Innocent Texas man freed after 27 years in prison

November 23, 2010
by Michael Leon

More evidence Texas hates liberty, hates justice

– Junk Science: A Texas Injustice persists as the State of Texas leads the nation with more than 40 DNA exonerations on record. The Innocence Project is currently conducting a statewide review of cases where DNA evidence could prove a defendant’s innocence. –

By Peggy O’Hare in the Houston Chronicle

Michael Anthony Green got to hold a very valuable piece of paper Monday in the Harris County Criminal Justice Center. The document officially dismissed an aggravated rape charge against the 45-year-old Houston man after DNA testing proved him to be innocent of the crime.

Green, who was wrongfully convicted of the crime in 1983 and spent 27 years in prison before he was released July 30, said it feels “great — truly great. I waited a long time for it.”

The dismissal paper, signed by District Attorney Pat Lykos and state District Judge Susan Brown, says the case was dismissed because “DNA testing proves that Mr. Green is actually innocent of committing this offense.” Brown signed it Monday.

Green said he spent “27 years, three months, one week and four days” in prison, “to be exact.” He said he plans to frame the dismissal paper and hang it on the wall of his house.

Brown told him, “Good luck, Mr. Green,” after signing the dismissal.

‘Used to prison life’

Green is now working for Bob Wicoff, the attorney who represented him during his appeal and is doing legal research and reviewing letters from inmates trying to get assistance from the Innocence Project.

He declined to comment on the criminal justice system in general.

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