Arthur Topham: Majority of the Canadian Media Are Controlled by Zionists

Syria Under Fire: Zionist Destabilization
TEHRAN (FNA)- The fact that the Israeli lobby has dominated the Western mainstream media and doesn’t allow them to practice freedom of speech and perform professionally is no closed book to those who follow these media’s coverage of the Middle East’s current affairs.
A veteran Canadian author and editor says that Canada is home to one of the largest Israeli lobbies in the West, and there are numerous Jewish advocacy organizations that pursue the interests of the Israeli regime and have long launched a massive campaign against freedom of speech in the name of combating “anti-Semitism”.
According to Arthur Topham, the major mission of these organizations is to advocate for any and all things Jewish and anything connected with Israel and with maintaining the status quo mindset which includes ongoing propaganda and advocacy related to the Holocaust Myth, pushing the whole “anti-Semitism” and “racism” issues in order to gain political points with whatever government is in power and also a strong focus on maintaining and strengthening Canada’s “hate crime” laws which act as a major defense against the Canadians who try to expose the crimes of Israel against the Palestinian people and who criticize the Zionist ideology and all the related issues connected with Jewish financial and media and corporate power around the world.”
Arthur Topham is a 67-year-old writer, gold miner and publisher of the Radical Press (, an alternative internet news and opinion website which has been in continuous operation in British Columbia since June 1998.
Since 2007, Topham has been accused by the Canadian government of spreading anti-Semitic sentiments and promoting hatred against “people of the Jewish religion or ethnic group.” He has been arrested and jailed once for publishing materials which were critical of the Israeli regime’s treatment of the Palestinian people. He is currently being investigated in a court and if found guilty, he could receive a two-year jail sentence and be prohibited from publishing.
“It’s important for readers to understand that all the so-called “hate crimes” which we hear constantly being spoken and written about in the Jewish-controlled mainstream media are products of the efforts of the Zionist lobby groups here in Canada and elsewhere to manufacture legal mechanisms that could be used by either “human rights” commissions and tribunals or the criminal code of the Canadian judicial system to control and censor the fundamental right to free expression or “freedom of speech”, especially as it now is being applied to the internet here in Canada,” said Topham in an exclusive interview with Fars News Agency.
Arthur Topham took part in an interview with FNA and responded to some questions regarding the growth and influence of the Israeli lobby in Canada, the state of Israeli-Canadian relations, the dominance of Jewish advocacy organizations over the mass media in Canada and Stephen Harper government’s discriminatory measures against Iran. What follows is the text of the interview.
Q: It’s said that Canada is one of the most pro-Israel countries in the Western hemisphere and that it is home to an influential Israeli lobby. It’s also noted that Canada has endeavored a great deal in 1948 to secure the recognition of the Israeli state in the United Nations. Why is the Israeli lobby so powerful and dominant in Canada? What makes Canada and Israel so robustly attached to each other?
A: Given the recent international display of abject and shameful obeisance to Israel and the Zionist agenda by the current Harper government, it’s safe to say that such extreme, overt behavior is definitely indicative of a very powerful and influential Israeli lobby here in Canada. But, that said, I’m hesitant to state that the majority of the Canadian population are as openly and unabashedly pro-Israel as the Harper government itself.
One must keep in mind that the Harper Conservative government was re-elected in 2011 by only 39.62% of those who actually voted. In other words out of a total of approximately 24 million eligible voters only 14.7 million cast their ballots and of that figure only 5.8 million voted for Harper. It was the second lowest voter turnout in Canadian history, the lowest being the 2008 election when Harper was able to win a minority government. So in reality Harper only received two percent more of the votes than in 2008 but due to the election system we have here in Canada that 2% translated into an additional 24 seats in parliament which gave the Harper Conservatives a majority win. Harper called it a “decisive endorsement” of his party’s campaign platform but that was hardly the case considering the far greater number of citizens who didn’t vote Conservative. In fact many Canadians described his win in far less flattering terms.
