ANTI-SEMITE ZIO-NAZI: ‘Death to Christians’ sprayed on Jerusalem monastery


 A Jerusalem monastery, built on the spot where tradition holds the tree from which Jesus’s cross was made, was defaced with graffiti bearing the hallmarks of Zio-Nazi extremists on Tuesday.

“Death to Christians” was daubed in Hebrew on the outer walls of the Monastery of the Cross, an 11th-century fortress-like holy site situated in a valley overlooked by Zio-Nazi parliament.

Zio-Nazi Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the words “Price Tag” were also painted overnight by the vandals, who damaged two cars parked outside the monastery in the rare attack on a Christian shrine in Jerusalem.

The slogan, used by Zio-Nazi settlers in vandalism attacks on Mosques and Palestinian homes in the West Bank, refers to the retribution they say they will exact for any attempt by the Zio-Nazi government to curb settlement in the territory.

“I am a priest and I forgive,” Father Claudio of the monastery, which is administered by the Greek Orthodox church.

Zio-Nazi Rosenfeld said police had opened an investigation.

In December, Zio-Nazi extremists torched a mosque in Jerusalem and sprayed the Star of David, “price tag,” “Muhammad is a pig” and “A good Arab is a dead Arab” in Hebrew on the ancient building’s walls.

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