Posted by: John Phoenix
This year, we commemorate the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 WTC bombing. In line with this, we repost this important article by Stephen Lendman, first published in 2019.
David Ray Griffin’s Legacy Will Live. It Embodies 9/11 Truth
“The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 Is Unscientific and False” by the late David Ray Griffin debunked the official account of what happened.
He explained that the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s official findings were fabricated.
He accused NIST of falsifying and ignoring hard evidence, sticking to the official Big Lie about WTC 7’s collapse.
AE911Truth’s Richard Gage said the following about Griffin’s book:
He “provided a comprehensive dismantling of NIST’s theory about WTC 7, according to which it suffered global collapse because of ordinary building fires,” adding:
“Besides showing that NIST committed massive scientific fraud, Griffin also points out that NIST was able to complete its theory only by affirming a miracle: a steel-framed high-rise building coming down in free fall even though explosives had not been used to remove its columns.”
Physics Professor John Wyndham said
“Griffin show(ed) that NIST’s WTC 7 report has no scientific credibility.”
Big Lies take on a life of their own because establishment media report them as facts — serving as press agents for powerful interests inimical to peace, equity and justice.
The official 9/11 story is the Biggest Big Lie of our time — about the mother of all state-sponsored false flags, dark forces in Washington responsible.
Osama bin Laden and so-called “crazed Arabs” had nothing to do with what happened on a day that will live in infamy forever.
It opened the gates of hell for endless US wars of aggression against nonbelligerent states threatening no one — responsible for countless millions of deaths and human misery on an appalling scale.
Critics of The 9/11 Truth Movement: Do You Really Believe in Miracles?
Seriously ill with kidney disease and other ailments, bin Ladin in mid-2001 was being treated at the American Hospital in Dubai.
On September 10, 2001 (one day before 9/11), CBS News anchor Dan Rather reported his admittance to a Rawalpindi, Pakistan hospital. He was dying.
On July 11, 2002, The NYT said “Osama bin Laden is dead. (He) died in December (2001) and was buried in the mountains of southeast Afghanistan.”
The BBC, Fox News, and other media sources reported the same information.
On December 26, 2001, a leading Pakistani newspaper reported bin Laden’s death. It cited a prominent Taliban official who attended his funeral – witnessing his dead body before it was laid to rest.
Obama didn’t kill Osama, another Big Lie of our time. So-called “Enemy Number One” was an unwitting CIA asset — recruited in the 1980s by Pakistani intelligence against Soviet Russia in Afghanistan.
The official 9/11 account was fabricated to conceal state-sponsored terrorism, dark forces in Washington responsible for what happened.
David Ray Griffin 10 books on the 9/11 Big Lie provide the most detailed account of what happened and its aftermath — including about the 9/11 (whitewash) Commission.
Jet fuel had nothing to do with bringing down the twin towers. The BBC reported WTC 7’s collapse nearly 30 minutes before it happened.
UK activist Tony Rooke refused to pay his BBC license fee — required of all Brits to watch television.
He cited Section 15 of Britain’s 2000 Terrorism Act, stating it’s an “offense for someone to invite another to provide money, intending that it should be used, or having reasonable cause to suspect that it may be used, for terrorism purposes.”
He accused the BBC of reporting the collapse of WTC 7 before it came down. A UK judge agreed with him, his victory unreported by US establishment media — part of their conspiracy of silence about hard truths dark forces want suppressed.
Fires and heavy debris from the twin towers had nothing to do with WTC 7’s collapse — the official Big Lie reported by Western media.
A four-year study by University of Alaska’s J. Leroy Hulsey, South Carolina Department of Transportation bridge engineer Zhili Quan, and Nanjing University of Science and Technology Department of Civil Engineering academic Feng Xiao titled “A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center” was in part funded by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth).
It provided detailed scientific evidence of what caused WTC 7’s collapse, debunking the official Big Lie.
The study’s “principle conclusion…is that fire did not cause the collapse of WTC 7 on
9/11, contrary to the conclusions of NIST and private engineering firms that studied the collapse.”
The official 9/11 account was fabricated, suppressing hard truths about what happened on that fateful day, changing the course of history.
According to the study, scientific evidence shows that “fires could not have caused weakening or displacement of structural members capable of initiating any of the hypothetical local failures alleged to have triggered the total collapse of the building, nor could any local failures, even if they had occurred, have triggered a sequence of failures that would have resulted in the observed total collapse.”
WTC 7’s collapse “was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building.”
No “progressive collapse involving the sequential failure of columns throughout the building” occurred.”
Nothing external to WTC 7 caused its free fall collapse in 2.5 seconds. Debris from the twin towers and building 7 was removed and destroyed to prevent a proper forensic analysis, AE911Truth explained.
On 9/11, remaining remnants of rule of law in the US died. Endless war on humanity at home and abroad replaced it.
Things are worsening, not improving — both right wings of the US war party responsible for an increasingly nightmarish scenario.
US rage for unchallenged dominance risks unthinkable/potentially catastrophic global war by accident or design, including possible use of nuclear weapons for the first time in earnest — a nightmarish scenario if things turn out this way.
By: Stephen Lendman
Global Research,