American ambassador Killed in Libya


by deLiberation

This just in …. from Mazen the Great, Graphic images show the burning of the American Ambassadors residence and killing. Just shows how flimsy the American hold on things is getting. It was not long ago, the Egpytian people drove the Israelis from their embassy. We might see a lot more of this ~ Jonathon Blakeley.

by Mazen the Great.

The Killing of  the U.S. ambassador in Libya and a number of his companions from the U.S. Marines in the attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi in eastern Libya last night 12/09/2012.
According to media sources that the U.S. ambassador died of asphyxiation after the burning of the headquarters of the Embassy cars in the attack, which was carried out by a group of supporters of sharia Brigades, one of the rebels in Libya.
This attack on the embassy came in the framework of the protests that took place in some Arab countries to condemn the film abuser of the Prophet peace be upon him and which has produced a group of Americans.


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