Gove tramples on education democracy

Michael Gove boasts that over 11% of Secondary Schools are now Academies and that a new Academy has opened every school day since September.

It doesn’t seem to concern him that this has been done by completely disregarding any democratic debate. Firstly the Academies Act encouraged schools to become Academies over the summer holidays, when there was no possibility of consultation.

Since then the 136 ‘convertor’ Academies have decided at Governors meetings, with only a handful bothering to consult parents. Even those which have held a consultation have simply called a meeting to announce their decision, hardly any schools have had the decency to allow the parents a vote.
The Anti Academies Alliance has been inundated with parents asking why their school has become an Academy without any consultation.
This week alone the Anti Academies Alliance has been sent the following comments:
“At the open day in June we were told of the application for academy status, which was justified largely in terms of keeping SEN funds for gifted & talented pupils instead of redistribution throughout the LEA.  We were not happy, but assumed it would be a long process.  Not at all – after no formal consultation (at least not including us) we were informed by e-mail newsletter before Christmas that it was a done deal, accompanied by photos of the Head at No. 10 for a reception of fast-tracked outstanding schools.  Surely we should have been asked formally for our opinion?”
And from another area:
“At the end of last term we received the usual end of term letter from the Headteacher of our son’s secondary school here. It contained the usual festive wishes and notices of when the new term resumes. However at the end of the letter it said ; “I would like to take this opportunity to inform you all that on Tuesday the governors voted unanimously that (school name removed) should put in a formal application to convert to an Academy”
While 11% of Secondary schools are Academies, this means that 89% are not, and very few Primary schools, the vast majority of schools in the country, are becoming Academies.
The Anti Academies Alliance encourages any parent or member of staff at a school that proposes to become an Academy to contact us urgently to launch a campaign to stop the school becoming an Academy.
Anti Academies Alliance AGM
The Anti Academies Alliance AGM will be held from 1pm to 4pm on Saturday 15th January in Central London.
We invite all local campaigns, union group and parents to join us to discuss how we campaign against Gove’s Academies.
More information here
To register please email your details to [email protected]or post the form on the website.

Free schools ‘not wanted’ say teachers

SECONDARY age pupils at the former St Ursula’s School could continue to study there even if it becomes a primary academy.

Unions warn school funding may end sooner than expected

Free schools risk causing congestion and parking problems

More news stories here
Anti Academies Alliance Financial Appeal
The Anti Academies Alliance has launched a Financial Appeal to help build the opposition to Academies and ‘Free’ Schools.
Read our Appeal, and download the leaflet, here
How can the Anti Academies Alliance help your school?
We continue to be approached by schools asking us to help them campaign against Academy proposals that are being pushed on them.
The Anti Academies Alliance is happy to work with head teachers, governors, parents and staff to develop a campaign to prevent your school becoming an Academy.
Please contact the office if you need help.
Anti Academies DVD
We have an excellent new 13 minute DVD outlining the case against Academies and ‘Free’ Schools.
It is perfect for union meetings / parent meetings / campaign meetings.
If you would like a copy they are £10 to union groups / £2 to parent and campaign groups. We can produce bulk orders at a reduced price. Send orders to the office and we will despatch them with an invoice.
Campaign materials                                                                                                                
Anti Academies newspaper
Make your campaign stall / meeting complete with Stickers / Balloons / Mugs / T Shirts
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