Because Our Cause is Just (and zionist western funded) – women in the ‘Arab Spring’


Because Our Cause is Just is an eye-opening documentary about the struggle of women in countries experiencing the so-called “Arab Spring.” Begun as a civil movement of women and men seeking human rights and justice after decades of (western backed,armed) dictatorship, the revolutionary wave has not yielded justice for all. Instead, the political openings caused by these revolts have been exploited by Islamist groups (aided and funded by western client regimes) who seek to not only exclude women from the political process but to remove them from public life through intimidation, oppressive legislation, and even physical violence. 
[[[[[Produced by Women’s Learning Partnership]]]]], the film reveals how women in the Middle East-North Africa region are continuing to fight for the right to be part of their countries evolving political systems. [[[[[Award-winning filmmakers Deb Bergeron and Kim Connell]]]]] conducted powerful interviews with women who are defending human rights and seeking progress on the ground in Egypt, Morocco, Libya, Lebanon, Iran, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. (all puppet regimes with strong western support,and backing) .

4 seasons produced by KIM CONNELL

= [ ed notes;backround on filmakers….  
KIM CONNELL President,  Director and Editor [email protected]

Kim Connell is the Founder and President of RAINLAKE Productions and an award-winning Director and Editor with over 15 years of hands-on experience creating films, television programming, and content for the digital world.She is currently directing and editing Mariachi Higha documentary airing nationally on PBS June 29th, 2012Recent documentary films include Player Hating (2010 Indie Fest Award & 2010 Accolade Award), [[[[[Four Seasons Lodge . (Audience Award
 ((((Miami Jewish Film Festival)))) with cinematography by Albert Maysles)]]]]]

 MULTIMEDIA HIGHLIGHTS [[[[GATES FOUNDATION / call to action video]]]]]

[[[[[WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM / Opening video for the 2002 World Economic Forum]]]]]

 Deb Bergeron, CPCC, ACC from divorced to divorcing women!!!  
She is also a speaker, workshop presenter and professional facilitator, specializing in women in transition, work/life balance, extreme self-care and Non-Violent Communication.
 By examining the consequences of inequality, the film underscores the connection between the fate of democracy and the future of global security in the post-9/11 era. Because Our Cause is Just ends with a way forward: the realization of men and women in the region that democracy without rights for women and minorities is not real democracy, and that only real democracy will bring dignity and peace to their nations and to the world.WLP will be screening Because Our Cause Is Just, our new documentary on the backlash against women’s rights post-Arab Spring, at the Columbia Heights cultural institution BLOOMBARS.

 [ed notes:who is behind learning partnerships? are they independent from zionist western control or are they tools? put it this way,WLP president who runs it,was at zionist ran us senate in 2011 asking the zionists running it ,to help them gain more rights (zionist us senate to adress the problem,they created???suuure lol ),see who chaired it?zionist  Tamara Wittes from zionist saban,brookings centre…Tamara Cofman Wittes is the Director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution .

 [end note;ok so,lets recapp.. MENA region womens organization network,with documentaries demanding rights action for REGION,BUT PRO ZIONIST TIES,thru zionist us senate,and zionist saban,Zionist filmakers,and zionist divorce encouraging counsellors?A documentary highligthing pligth of women in MENA,that leaves out fact these dictatorships are all puppet regiems of the zionist original ”sigh” yeah i see now why they brought a divorce lawyer on board lol not that they dont need those rights btw,but leaving out who stole them,and shifting blame to other then thsoe behind root cause,who sponsor this project,brings up that old saying ”with friends like these,who needs enemies”

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