Beirut Bombing: Impunity of Zionist Terrorism


The International Diplomatic Mission of Islamic Human Rights has called to report these crimes against humanity to the international organizations to end impunity for Zionist terrorist
(Latin America/Beirut) The International Diplomatic Mission of Islamic Human Rights as diplomatic international non governmental organization of Human Rights, expressed by the international community, through its president and ambassador Faisal Sergio Tapia, the strongest condemnation of the terrorist attack that took place in Ruwais area, in the southern suburb of Beirut, the Lebanese capital, a true crime against humanity which shows a balance of 22 Lebanese martyrs killed and over 290 injured. This is a real genocide against the Lebanese people against the Lebanese nation, with each new terrorist attack that slaughters Lebanese families like five weeks ago that attacked southern Beirut with 53 wounded, is this happening real crimes against humanity , a real genocide in this string of attacks on Lebanese civilians in the eyes of the world.
Once again a terrorist attack against Beirut, crimes and massacres against the Lebanese nation against all the Lebanese people, the stability of Lebanon, behind all this death are the Zionist Israeli criminal hands that plague the region, where Zionism makes destabilization operations in the region, with the aim of creating a climate in Lebanon war among the population, with the aim of destroying the Lebanese people invincible.
They need to destabilize the entire region and Lebanon is a real strength of the resistance against Israeli Zionism, against the interests of imperialism and its allies in the region.
Recall that in 2006, the Lebanese resistance with his people defeat to zionist state in this war that begins when Israel invaded Lebanon again in 2006, and suffers a tough defeat historic the zionist regimen has not forgiven him.
These terrorist operations against the Lebanon are financed and coordinated by Zionism, great enemy of the great Lebanese homeland, where the response of the people of Lebanon is the path of national unity and solidarity.
The International Diplomatic Mission of Islamic Human Rights said that since the conflict began in the neighboring country of Syria, has denounced the intentions of foreign mercenaries sponsored by imperialism and Zionism, to create a climate of civil war in Lebanon and with this attack are confirming their interest to destroy the peace and destroy Lebanese unity, destroy the Lebanese people’s democratic values, which are an example for countries in the region.
The Lebanese people, is demonstrating a Lebanese national unity against all kinds of terrorist aggression. Lebanon will not allow a civil war again, as that war manufactured and exported by imperialism and Zionism usurper.
Finally the Islamic human rights ambassador, Faisal Sergio Tapia says “The blood of martyrs Lebanese brothers is and will be the victory over the enemies of the Lebanese nation, the blood of the martyrs Lebanese, not go unpunished in the eyes of God and not goes unpunished in the consciousness of the peoples of the world who struggle against oppression. ” and calls to international human rights and justice from the International Criminal Court, United Nations, the Arab League and the Islamic Organization, to give a strong response to criminal acts against the Lebanese nation, curb terrorist massacres , and denounce the impunity of the Zionist criminal acts with the complicit silence of the international community.

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