Biden Authorized Witch Hunt Against Assad Family for ISIS Crimes


The decision was issued directly by Biden, and the goal is the head of the Syrian regime.

On Monday, December 27, US President Joe Biden signed the bill “1605” to authorize the national defense for the 2022 fiscal year, which included several points related to Syria, including investigating the wealth of Assad and his family.

The budget, which allows for $770 billion in defense spending, included the submission by the US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, to the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, a report on the estimated net wealth and known sources of income for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his family members (his wife and children). and his brothers and cousins ​​from the father and the mother).

The report will be submitted no later than 120 days from the date of enactment of this law, including the Assad family’s income from corrupt or illegal activities including assets, investments and other business interests, and relevant beneficial ownership information.

The bill also includes evaluating the efforts of the United States to prevent normalization with the Syrian regime, and rehabilitating it to include addressing the recent contact with the Syrian regime by the United States, in addition to preventing Syria’s return to the Arab League.

It will evaluate US efforts to hold accountable for the Syrian regime’s crimes against Syrians, to include unlawful detention, enforced disappearance, torture, starvation, and the use of chemical weapons.

The bill calls on the US government to continue its military support to its partners in Iraq and Syria, including the Syrian Democratic Forces, to fight the Islamic State.

On December 8, the US Congress passed a bill demanding the disclosure of the wealth of the head of the Syrian regime, Bashar al-Assad and his family, and the development of a strategy by the US administration for Syria.

The vote on the first bill, which was submitted by Congressman, Claudia Tenney, as part of the approval of the US Department of Defense budget for the year 2022.

On December 5, an investigation by the New York Times revealed that the Assad family and those close to his regime are involved in networks to manufacture, smuggle and export narcotic drugs to other countries.

The investigation found that the “Fourth Division” of the Syrian regime forces led by Maher al-Assad, the younger brother of the President of the Syrian regime, Bashar al-Assad, is responsible for the manufacture and export of Captagon.

القرار صدر من بايدن مباشرة.. والهدف رأس النظام السوري

سوشال: متابعات القرار صدر من بايدن مباشرة.. والهدف رأس النظام السوري وقع الرئيس الأمريكي، جو بايدن، يوم الاثنين 27 من كانون الأول، مشروع القانون “1605” لتفويض الدفاع الوطني للسنة المالية 2022، والذي تضمن عدة نقاط تتعلق بسوريا من بينها التحري عن ثروة الأسد وعائلته. وتضمنت الموازنة التي تسمح بإنفاق دفاعي بقيمة 770 مليار دولار أمريكي، … تابع قراءةالقرار صدر من بايدن مباشرة.. والهدف رأس النظام السوريسوشال



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