As for Canada’s role in the UN’s decision to recognize the state of Israel, it’s my understanding that Canada wasn’t all that interested in involving itself in the whole Zionist issue of a “homeland for the Jews” in Palestine. The Canadian Prime Minister at the time, William Lyon Mackenzie King, had done his best to not get involved in the controversy surrounding the British White Paper of 1939 but, unfortunately, he was eventually drawn into playing a greater role by the USA when Britain transferred the Palestine question to the UN in the spring of 1947. The United States, worried about the Soviets gaining too much influence in the region, pressured Canada to join a commission the US was planning to create to counter the Soviet initiatives and that led to greater involvement on the part of Canada. When it came time for Canada to support the partition plan in November of 1947 apparently Mackenzie King only grudgingly accepted it so I would have to say that in general Canada at the time of the creation of Israel wasn’t in any way as zealous about Israel as what we are seeing today with the Harper government.
To answer your question about why the Israeli lobby is so powerful and dominant in Canada I suspect that the reasons are no different than what you would find were you to ask that same question of any western nation where the Jews have settled in numbers prior to and since the turn of the 20th century. One of the primary sources for the dispensing of their disproportional power and influence has been their secretive masonic organization known as B’nai Brith, a Rothschild-funded, occult hierarchical system founded in the USA in 1843 and now having thousands upon thousands of lodges and chapters around the world. The first Canadian B’nai Brith masonic lodge was established in Toronto back in 1875 and by the beginning of the 1900s the Jews were already well established in Eastern Canada with sizeable communities in Montreal and Toronto.
Given the “power of the purse” thanks to the usurious fractional reserve banking system which they created, their influence within Canada’s legal system, academia and the media all fitted into the standard template used by the Zionists for centuries for infiltrating and influencing host nations and their governments.
In 1913 with the establishment of the Rothschild banking cartel’s US Federal Reserve and B’nai Brith’s branch organization the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) the Zionists became increasingly more politically involved in areas of government, the economy and media and by the end of WW2 their power and influence had risen beyond their wildest expectations by their political and media manipulation and management of the most controversial subject ever to have been raised in the 20th century, that being, the alleged “Holocaust of 6 million Jews” by Germany during the war of 1939 – 1945. It was the presumed extermination of the unbelievable number of Jews by Hitler’s regime that became the determining factor in the fate of Palestine and the Middle East in general and influenced the voting results in May of 1948.
As to your question regarding the robust attachment for Israel by Canada I would have to say that it’s primarily the result of the Zionist lobby’s inordinate power over the present Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Previous governments have not disgraced their nation to the extent that Harper has been since 2008 and hopefully any new change of government would see this despicable practice end.
Q: How many Zionist and pro-Israeli organizations are currently operating in Canada? What are their major missions and responsibilities? What are the sources of their funding and budget?
A: The principal Zionist and pro-Israeli organizations currently operating in Canada are B’nai Brith Canada, the Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee (CJPAC) and the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), formerly the Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy, but it needs to be mentioned that one of the most long-standing Jewish lobby organizations was the Canadian Jewish Congress which has operated here since 1919 and only ceased its efforts in 2011 when it basically merged with the newly formed Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA).
As with all of them their major missions are to advocate for any and all things Jewish and anything connected with the state of Israel and with maintaining the status quo mindset which includes ongoing propaganda and advocacy related to the Holocaust Myth, pushing the whole “anti-Semitism” and “racism” issues in order to gain political points with whatever government is in power and also a strong focus on maintaining and strengthening Canada’s “hate crime” laws which act as a major defense against Canadians who try to expose the crimes of the state of Israel against the Palestinian people and who criticize the Zionist ideology and all the related issues connected with Jewish financial and media and corporate power around the world.
I haven’t been able to determine the sources of their funding and budgets but one can easily extrapolate that their funding either comes from government grants or from various Zionist Jew organizations that rely upon wealthy donors from within their community.
The newest umbrella organization, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, is likely the most relevant lobby group in Canada in terms of our nation’s connections with the state of Israel and the policies of Harper government when it comes to affairs related to the Middle East. They are the most vocal group pushing government and the Zionist media here in Canada with respect to issues of free speech on the internet and their “hate speech” legislation which they are directly responsible for having incorporated into Canadian jurisprudence. As well they are active in fighting to destroy the boycott of Israel movement (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions known as BDS) and, of course, the most prominent lobby group responsible for influencing the Harper government’s foreign policies with respect to Canada’s sanctions against Iran.
