Beloved People of Gaza By SHOAHNovember 24, 2012Gaza NOVANEWS by Nahida the Exiled Palestinian Beloved people of Gaza Treasured heroes of Palestine Teachers of love, courage and dignity Archetype of humanity Allow me to kneel down And wash your feet with my tears Kiss your blessed hands And sprinkle your beautiful faces With musk and scented rose petals While we sat pondering like fools Utterly helpless Talking much and doing little Going round and round in circles Thinking how to help What to offer you to relief some of your pain As usual Full of surprises, You come out to our rescue Soothe our agony You offer most precious gifts Lessons in bravery Steadfastness, patience, perseverance, Defiance, resilience Optimism against all odds Creativity in the face of utter oblivion You’ve demonstrated; We are the captives You are the free ones You chose resistance over subjugation You decided Never to surrender Never to be enslaved Not even to superpowers Would we ever learn from you? Nahida the Exiled Palestinian