12 September 1977: Steve Biko RIP

33 years ago thug South African police murdered anti-apartheid leader Steve Biko. He died in Pretoria prison at the age of 30.


The South African anti-apartheid struggle is often invoked in comparison to the Palestinian struggle. The trajectories do parallel one another in places. But hopefully, not in others. The South African Gini co-efficient is off the scale. The anti-apartheid struggle triumphed by turning South Africa into a country where blacks, too, could dominate other blacks economically. One reason amongst many to frame Palestinian liberation within broader anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist politics, and not to purposefully cleave the movement from such politics.

Technorati Tags: anti-apartheid, apartheid, class war, Israel, Palestine, resistance movements, South Africa, Steve Biko, Zionism

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