“Quite obviously, meetings go on 24 hours a day, deciding what “new evidence” to concoct to add to the video tapes, personal diary and pornography claimed to have been found already. Has no one ever heard the time honored adage, ‘less is more?’”
by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Nothing could be worse than the story released by the Obama administration. Their claim is that 25 Navy Seals were flown into Pakistan to murder an unarmed and unguarded man whose identity is now in doubt. Legal experts around the world universally characterize the operation, if it actually happened at all, as a criminal act and those involved as subject to prosecution. This issue is unlikely to gain much attention, however, as the majority of people who had not concluded that Osama bin Laden had died in 2001 as reported are now reconsidering their position.
Is President Obama having it both ways, claiming revenge for 9/11 by ordering the murder of someone never named in connection with 9/11 in any way and putting the killing in question by, not only destroying all evidence, but by releasing contradictory and easily discredited versions of the event? Is Obama, as many have long suspected, “channeling” George “W” Bush, the master bungler of all time?
Either way, there is one victim for certain and that is the members of the military services of the United States who will be judged, not by the real facts but rather the political mechanations of the increasingly bizarre stories released to the press on a daily basis. Each new story released shows signs of poor operational judgement where “salting” the “crime scene” with evidence has obviously gotten out of hand, an obvious problem when 46,000 “secret agents” were given 15 years to hunt down and capture a man believed dead for 10 of those 15 years.
Worse yet, senior CIA officials from the Reagan/Bush I era claim bin Laden was and always continued to be “rock solid” as an American intelligence agent until his death, or at least one of his deaths.
Even worse still, eyewitness accounts reported in Pakistan indicate that the bin Laden mission was scrapped after a helicopter crash. The version given, but yet unconfirmed, has Americans leaving only with their dead, abandoning their wreckage and never having entered what is claimed to have been the bin Laden “compound.”
Quite obviously, meetings go on 24 hours a day, deciding what “new evidence” to concoct to add to the video tapes, personal diary and pornography claimed to have been found already. Has no one ever heard the time honored adage, “less is more?”
This is a classic case of “too many cooks spoil the pot.”
Wild stories about 40 minute firefights and “Osama bin Laden” standing on a bed with an AK 47 on full-auto while using his wife as a human shield made the SEAL team involved look like clowns. The SEALS are among the best trained and most effective elite fighting forces in the world. Last year, I met with Hershel Davis, known as “Father of the Seals,” to discuss his distinguished career and his experiences while operating inside Pakistan.
One thing is clear. SEALS were chosen because of their history of secrecy. The entire “bin Laden/Abbottabad” operation is a fiction. The ploy was to use Navy SEALS to trade on their reputation and heroism in order to “sell” a cover story to serve a long series of agenda’s.
The real end result for members of America’s armed forces is to have them cast as bullies, liars and murderers. What we have is a replay of the Delta Force’s operation at Tora Bora, a theatrical construct with a wild story intended on providing a rationale for a decade of war, begun, sustained and ultimately lost based on a fairy tale.
The original “Tora Bora follies,” Osama bin Laden and his entourage leaving his massive luxurious underground complex in a fleet of white GMC Yukon XLs with the aid of local warlords while the Delta Force was “called back for consultation” is as believable as the mysterious funeral of the imaginary Osama bin Laden, an old man seen on video watching television whose biometric signature in no way remotely resembles the facial recognition patterns of the real Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden, the real bin Laden, worked for years with the CIA and was photographed many times.
Veterans Today contributor and senior defense analyst, Brigadier General Asif Haroon Raja made the following observations:
Hardly a week has lapsed since the shattering news of helicopter assault by US SEALs leading to Osama bin Laden’s death and already several branches have sprouted from the trunk of the original story.
Too many doubts are being expressed about the authenticity of the claims made by rejoicing US leaders. As the clouds of skepticism are getting thicker, euphoria of US leadership is correspondingly getting deflated.
Or it was a hoax to cash upon the ghost of Osama? Or was it to stir up uprising in Pakistan similar to the ones in Arab countries and then make it a pretext to take actions as in case of Libya?
Even if we blindly accept the one-sided US story, how come Osama being a trained fighter with no dearth of chivalry chose to live in a house which had no protection? Like the minefield being of no value unless covered with fire, high walls of the house are of no consequence without inner protective shield.Since the house was devoid of arsenal and he had not put up token resistance even with his personal weapon, it means Osama had given up militancy and was leading a quiet and peaceful life with his family. Was it fair to kill an unarmed man?
Pretext of his burial at sea is unconvincing since the Afghans are not inclined to the idea of shrines. Osama was wanted since 2001 dead or alive. How come, when the golden trophy was seized, it was disposed off in indecent haste rather than displaying it in all the 50 states of USA? The US has yet to furnish proofs that Osama was killed. No photograph of his dead body within the Abbottabad house or before and during his burial at sea has been displayed.
Since 9/11 with Rudy Giuliani’s tireless hounding of the limelight, “heroics by proxy,” honoring heroes has been a shameful form of exploitation of the sacrifice and honor of others for political and financial gain. No war in history has made so many billionaires while fighting an enemy that has proven to be 99% fabrication. As conspiracy theory gives way to hard evidence, the demolition of the towers at the World Trade Center has become fact.
Years later when 345 New York firefighters have died of radiation sickness with thousands more sick or dying from illnesses purposefully misdiagnosed or attributed to spurious and unspecified “toxic” sources, the sinister hand of exploitation isn’t hard to see. 3000 died on 9/11, not from terror attacks but proven controlled demolition. 6000 more Americans have died to avenge their deaths while several hundred thousand, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan 85% civilians, 100% victims of an illegal war of aggression, have died so far with more each day.
The sick from Ground Zero fight “tooth and nail” for medical care and compensation while tens of thousands of troops once considered heroes have been drummed out the military, wounded, sick, “used up,” many with no benefits or medical care. 18 kill themselves each day.
Another memorable sight on 9/11 was Secretary Rumsfeld on the pristine Pentagon lawn, theoretical location of 100 tons of aircraft wreckage, seats, bodies, luggage, wings, tail section, all invisible to the naked eye. Soon after, Rumsfeld would mention the missile that hit the Pentagon. He would say it once and the press would forgive that mistaken moment of honesty.
During the 1988 election, Democratic candidate Mike Dukakis was attacked continually for being photographed wearing wearing an Army helmet, riding in a tank. Similarly, President George “W” Bush, whose truncated military career, now classified a “national secret,” includes allegation of failed drug tests and desertion, appeared in another infamous photo, the famed “Mission Accomplished” fiasco claiming victory in a war that is still going on nearly a decade later. Bush’s photo in fighter pilot garb is considered a “Chickenhawk classic.”
Worse still were the carefully staged “terror alerts” and phony bin Laden tapes released at critical times to influence elections or the passage of questionable legislation.
Between 2002 and 2008, Vice President Cheney, a man who shunned military service through numerous deferments was seen on television by the US Armed Forces an average of 35 times per day, primarily standing beside decorated soldiers. (AFN and Pentagon Channel)
The clearest accomplishments of the War on Terror have been clearly defined:
$3 trillion has disappeared from the defense budget, funds missing and unaccounted for
$5 million a year in opium production in Afghanistan as of 2001 is now $80 billion in heroin production, 93% of the world’s supply
At least 25% of the crude oil pumped from Iraq between 2003 and 2008 was never paid for