As the Empire of Evil collapses, the Mad Emperor and his psychopathic minions seem determined to set the world on fire.

An edited abridgement based on this outstanding article by James Petras, presented with pictures, captions, and extensive commentary by Lasha Darkmoon

“At the center of chaos, the wild-eyed President Obama strikes blindly, oblivious of the consequences. He is on the verge of a mental breakdown, suffering from political paranoia, war hysteria and megalomania. He’s gone amok . . .” — James Petras, here

Chaos reigns and spreads as enraged leaders in the US, Europe and their clients and allies pursue genocidal wars. Witness mercenary wars in Syria. Witness Israel’s terror bombing of Gaza. Witness the proxy wars in the Ukraine, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia.

Tens of millions of refugees flee scenes of total destruction. Nothing is sacred any more. There are no sanctuaries. Homes, schools, hospitals and entire families are targeted for destruction.

At the center of chaos, the wild-eyed President Obama strikes blindly, oblivious of the consequences.

He is willing to risk a financial debacle or a nuclear war. He enforces sanctions against Iran. And sanctions on Russia. He sets up missile bases five launch minutes away from Moscow. He sends killer drones against Pakistan, Yemen and Afghanistan. He arms mercenaries in Syria. He equips and trains Kurds in Iraq. He finances Israel’s savage war crimes in Gaza.

Nothing works any more.

The Chaos President is blind to the fact that starving one’s adversaries does not secure submission: it unites them in resistance. Regime change, imposing proxies by force and subterfuge, can destroy the social fabric of complex societies. Millions of peasants and workers become uprooted refugees. Popular social movements are replaced by organized criminal gangs and bandit armies.

Central America, the product of decades of US interventions, has become a chaotic, unlivable inferno for millions. Tens of thousands of children flee from their ‘free market’ — from induced mass poverty, gangster violence, and state terrorism.

Child refugees at the US border are arrested in masses and imprisoned in makeshift detention camps, subject to psychological, physical and sexual abuse by officials and guards on the inside. On the outside, these pitiful children are exposed to the racist hatred of a frightened US public who are totally unaware of the horrors these children are escaping from and of the US government’s role in creating those horrific conditions.

The Cold War has returned with a vengeance — and taken an ugly turn. Confrontation among nuclear powers is imminent. The maniacal Baltic States and Poland bray the loudest for war with Russia, forgetting that their positions on the front lines expose them to the dangers of mass incineration.

Each day Israel’s war machine chews up more bodies of Gaza’s children while spitting out more lies. Cheering Israeli Jews perch on their fortified hills to celebrate each missile strike on the apartments and schools in the densely populated Shejaiya neighborhood of besieged Gaza.

A group of orthodox and secular entrepreneurs in Brooklyn have organized group tours to visit the holy sites by day and enjoy the Gaza pyrotechnics by night. Night-screen goggles enable the atrocity tourists to view the fleeing mothers and burning children. These voyeur specs are available at a small extra charge.

LASHA DARKMOON [LD] COMMENTS: One Israeli woman, a sexually perverted atrocity tourist, has recently confessed that the sight of Palestinian children being killed is enough to give her an orgasm. (See below).

Again the US Senate votes unanimously in support of Israel’s latest campaign of mass murder – no crime is depraved enough to ruffle the scruples of America’s leaders. They hew close to a script from the 52 Presidents of the Major American Jewish Organizations. Together they embrace a Beast from the Apocalypse gnawing on the flesh and bones of Palestine.



LD:  95 percent of Israelis are now enthusiastic “atrocity tourists” who rejoice to see pictures like this. Some even openly boast of being brought to the point of orgasm at the pitiful sight of Palestinian children being brutally murdered. Like this Israeli woman, for example:


LD:  US senators, who voted unanimously to kill this little child and cheer on the Israeli perverts who experience orgasms at the sight, are clearly complicit in the carnage and sexual depravity — all of them clinical psychopaths who in a sane world would face immediate execution for war crimes.

Make no mistake: all these unspeakable horrors are the handiwork of the world’s foremost chaos creators: international Jewry and their non-Jewish lickspittle lackeys. In the words of Gilad Atzmon, “Israelis do not like to be caught with blood on their hands. As much as they like to kill, they hate to be the killers.”

He might as well have added, “While Israeli soldiers may like to entice children like mice into a trap and murder them for sport, the last thing they want is to be exposed to the world as objects of contempt and loathing.” 



With psychopaths like this in charge,
what hope for America?

LD:  Let us retrain our justifiable anger at these heinous war crimes condoned and rubber-stamped by the American government; and let us face the facts with stoical resignation. American politicians ceased to be representatives of the American people long ago. They have become extensions of the Israeli Knesset. The United States of America is now the United States of Jewdom.

For further confirmation of this chilling truth, see my two essays: “America Vanquished: America as an Israeli Colony and Under Jewish Rule.

“When the world looks at America,” Paul Craig Roberts once remarked ruefully, “all it sees is an Israeli colony.

In actual fact, America is more than an Israeli colony; it is a Jewish colony. It is controlled not only by the state of Israel but by elite American Jewry who have the entire nation dancing to its tune. Without even knowing it, Americans have become slaves in their own country to a malignant and mentally deranged foreign race.

