the royal family of    Jewry. It is
         thus no coincidence that on Jan. 2, 2009, Moses L. Pava, a    Jewish professor
         of business ethics admitted candidly in the Jewish newspaper,    Forward, that:
         ‘Our Jewish communities which once honored rabbis and scholars,    now
         almost exclusively honor those with the biggest bank accounts.’    And those
         with the biggest bank accounts are the Rothschilds. (5)”

Walberg’s interpretation of the Russian revolution will be    controversial to some on the political Right, who see that part of    history as an overthrow of an imperfect monarchy by something far    worse, Soviet
    communism. Walberg is mindful of the Stalinist holocaust against    Russian peasants and mass starvation in the Ukraine, as well as    ecological destruction caused by the Soviet system. But he writes,     “the Russian revolution in 1917 was a declaration of war against the    imperialist system itself. This marked the beginning of what is    called here Great Game II (GGII)—the Cold War between imperialism    and communism.” 
Thus, during the Cold War years the US branded any form of    independent development around the world as “communist” whether it    was or not, and had to  destroy it through a variety of hard and    soft power methods. Which brings us up to “the collapse of the    Soviet Union and the socialist bloc in 1989–91 and the beginning of    what is called here Great Game III (GGIII)” which mainly concerns 
“the two regions—the Middle East and Central Asia.” As anyone who    follows the news today knows, many savage wars of geopolitics in the    search for abundant natural resources are taking place in those    regions of the world.

    Speaking of how Walberg himself came to a critical view of politics,    he recalls his days as a student when his view about communism    became sympathetic: “[i]mperialism was not an abstraction, but a    devastating force that destroyed good, idealistic people, whole    peoples. Enemies of imperialism  must be reconsidered, in the first    place, the Soviet Union, which until then I had accepted as a    dangerous and evil force in the world.” From the end of WWII the US    became the global policeman (or thug): “[t]he US itself is the    source of much of the world’s terrorism, its 1.6 million troops in    over a thousand bases around the world the most egregious    terrorists.” Walberg does not draw a simplistic analysis of Soviet    crimes, yet still sides with the ideals of the former SU against the    evil West:

         “The Soviet Union produced environmental disasters, notably the    
         death of the Aral Sea. Collective farming enforced at gunpoint    destroyed 
         a vibrant peasant tradition. The gulags and Stalinist    repression were a 
         terrible tragedy. But colonialism and fascism killed far more    innocent 
         people, and both were aggressive, starting wars with other    countries. 
         The Soviet Union was a one-party system, a dictatorship, but    not an 
         aggressively expanding empire, contrary to what we were and are    
         indoctrinated into believing.”

I found Chapter 2 to be the least exciting given that it reads like    a standard Left critique of post WWII US foreign policy, as    encountered in such important works as William Blum’s Killing Hope    and the works of Noam Chomsky and Michael Parenti. While all of    these authors including Walberg are correct that the US used the    pretext of “fighting communism” in order to crush independent    democratic and free market development in the Third World, many    believe this argument makes the former Soviet Union come off    smelling too sweet whereas communism’s crimes have been too much    ignored by the Left.

    Chapters 4 and 5 integrate the classic critique of imperialism with    an understanding of the Jewish power structure, as readers of the    works of Israel Shamir, James Petras and a fairly large and growing    number of Internet journalists and bloggers have now championed.    This aspect of the book breaks new ground. The synthesis of Zionist    ideology and American military might emerged as the new political    ideology of neoconservatism, which led to the Iraq war blood bath of    2003 and the death of millions of Iraqis. This is the doorstep we    find ourselves sitting on today, a world of wars on the behest of    Israel, Big Oil, Military Industry and ultimately the international    banking cartel. A postmodern and most deadly game.

    While it is now possible to criticize Israel, Walberg notes that    “[n]one of the mainstream critics of the [Israel] lobby dares to    point to the continuity between the Israel lobby and the fatal    embrace by Jewish elites of past empires.” Indeed, Benjamin    Ginsberg’s Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State, details with pride    Jewish involvement in the economic history of the United States. He    shows how Jewish families in the 19th century such as the American    Seligman’s financed the US Navy and the building of the Panama Canal    and the German Schiff’s helped finance the post Civil War railroad    building that tamed the American continent. “Like their British    counterparts, late nineteenth century American-Jewish financiers    were proponents of imperialist programs and policies and    participants in the American imperialist coalition of the period.    (6)”

The departure from a standard Left critique of US imperialism is    boldly evident by reading Walberg’s chapter and subheading titles    which include: Chapter 3 GGIII: US-Israel Postmodern Imperialism;    Chapter 4 GGII: Israel — Empire -and-a-half; Judaism and Zionism –    goals; Jews and the state through history; and The Israel Lobby and    ‘Dog wags tail’ debate. Walberg cites plenty of evidence that Jewish    interests control the US political system, which as Walt and    Mearsheimer are famous for arguing is onerous not only to the United    States but to Israel itself, both of which countries are set on a    path of self and mutual destruction, from within and from enemies    whom they have created through their bellicose behavior. As minds as    sharp as professor emeritus of politics, James Petras, to Obama’s    failed nominee (he was too anti Zionistic) for chair of the National    Intelligence Council (NIC), Charles Freeman, have shown beyond    doubt, The Tail Wags The Dog. Anyone who cares to research the topic    can see that Jewish interests are involved in political, financial    and media far out of proportion to the numbers of Jewish voters or    consumers they purport to represent. The pseudo Bibilcal and cranky    ideology of the 70 million Christian Zionist supporters of the    Jewish power system is heading us into moral degradation, economic    collapse and brutal Soviet style police state conditions.

    The final chapter of the book deals with the complex machinations of    nation states and multinational corporate interests, that overlap    and conflict. In a world of scarce resources and grotesque    inequality, the Great Game is increasingly turning into a Terrible    Nightmare for an majority of the world’s population that must battle    the latter stages of an ecocidal and unsustainable imperialist    system.


    1. Eric Walberg (2011). Postmodern Imperialism: Geopolitics and the    Great 

    2. A.J.P. Taylor (1961). The Origins of The Second World War

    3. Ingrid Rimland Zundel (July, 2011). Japan in WWII: A Casualty of    Usury? Was WWII Fought to make the World Safe for the Bankers?

    4. E. C. Knuth (1944). The Empire of “The City”

    5. Michael Collins Piper (2009).The New Babylon: Those Who Reign    Supreme, a Panoramic Overview of the Historical, Religious and    Economic Origins of the New 
    World Order.

    6. Benjamin Ginsberg (1993). The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State

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