Now that Mubarak has been released from prison. many questions are rising as to what he might be up to . There is a feeling that his role is not over yet , accompanied by another feeling that he is still the strong man in Egypt and maybe the strongest . The sad outcome of the Spring revolutions has had for effect to long again for the deposed Arab stooges and who knows if we will not live to see Mubarak and Ben ‘Ali re reinstalled or reelected. Other wise how to explain the unjustifiable release of Mubarak after being accused of abusing his people for more than thirty years? Rumors say that Ben ‘Ali is also getting ready for returning to Tunis.
This is to say that the Arab Spring might be over and it is time for the substitute artists who filled the political scene to pack and go . They will not be regretted for sure because they brought instability and havoc and caused bloodshed that made the people forget what has been done unto them by the previous tyrants . The people are ready to turn the page and maybe to tear the page and act as if nothing happened . What Uncle Sam had designed has come true . People have become disgusted with Revolutions.
Maybe the US administration never forgot  how it  failed in reinstalling the Shah of Iran again on the throne  after the revolutionaries deposed him and ended his rule in 1979 . As a matter of fact US has just admitted -lately - to have been behind the coup that overthrew Mosaddegh  in 1953 to replaced him by the Shah.  In 1979 however, not only the Shahinshah - the emperor of Iran -US exceptional ally  - was ousted but he could not find one country to host him , he was sick,  exiled and had no place to go .If there is a dark spot in the history of USA it must be  this one  . US Administration did away with an ally that was amongst the most powerful . US of course would turn against its allies and sacrifice its stooges and Uncle Sam is used to this and we have seen the US administration getting rid of people who served it to a great extent   .  You can name Saddam  Hussein and Hariri  and others who were treated  like  real enemies and done away with .
In the case of Saddam Hussein   or Kadhdhafi  or even Hariri, they were momentary short term allies that  were not total sell out and could turn any time  against Uncle Sam and rally against him . They were not permanent stooges but sort of part time ones and not quite reliable as a matter of fact . Mubarak -the previous president of Egypt-  is like the Shah of Iran-another  exceptional stooge who carried on Uncle Sam.’s orders  to the letter and would not refrain from killing Egyptians and Palestinians if this pleased his Yankee master ..
 Now that Mubarak has been released from prison. many questions are rising as to what he might be up to . There is a feeling that his role is not over yet , accompanied by another feeling that he is still the strong man in Egypt and maybe the strongest . The sad outcome of the Spring revolutions has had for effect to long again for the deposed Arab stooges   and who knows if we will not live to see Mubarak  and Ben ‘Ali re reinstalled or reelected.  Other wise  how to explain  the unjustifiable release of Mubarak after being accused of abusing his people for more than thirty years? Rumors say that Ben ‘Ali is also getting ready for returning to Tunis.
This is to say that the Arab Spring might be over and it is time for the substitute artists  who filled the political scene to pack and go  . They will not be regretted for sure because they brought instability and havoc and caused bloodshed that made the people forget what has been done unto them by the previous tyrants  . The people are ready to turn the page  and maybe to tear the page  and act as if nothing happened . What Uncle Sam had designed  has come true . People have become disgusted with Revolutions.
Maybe the US administration never forgot how it failed in reinstalling the Shah of Iran again on the throne after the revolutionaries deposed him and ended his rule in 1979 . As a matter of fact US has just admitted -lately – to have been behind the coup that overthrew Mosaddegh in 1953 to replaced him by the Shah. In 1979 however, not only the Shahinshah – the emperor of Iran -US exceptional ally – was ousted but he could not find one country to host him , he was sick, exiled and had no place to go .If there is a dark spot in the history of USA it must be this one . US Administration did away with an ally that was amongst the most powerful . US of course would turn against its allies and sacrifice its stooges and Uncle Sam is used to this and we have seen the US administration getting rid of people who served it to a great extent . You can name Saddam Hussein and Hariri and others who were treated like real enemies and done away with .
In the case of Saddam Hussein or Kadhdhafi or even Hariri, they were momentary short term allies that were not total sell out and could turn any time against Uncle Sam and rally against him . They were not permanent stooges but sort of part time ones and not quite reliable as a matter of fact . Mubarak -the previous president of Egypt- is like the Shah of Iran-another exceptional stooge who carried on Uncle Sam.’s orders to the letter and would not refrain from killing Egyptians and Palestinians if this pleased his Yankee master ..
Now that Mubarak has been released from prison. many questions are rising as to what he might be up to . There is a feeling that his role is not over yet , accompanied by another feeling that he is still the strong man in Egypt and maybe the strongest . The sad outcome of the Spring revolutions has had for effect to long again for the deposed Arab stooges and who knows if we will not live to see Mubarak and Ben ‘Ali re reinstalled or reelected. Other wise how to explain the unjustifiable release of Mubarak after being accused of abusing his people for more than thirty years? Rumors say that Ben ‘Ali is also getting ready for returning to Tunis.
This is to say that the Arab Spring might be over and it is time for the substitute artists who filled the political scene to pack and go . They will not be regretted for sure because they brought instability and havoc and caused bloodshed that made the people forget what has been done unto them by the previous tyrants . The people are ready to turn the page and maybe to tear the page and act as if nothing happened . What Uncle Sam had designed has come true . People have become disgusted with Revolutions.

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