Belfast Solicitor Pat Finucane Was Murdered



Finucane was murdered by British state in collusion with loyalist terrorists

22 years on the Finucane Family have not been given the truth of Pat’s killing. The European Court of Human Rights 1st July 2003 found that Pat Finucane’s right to life, which is protected under Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights, had been violated in a number of ways: See full details of the Ruling and the full story of Pat at

Please raise this issue wherever possible and Write to David Cameron, Owen Paterson and your own MP to demand a full independent, international investigation into Pat’s killing – and encourage others to do so.

Contact details:

David Cameron, 10 Downing Street, London, SW1A 2AA e-mail: [email protected] or fill in form at:

Owen Paterson, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland Office, 11 Millbank, London SW1P 4PN e-mail: [email protected] or fill in form at

Your own MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA Or if you are outside England, Scotland and Wales contact your own politicians to put pressure on the British Government

Below is a simple model Letter written to Paterson on 17.12 2010 to which there has been no reply

Dear Mr Patterson

This is a quote from an article in the Guardian Newspaper 13/12/10

“MI5 has said that it is prepared to hand over sensitive files on one of the most high-profile murders during the Northern Ireland Troubles carried out by loyalist gunmen working with members of the British security forces. The offer in the case of the Pat Finucane, the well-known civil rights and defence lawyer murdered in front of his wife and three young children in 1989, is contained in confidential US embassy cables passed to WikiLeaks.”

The Finucane family have long suffered enough not having the full information about who shot Pat. If you had been shot repeatedly whilst having a meal with your wife and children, I am sure they would want the full story about who did it and why. Pat’s mother is now elderly and in ill health, I visit her when I visit my own family in Belfast. Don’t let her die before the truth of her son’s killing is told.

Please release the papers held by M15 and let the truth be told.

I know there is an argument about costs following the Saville Inquiry into the events of Bloody Sunday, but that was because the British establishment, the army and the police told lies. TRUTH COSTS NOTHING it is the covering up of the truth that costs the millions.

Please release this family from their years of suffering and release the papers now so that the truth is known and can be told.

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