Blood Libel: The Scapegoating of Sarah Palin



“Blood Libel”: The Scapegoating of Sarah Palin
Ralph Iver
January 12, 2011
The attached video shows four minutes of clips from Twitter users calling for the death and murder of Sarah Palin.  This evidence was already removed once, but reposted.  Should it be removed again, search for “Twitter Users Death Wish on Sarah Palin”.
It was a Jewish Marxist terrorist who murdered a nine year old child this past Saturday.  Jared Lee Loughner felled the blood of 20 people, slaying six of them.  He even shot two of his own people, one of whom is Jewish Congressional Representative, Gabrielle Giffords.
Meanwhile, thousands of liberals call for the murder and shooting death of Sarah Palin.  I suppose this means that Palin will require security protection on account of their “incendiary rhetoric”.
In her defense against the thousands of calls for her murder by liberals, Sarah Palin’s use of “blood libel” was right on the money.  This time, the charge is actually true.  “Blood libel” refers to a time when it is said Christians falsely accused Jews of murdering missing children, or children whose deaths could not be explained, for the use of their blood. While it is highly doubtful that Palin used the term to mean anything other than “falsely accused”, as it is now widely understood, she could not have used a more truthful term.  A Jew, named Jared Loughner, really did kill a child and five other people.
Jewish supremacists across the nation pounced on Palin for using this term in defense of her own life.  Abraham Foxman of the ADL, Simon Greer of the Jewish Funds for Justice, heads of pro-Israeli lobbies such as Jeremy Ben-Ami, the president of J Street, David A. Harris President of the National Jewish Democratic Council, and many more state the Palin’s use of the word is inflammatory and even associated her with anti-Semitism.  How, then, do all these people explain the false accusations from the entire left that Palin is responsible for the murders in Arizona?  How do they explain that one of their own leftist people actually did kill a child, five adults, and wounded 14 others?  They “doth protest too much, me thinks”.
When a Jew commits a terrible crime, no responsibility is taken by the tribe, but to present the criminal to the world as a “white man”.
When a Marxist commits a terrible crime, no responsibility is taken by the liberals, but to present the criminal to the world as a “tea bagger”.
As they chose to divide from conservatives by blaming them, open-minded, peace-loving, anti-hate, anti-violence, anti-death penalty, anti-war liberals gleefully called for the murder and shooting death of Sarah Palin.  They blame her for an act of terrorism that one of their own people committed.  The word hypocrisy doesn’t even touch the evil of their thoughts and words.  However, “blood libel” certainly comes about as close to the truth as it could get.
The scapegoating of Palin, as well as the Tea Party and conservative citizens as a whole reaches a level of malevolence almost to that of the terrorist act itself.  It is a shame that these people are also Americans.
Article Source:  Heresies Examined

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