Q: Many critics of the Canadian foreign policy have argued that the mainstream media in the North American country are overwhelmed by the Israeli lobby and publish what the pro-Israeli advocacy groups dictate to them. May you please explain for our readers the roots and reasons of the expansion and growth of the Israeli influence and dominance over the Canadian media?
A: Well to be as honest as possible, Kourosh, it’s a joke to even speak of the “Canadian” media as though it actually exists. What that term “Canadian” implies is that our media is composed of a wide variety of publishing companies and independent newspapers and magazines and television stations which are owned and operated by an assortment of Canadians who are not directly affiliated with either the Zionist political agenda or the Jewish lobby organizations or the foreign state of Israel. But that, unfortunately, is not the case and hasn’t been the case for well over half a century or longer.
All estimates that I am aware of place the ownership and or control (direct or indirect) of “Canadian” media by Jewish interests at somewhere around 95% and possibly more. And so it’s not simply that the Jewish lobby groups here in Canada overwhelm the “Canadian” mainstream media and dictate to it because of their influence but more the case of actual and willing collusion between the two entities in question. There’s no doubt in my mind or in the minds of most Canadians who understand the dynamics of Jewish power and influence that Canada’s so-called “independent” media is little more than an illusion manufactured by the Zionist-controlled media itself, and this also includes the supposed flagship of national, partisan, real Canadian media, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). It too is heavily burdened down with pro-Zionist Jewish staff at practically all levels from the executives who set policies to the news broadcasting staff and film editors and writers and inevitably functions as the mouthpiece of pro-Zionist, pro-Israeli propaganda supporting the Harper government and its disastrous and humiliating policies toward all things relating to Arab/Muslim relations. This of course is not any different than all the other western nations including the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, etc. The BBC in England performs the very same functions on behalf of Israel and the Jewish lobbyists there and in some ways is even more blatant in its avowed pro-Zionist propaganda.
Q: As you earlier mentioned,  it seems that certain Western states, including Canada, have inextricably tied their national interests to the interests of Israel and interpret any minor criticism of Israel as a hate crime. Several prominent academicians and authors have been imprisoned in Europe and Canada for criticizing Israel in the recent years. I also read that certain charges were leveled at you over the critical remarks you made against Israel on the Radical Press website. Would you please tell us what you think about this hate crime which is seemingly seen by the Western officials as exclusive to Israel? Is it fair and logical to ban criticism of Israel simply because it sounds ant-Semitic?
A: It’s important for readers to understand that all the so-called “hate crimes” which we hear constantly being spoken and written about in the Jewish-controlled mainstream media are products of the efforts of the Zionist lobby groups here in Canada and elsewhere to manufacture legal mechanisms that could be used by either “human rights” commissions and tribunals or the criminal code of the Canadian judicial system to control and censor the fundamental right to free expression or “freedom of speech”, especially as it now is being applied to the internet here in Canada.
Laws specific to these so-called “hate crimes” or more aptly “thought crimes” when viewed from an Orwellian perspective, didn’t surface until after WW2 and were connected first with the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, which themselves were in large measure based upon or directly related to what the American writer Arthur R. Butz called the “hoax of the Twentieth century” which of course was in reference to the Zionist Jew’s claim that six million European Jews were exterminated by the German military forces during WW2. In other words the Holocaust legend (Lie) was what the Zionists used in order to justify all their subsequent demands for “hate crime” legislation here in Canada and elsewhere around the world.
By as early as March, 1953 the Canadian Jewish Congress was already appearing before a Special House of Commons Committee that was reviewing and studying a Criminal Code amendment bill and lobbying to have Parliament introduce special criminal offences related to “hate propaganda.” By January 1965 Canada’s federal Minister of Justice Guy Favreau had named a Special Committee under the Chairmanship of Dean Maxwell Cohen (Jewish) to report to him on “hate propaganda” and then after another five years of intense lobbying, in June of 1970 Parliament adopted and Royal Assent was given to amendments to the Criminal Code, based largely on Cohen Committee recommendations, designed to deal with the advocacy of genocide and “hate propaganda.”
