Blast hits gas pipeline between Egypt, Jordan, IsraHell


by crescentandcross in Uncategorized 


ed note–remember as we read about these that this is all being done to prepare the mind fo the world for an Israeli invasion/reoccupation of the Sinai.

Cairo – Saboteurs blew up the gas pipeline between Egypt, Israel and Jordan on Thursday morning in Northern Sinai using remote controlled explosive bombs forcing a shutdown in the flow of gas, Egyptian security sources said.

The blast, the sixth this year and the first since pumping was resumed on 24 October, was near Mazar area, 30 km (18 miles) west of the town of Al-Arish.

Primary examination showed that Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) were put under the pipeline and were detonated from a distance,” a security source told Reuters.

“The attackers used two trucks and extended wires were found at the scene,” he added.

Residents in Al-Arish told Reuters that flames could be seen from the town.

The pipeline has been a target for attacks by anonymous saboteurs since the overthrow of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in February after a popular uprising.

Egypt and Israel have signed a 20-year natural gas deal by which Egypt would export gas to its neighbor; however, the deal was unpopular with the Egyptian public and critics argued the Jewish state had been offered gas at prices that were too low.

A company official from East Mediterranean Gas Co (EMG), which exports Egyptian gas to Israel, had said in July that international shareholders in the firm were pursuing legal claims against Egypt for $8 billion in damages from contract violations in gas supplies. That followed disruptions caused by pipeline attacks.

Egypt doubled the price of gas exported to Jordan last month.

Petroleum Minister Abdullah Ghorab said the new price for gas exported to Jordan was just above $5 per million BTU, compared to the previous price of $2.15 to $2.30.

The Egyptian government said this month it would tighten security measures along the pipeline by installing alarm devices and appointing security patrols from local Bedouin tribes.

Previous explosions have closed the pipeline, run by Gasco, Egypt’s gas transport company – a subsidiary of the national gas company EGAS, for weeks.

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