Belgian MP states a few unforgivable truths

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Belgian MP Laurent Louis stands against war in Mali and exposes the international neocolonial plot at the Belgian Parliament. His website is here. On Jan 17, 32-year-old Louis, the most controversial and demonized national political figure ever, explained why he voted against the belgian support to war in Mali. Meanwhile, he expressed his disgust and wrath against the criminal foreign policies of the Belgian elite and its submission to foreign financial and interests groups. For the first time at the Belgiam Parliament, he evokes that 9/11 was made up and says what no one before him has never dared to speak out! Please share this exceptional moment of truth.
There were other interventions as powerful from that man regarding the necessity to re-open the Dutroux case, since he has been confronted to official pictures of the paedophile’s little victims that dramatically contradicted the official version of the cause of their death. I’ll translate his intervention on that subject within the next days because too many dark secrets are poisoning our democracies, and because it seems like in the heart of Europe, dark secrets have become a raw material. Thanks for sharing. This man needs and deserve our support.

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