Another Propaganda Poll Skewed for I$raHell


by News Post


Americans have been conditioned to accept the error that Israel should have some influence on the US government. Once this would have been called sedition. Only American citizens should have any influence. This poll, conducted by the Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings, a think tank organization, proves that polls do not lie, but pollsters do. It is skewed in the way the questions are asked to give the impression that:
1. An overwhelming majority think Israel should have some influence in how the USA is governed. (50% of Democrats and 74% of Republicans)
2. 81% of all Christians surveyed believe in the “end times,” which implies the the US must honor Israel as holy.
3. A near majority (55% Republicans and 33% Democrats) believe present day Israelis are God’s chosen people as described in the Bible.
We suggest you read through the questions and think about what your answers would be. [Ed. -CEC]

American attitudes toward the Middle East and Israel

By: Shibley Telhami, Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings, Dec. 4,, 2015
As the United States gears up for the 2016 presidential race, Americans seem increasingly polarized on issues related to the Middle East, including whether and how to resolve perceived tensions between Israel and the United States. Nonresident Senior Fellow Shibley Telhami conducted a survey on American public attitudes toward the Middle East and Israel. Based on a national sample, the poll also includes a substantial sample of Evangelical Christians—enabling an expansive analysis of this increasingly important segment of the American electorate. Below are several key findings and a download to the survey’s full results.
American attitudes toward the Middle East and Israel
The survey was conducted November 4 to 10, 2015, with a panel consisting of a probability-based representative sample. The panel was recruited by Nielsen Scarborough from its larger probability-based national panel, which was recruited by mail and telephone using a random sample of households provided by Survey Sampling International.
A total of 1738 panelists completed the survey including a national sample of 875 adults, plus an oversample of 863 self-identified Evangelical or Born-again Christians, making for a total sample of Evangelicals/born-again Christians of 1074. Responses were weighted by age, gender, income, education, race, and geographic region using benchmarks from the U.S. Census. The survey was also weighted by partisan identification and Evangelical and Born-again Christians were down-weighted consistent with these groups’ incidence rate in Nielsen Sacrborpugh sample, so that they represented 24 percent of the national sample for this study (211 of 875).
The margins of error (MoE) for the national sample and for each subgroup is:
• National – 875 respondents, MoE: 3.3 percent
• Evangelical – 586, MoE: 4 percent
• Born-Again – 1003, MoE: 3.1 percent (88 percent of Evangelicals also identified as Born-again)
• Born-again, but not Evangelical – 488, MoE: 4.4 percent
• Born Again or Evangelical – 1074, MoE: 3 percent
Key Findings to “American Attitudes Toward the Middle East and Israel” –
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Full Findings to “American Attitudes Toward the Middle East and Israel” –
[embeddoc url= height=”300px” download=”all” viewer=”google”]

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