William Parry, a London-based photojournalist who contributesregularly to the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, will be discussing his book,Against the Wall: the art of resistance in Palestine, in an upcoming U.S. tour. He will be giving illustrated talks around the country between Feb. 17 and March 3, 2012 (see itinerary below).His stunning book of photos (available from the AET Book Club, the graffiti and street art that has transformed Israel’s apartheid wall into a livingcanvasof resistance and solidarity. Featuring the work of artists including Banksy, Ron English, Swoon,Faile, Bluand others, as well as Palestinian artists and international grassroots activists, thesephotos express outrage, compassion, solidarity, peaceful resistance and touching humor.They mirror the wall’s toll on lives and livelihoodsand are coupled with interviews that showthe hardship it has brought to tens of thousands of Palestinians, preventing their access towork, education, families, vital medical care and places of worship.William Parry has given over 50 illustrated talks throughout England, Scotland, Ireland andCanada for advocacy, student and arts groups (the UK launch was held with a talk andexhibition at Amnesty International’s UK headquarters). He has been interviewed on BBC’sNews 24 channel, al Jazeera English, Australia’s national ABC Radio, Montreal radio stationC-JAD and other media. Against the Wall has received excellent reviews and publicity in arange of media, including Electronic Intifada, Publishers Weekly, the New York Review ofBooks, street art websites and many others.From the May/June 2011 Washington Report on Middle East Affairs:
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