A man, the ancient fable tells us, is known by the company he keeps. In a presidential primary, the endorsement game is one of the great spectator sports. Every four years comes the parade of politicians, preachers and a smattering of politically inclined demi-gods of popular culture stepping forward to endorse one or another of the presidential candidates.
Some are positioning themselves for a prime slot in what they hope will be a future administration. Others are making a statement to the folks back home about the authenticity of their ideological credentials. A few have designs on the levers of creative destruction in their own political party. And that’s before we get to the washed-up rock ‘n’ rollers and comedians who are clearly just looking for a gig, or relevance, or both.
It seems that most Christian schools and church Sunday Schools (and probably Christian homes) are controlled and dominated by women…The overexposure of young boys to women leaders is taking a serious toll on their masculinity…boys are constantly taught to submit to feminine leadership. Independence and assertiveness are considered evil, when in fact, any man worth his salt must, by definition, be a man of independence and strength.
Many of today’s popular Christian entertainers (and that’s all many of them are) are markedly soft and effeminate in appearance, voice, mannerisms, and actions.
“You’re the reason I fucking don’t care about people. You could all die in front of me and I wouldn’t even flinch, I’d just move on with my act…”
“You can’t get a hot chick to do shit in the States. You just want to say — and I couldn’t, ’cause it would sound rude, with broken English — but you want to just nudge ’em and go, ‘Why are you countin’ potatoes? Suck a dick. I’m not tryin’ to be rude, but, for God’s sake, suck a dick — just one dick. One dick is worth, like, a thousand potatoes.”
Hollywood hates Christians. The only thing standing between, let’s just say the homosexual movement, homosexual marriage and the whole homosexual agenda, is the church. And not just the whole church but the evangelical dedicated Christians, and they are hated by the liberal-left because we stand in way, we stand in the way, of their achieving of what it is they want to achieve.
Wildmon endorsed Gingrich, who has admitted that extramarital affairs were reasons that ended his first two marriages, despite previously arguing that “adultery is destructive to relationships, to families, and to society.”
Mrs. LaHaye warned her members that homosexuals “want their depraved ‘values’ to become our children’s values. Homosexuals expect society to embrace their immoral way of life. Worse yet, they are looking for new recruits!” (CWA direct mail, 5/92)
I can see by the language [Obama] uses why people think he could be the antichrist, but from my reading of scripture, he doesn’t meet the criteria. There is no indication in the Bible that the antichrist will be an American.
If the birther movement is truly full of a bunch of conspiracy-fringed kooks or “zombies,” as the Los Angeles Times proclaims, then prove once and for all that you are a naturally born citizen by posting your original birth certificate. And all the controversy will fade away like the pains of childbirth.
What would have happened if Mother Mary had been covered by Obamacare? What if that young, poor and uninsured teenage woman had been provided the federal funds (via Obamacare) and facilities (via Planned Parenthood, etc.) to avoid the ridicule, ostracizing, persecution and possible stoning because of her out-of-wedlock pregnancy? Imagine all the great souls who could have been erased from history and the influence of mankind if their parents had been as progressive as Washington’s wise men and women! Will Obamacare morph into Herodcare for the unborn?
- A Husband Needs A Wife Who Accepts Him As A Leader And Believes In His God-Given Responsibilities”: Husbands are commanded to govern their wives; God works through a man’s decisions — good or bad; Bad decisions reveal his needs and allow the wife to appeal and demonstrate Godly character; The more a wife trusts her husband, the more careful he will be in giving her direction; Never ask others for counsel without your husband’s approval; reassure your husband that you understand and believe that he is your God-given leader.
- A husband needs a wife who will continue to develop inward and outward beauty: How can you become more of the wife of your husband’s dreams?; discover and conform to your husband’s real wishes; explain your hairstyle to others on the basis of your submission to your authority; separate your “rights” from your responsibilities.
- Ask your husband to define your responsibilities; Ask your husband to tell you when you have a resistant spirit; dispel a backbiting tongue by silence.
The opening-night speaker at first ever National Tea Party Convention ripped into President Obama, Sen. John McCain and “the cult of multiculturalism,” asserting that Obama was elected because “we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote in this country.”
“People who could not even spell the word ‘vote’ or say it in English put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House…Barack Hussein Obama.”
[W]hen Boykin was still on active duty, he generated criticism for public comments, given while he was in uniform, indicating that he saw U.S. military engagement in religious terms, as “our God” (Christian) vs. Satan or the “idol” God he said was worshiped by Muslims.
But Islam, we need to think Sharia, it is not just a religion it is a totalitarian way of life. A mosque is an embassy for Islam and they recognize only a global caliphate, not the sanctity or sovereignty of the United States.
How long will it take to see him frog-marched down Pennsylvania Avenue?How will this charade finally be resolved?What steps need to be taken to see justice prevail?
Rep. Sally Kern, R-Oklahoma City, said minorities earn less than white people because they don’t work as hard and have less initiative.“We have a high percentage of blacks in prison, and that’s tragic, but are they in prison just because they are black or because they don’t want to study as hard in school? I’ve taught school, and I saw a lot of people of color who didn’t study hard because they said the government would take care of them.”Kern said women earn less than men because “they tend to spend more time at home with their families.”
I watched her describe, to a church full of right-wing activists, abortion-clinic doctors and healthcare personnel who were murdered as either having been shot, “…or, depending on your point of view, had a procedure performed on them with a rifle.”
I’m an… American Bad AssWatch me kickYou can roll with rockOr you can suck my dickI’m a porno flick, I’m like amazing graceI’m gonna fuck some hoe’s after I rock this placeSuper fly, livin double wideSide car my glideSo Joe C can rideFull sack to shareBringin flash and glareGot the long hair swingin middle finger in the airSnakeskin suits, ’65 ChevellesSee me ride in sinHear the rebel yellI won’t live to tellSo if you doGive the next generation a big “Fuck you!”Who knew I’d blow up like OklahomaSaid fuck high school, pissed on my diplomaSmell the aromaCheck my hitsI know it stinks in hereCause I’m the shit, shit, shit, shit, shit
Nugent appeared onstage wearing a cut-off T-shirt emblazoned with the sure-to-draw-headlines Confederate flag and shouting some unflattering remarks about non-English speakers, according to people who were in attendance. His props were machine guns.
“I was in Chicago last week, I said, ‘Hey Obama, you might want to suck on one of these, you punk!’ Obama, he’s a piece of sh*t and I told him to suck on my machine gun! Let’s hear it for them. I was in New York and I said, ‘Hey Hillary, you might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch.’ And since I’m in California, how about Barbara Boxer? She might want to suck on my machine gun! Hey, Dianne Feinstein, ride one of these, you worthless whore!”