Benefits of the Century Deal for Lebanon on MTV!

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

The MTV planet is always tweeting outside the Arab swarm. It is not the first time that “Al-Murr Station” has stirred up confusion about an issue on which millions of Arabs are united, not rulers. The Palestinian issue is the focus today.

In keeping with the disastrous deal announced by US President Donald Trump in partnership and cooperation with the occupation leaders, and instead of giving the Palestinian position priority in the newsletter, the channel rushed to a spokesperson speaking on behalf of the US State Department, then broadcast a report on Lebanon’s share of the deal. A public embellishment of the terms of the settlement, so the report’s author, who was subject to the Editorial Administration, presents what he called the positive aspects of Trump’s plan and its implications for Lebanon.

The preparer says in his report that he chose to address it as “the economic benefits of the century deal for Lebanon”: “$ 6.35 billion this amount would revive the country economically by reforming and improving the Lebanese roads and extending an easier way to obtain loans to small and medium companies, supporting the construction of a railway network inside Lebanon With the possibility of contacting a regional railway, supporting construction and logistical services related to the expansion of Beirut airport, the expansion of Lebanese ports in Beirut and Tripoli, and the modernization of border crossings, but the price of resettlement of Palestinians.

Those concerned may be justified as a mistake in the expression, but the missteps always reveal attitudes and intentions, and did replacing Palestine with “Israel” more than once to denote the map of the occupied land in the news reports also mistakenly omitted?

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