Throughout the 1970s and 80s additional efforts continued to expand upon the “hate crime” concept within Canadian jurisprudence and in 1984 the famous, landmark case of James Keegsra began. This is one that my former lawyer Mr. Douglas Christie first became involved with; a case that catapulted Mr. Christie on to the world stage as Canada’s foremost fighter against these Zionist created censorship laws based on the thought crime revolving around the emotional state of mind called “hate.”
In December of 1990 the Supreme Court of Canada in the Keegstra case upheld s.319(2) of the Criminal Code as a “reasonable limit on Charter-guaranteed freedom of expression” and on the same day in another “hate crime” related case Taylor the Court upheld s. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act on the same grounds. Both decisions laid the groundwork for all the subsequent “hate crime” cases that occurred through the last 15 years and we can easily see that in every case it has been the Jewish lobby organizations here in Canada who are either responsible for having laid the charges against people or are inevitably the primary interveners in the cases.
It’s also worthy of note that in June of 1998, the very month that I began publishing my monthly tabloid The Radical, B’nai Brith Canada, at its annual general meeting in Ottawa, unanimously adopted a resolution urging that “Holocaust denial” be made a criminal offence. The rest, as they say is history but to put it all into a broader perspective any analysis of the origins and development of “hate crime” legislation in Canada easily shows that without the constant push and shove of the Zionist lobbyists and the ongoing, relentless daily propaganda by the Zionist-controlled media indoctrinating the population with the “Holocaust Myth” these so-called “crimes” would likely never have entered into our statutes.
Of course in reply to your question “Is it fair and logical to ban criticism of Israel simply because it sounds anti-Semitic?” the answer is obviously a resounding no! It’s illogical and unjust to use such spurious, vexatious undemocratic laws to stifle debate on issues of such vital importance to a nation’s domestic and foreign policies.
Q: I read that you were charged with a hate crime because of your anti-Israeli writings on the Radical Press website. I would like to know how the local authorities treated you after they leveled those accusations against you. Were you eventually jailed for the alleged violations?
A: Unlike many Canadians who’ve been charged with these “hate crimes” I was not only charged with a Sec. 319(2) Criminal Code offence in May of 2012 but even prior to then I had been charged with a Sec. 13(1) “hate crime” offence by the Canadian Human Rights Commission back in November of 2007. So my ongoing battle to retain my right to free expression and publish on is now in its 7th year of continuous litigation on two fronts.
It’s also of interest to note that in both cases it was the Jewish lobby organization B’nai Brith Canada who was responsible for laying the complaints against me. The first Sec. 13(1) charge was the least invasive of the two and it only resulted in my receiving written documents accusing me of the crime and then email and telephone exchanges between the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) and the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (CHRT) which took over once the CHRC determined that the case should move ahead to the tribunal stage of persecution. That case was stayed back in 2009 pending the outcome of another case that preceded my own and which only this January ruled that it could continue even though the Canadian Parliament repealed the infamous Sec. 13(1) legislation in the Canadian Human Rights Act back in June of 2012.
The more recent Sec. 319(2) criminal code charge was a different matter. After the agents of Zionism laid their complaint with the British Columbia “Hate Crime Team” a long investigation took place which eventually culminated in police helicopters surveilling my home, RCMP officers stalking both my wife and myself and spying on us and finally the BC Hate Crime Team traveling up from Vancouver approximately 600 km and then arresting me on May 16, 2012 while I was on my way to work. I was handcuffed and taken to jail and my dear wife left with our vehicle on the side of the highway. While in jail the police obtained an illegal search warrant and entered my home and stole all of my computers, electronic files and firearms and when I was eventually released that same evening I was no longer permitted to access the internet or post on any of my websites including ones related to my other business which was connected to with the mining industry. Fortunately Mr. Douglas Christie had been working with me on the first Sec. 13(1) charge and I was able to contact him and retain his services in order to get released from jail rather quickly.
In all fairness I must add that throughout the period of my arrest and incarceration I was not in any way brutalized or abused by the police. In that sense I suppose I was very fortunate indeed.
