Ofsted: Academies ‘performing worse than other schools’

You may have seen the headlines that claim that the recent Ofsted report shows are Academies doing better than other schools. What Michael Gove missed out is this – 53 per cent of academies were rated no better than satisfactory in the last 12 months. This compared with just 35 per cent of other state schools.
The Telegraph says“The conclusions will come as a blow to the Coalition which has pledged to convert thousands of state primaries and secondaries into academies as part of an attempt to cut bureaucracy and raise standards.”
White Paper
Last week we reported that the FT had seen a leaked copy of the Education White Paper, and it said that every school would be directly funded – effectively every school would become an Academy.
We are pleased to say that this didn’t happen. The White Paper remains determined to drive through Academies and ‘Free’ Schools. It includes proposals for ‘good’ schools to become Academies and raises the threshold for government intervention from 30% achievement of 5 A*-C GCSEs to 35%. However all schools becoming Academies has been removed.
This has upset the ‘Free’ School enthusiasts. The Spectator lament the decision “If Gove has fallen at the first funding hurdle, it bodes badly for his whole project.”
and the FT go out of their way to show that the proposal was in the draft they saw
Gove fell at the first hurdle because of the widespread opposition to Academies.
Parents win battle against Kenmont Primary School academy plans
PARENT power has spoken at Kenmont Primary School after they won their battle to stop it being turned into an academy.
The Academy would have been run by ARK.
After the fierce opposition to the academy plans, governors at Kenmont have decided to back down and have outlined a new strategy plan for the school to aid improvements.

·         Windsor private school to become a free independent school

·         Anti-academy protesters hold rally outside Christleton High

·         Education department to offer up its buildings to free schools

·         Capita and DTZ sign up for free schools programme

·         Private firms profit from ‘Free’ schools

More news stories here
TUC conference: The future for our schools
The TUC have organised a major conference on education on Saturday 27thNovember.
More details and registration here
Anti Academies Alliance Financial Appeal
The Anti Academies Alliance has launched a Financial Appeal to help build the opposition to Academies and ‘Free’ Schools.
Read our Appeal, and download the leaflet, here
How can the Anti Academies Alliance help your school?
We continue to be approached by schools asking us to help them campaign against Academy proposals that are being pushed on them.
The Anti Academies Alliance is happy to work with head teachers, governors, parents and staff to develop a campaign to prevent your school becoming an Academy.
Please contact the office if you need help.
Anti Academies Alliance AGM
The Anti Academies Alliance AGM will be held on Saturday 15th January in Central London. More information to follow.
Anti Academies Newspaper 
Over 60,000 newspapers have now been despatched around the country and are being distributed to parents, teachers, governors.
Please download the order form and post in your order here
Or email in your order and we will send you an invoice.
Anti Academies DVD
We have an excellent new 13 minute DVD outlining the case against Academies and ‘Free’ Schools.
It is perfect for union meetings / parent meetings / campaign meetings.
If you would like a copy they are £10 to union groups / £2 to parent and campaign groups. We can produce bulk orders at a reduced price. Send orders to the office and we will despatch them with an invoice.
Campaign materials
Make your campaign stall / meeting complete with Stickers / Balloons / Mugs / T Shirts
Having trouble keeping up with the news on Academies and Free Schools?
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