Q: There’s a growing trend in the West for equating the criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism and opposition to Jewry. As a result, the critics of the actions and policies of Israel, including its systematic killing of the Palestinian people and its illegal settlement constructions are easily vilified and defamed as anti-Semite. Is the criticism of Israel really equal to anti-Semitism?
A: When one digs down to actual root of the whole issue of “anti-Semitism” it becomes very obvious just how the Zionist Jews have been employing this erroneous term, as they do the “Holocaust Myth”, to justify all of their “hate crime” laws throughout most of the West including European nations. Here in Canada and the USA the vast majority of so-called Jews are acknowledged to be descended from the Ashkenazim or Eastern European Jews who, according to most researchers and investigators, have very little to no direct connection to the Semitic people of the Middle East and are not Semites themselves so it’s ludicrous and illogical and absolutely deceptive on their part to continually be playing this “anti-Semitic” card in their gamble to take over the world. If I and others in Canada were being severely critical of the Palestinian people or other Arabic nations then there might be just cause to call us “anti-Semitic” but in the case of the Zionist Jews it is nothing but more subterfuge and deceit designed to mask their geopolitical motives and their blatant and racist treatment of the Palestinian people.
Q: Canada regularly blasts Iran for its alleged violations of human rights. In September 2012, it unilaterally closed its embassy in Iran and also expelled the Iranian diplomats from Ottawa. Some critics and experts believe that Israel is behind these anti-Iran moves by the Canadian government. What’s your viewpoint on that? Why has Canada adopted such a hostile attitude toward Iran while the new Iranian administration has taken a conciliatory approach toward the West and is moving toward normalizing its ties with the international community?
A: Those critics and experts who say that Israel is behind the Harper government’s vehement and irrational attacks upon Iran are absolutely correct in their assessment of the real reasons for this abominable and hateful behavior on the part of the Harper government toward Iran. There is no other plausible explanation for Canada’s anti-Iran behavior given the degree of power and influence that the Jewish lobbyist wield over Harper and his traitorous band of sycophantic Ministers. When one adds to this negative attitude the tremendous pressure that the US government places on Canada to keep in line with AIPAC’s program of vilification of Iran, it’s easy to see why the mix of these two neo-con, Zionist-controlled governments would be synchronized to spread disinformation and outright hatred toward one of last remaining nations on the face of the planet not under the control of the Rothschild Banking cartel.
Q: Treating Israel with a sort of awe and fear and veneration has become a religion and a tradition in such countries as Canada. Those who behave or opine otherwise will be ostracized and accused. How is it possible to change the atmosphere and create an environment in which everybody can freely express his viewpoints regarding Israel without being fearful of prosecution or defamation?
A: It is in large measure the result of decades upon decades of ongoing propaganda concerning the “Holocaust Myth” and the “evil Nazis” and “anti-Semitism” and all of Hollywood’s and the Jewish media’s deception coupled very successful attempt at brainwashing many of the Christian sects in both Canada and the USA and turning them into Christian Zionists that has led to this unnatural and indecent and false “respect and veneration” of Israel and its Zionist ideology.
From my personal experiences and perspective on the matter of Israel I believe that only peaceful and logical solution to altering the present state of affairs in Canada is to continue to make available to the general public as much alternative information on the realities of what Zionism truly is and what the crimes of Israel are and also to continue to expose the underbelly of the Jewish lobbyist groups here in Canada and point out to Canadians just how these foreign pro-Israel organizations like B’nai Brith and the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs are committing treasonous acts against the nation by using their wealth and power and influence to subvert the policies of the federal government and turn the country into another clone of Israel.
I also firmly believe that Canadians who are opposed to the Zionist lobbyist and to the actions of the Harper government should work more closely with those in the Arab community in order to facilitate greater understanding of this problem and help other Canadians to realize that their support for Harper is counter-productive to a harmonious and lasting relationship with the Middle East. The degree of control of Canada’s mainstream media is one of the greatest stumbling blocks standing in the way of peace between the east and the west. Anything therefore that the east can do to help those of us here in west to get the message out regarding the Zionists and their lobby groups can only have a beneficial effect for both of us in the long run.
Interview by Kourosh Ziabari

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