—  Lasha Darkmoon 

There are ominous signs away from the killing fields. The stock market is rising while the economy stagnates. Wild speculators have returned in their splendor, widening the gap between the real economy and the fictitious one. Soon the ‘deluge’ will come . . . the chaos of another inevitable crash.

In industrial America’s once great Detroit, clean water is shut-off to tens of thousands of poor citizens unable to pay for basic services. In the midst of summer, urban families are left to defecate in hallways, alleyways and empty lots. Without water the toilets are clogged and children remain unwashed.

“The economy’s doing fine!” the Wall Street gangsters chant. “It’s only the people who are suffering!”

Public hospitals everywhere are being closed. In the Bronx and Brooklyn, emergency rooms are overwhelmed. Chaos reigns. Interns work 36-hour shifts and the sick and injured have to take their chances with sleep-starved doctors on the verge of collapse. Meanwhile, in Manhattan, posh private clinics are proliferating for the pampered rich.

Scandinavians have embraced the putschist power grab in Kiev. The Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt bellows for a new Cold War with Russia. The Danish emissary and NATO leader, Anders Fogh-Rasmussen, salivates obscenely at the prospect of bombing and destroying Syria in a replay of NATO’s ‘victory’ over Libya.

Meanwhile German leaders endorse the ongoing Israeli genocide against Gaza. They are comfortably protected from any moral conscience by their nostalgic blanket of ‘guilt’ over Nazi crimes 70 years ago.

Where the bombs fall no one knows, but people flee. Millions are fleeing the chaos. But there is no place to go! The French invade half a dozen African countries but the refugees are denied refuge in France. Thousands die in the desert or drown crossing the Med. Those who do make it are branded criminals or relegated to ghettos and camps.

Chaos reigns in Africa, the Middle East, Central America. The entire US frontier with Mexico has become a militarized detention center. A vast concentration camp.

The border? It doesn’t exist! The Hispanic hordes pour into America from the south, like a river of ravening piranha fish.

Chaos reigns in the markets. Chaos masquerades as trade sanctions: Iran yesterday, Russia today, China tomorrow. Washington, watch out! Your adversaries are finding common ground: trading, forging alliances, building defenses. They are uniting. They are growing stronger.

Chaos reigns in Israel. The war-crazed Israelis have recently discovered that even the Chosen People can bleed to death. They too can have their arms and legs blown off. They can lose their eyesight in the narrow alleyways of Gaza where little children stand facing them with nothing but sharp stones.

When the cheers of the Jewish victors turn to jeers, will they re-elect Bibi, their current kosher butcher? How long will they sing, “If genocide is good for Israel and the Jews, it’s got to be right!”

LD:  According to a recent op-ed in The Times of Israel written by a certain unsatisfactory member of the human race known as Yochanan Gordon  (pictured here),  “Genocide is permissible.”

Mass murder is permissible—you guessed it—only when the IDF, “the most moral army in the world”, are engaged in carrying out their fish-in-a-barrel blitzkreig in Gaza’s open-air prison in a responsible fashion, according to the time-honored principles of the Marquis de Sade. (See When Genocide is Permissible)

Polls report that most Israelis say the IDF isn’t using enough force in Gaza. The “noble warriors”, it seems, are being too soft on the Palestinians, though a huge percentage of those killed and maimed by Israeli strikes are children. There have been at least seven attacks on UN schools, according to the Guardian. UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon has described these attacks as “criminal” and points out that the Israelis “have been repeatedly informed of the location of these sites.”

“There is a kind of murderous glee in the Israeli leadership’s inversion of all moral and international legal standards,” Justin Raimondo notes angrily. “They take a special delight in upending centuries of just war doctrine regarding proportionality and the killing of innocents, and are eager to replace it with their own ruthless nihilism.” (See here).

Here is another advocate of genocide, son of the sadistic war criminal Ariel Sharon, openly recommending genocide. He would like to see the Palestinians given  the Hiroshima-and-Nagasaki treatment:


†  “Those who condemn Hitler day and night have surpassed Hitler in barbarism.”  —  Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan

†  ”They are, all of them, born with a raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race.” — Voltaire

(Lasha Darkmoon comment ends)

Chaos reigns in New York. Judicial rulings favor the vulture capitalists. The printing presses are working day and night, overtime.

There are only a few life boats left . . . just enough for the bankers and Wall Street swindlers. The other ninety-nine percent of the population will have to swim or feed the sharks.

The US President is on the verge of a mental breakdown: He’s a liar of Munchausen proportions with a bad case of political paranoia, war hysteria and megalomania. He’s gone amok, braying, “I lead the world: it’s either US leadership or it’s chaos.”

Increasingly, the world has another message: “The US is the Chaos Creator — it is the ultimate source of all chaos!”

Wall Street is abandoning Obama. The Russians have double-crossed him. The Chinese merchants are now doing business elsewhere.

Listen to the Emperor of Chaos ask his closest advisors the craziest questions: “Why can’t we bomb Russia, just like Israel bombs Gaza? Why don’t we build an ‘Iron Dome’ over Europe? Why can’t we shoot down Russian nuclear missiles as they come towards us? Why can’t we fire upon Moscow from our new bases in Ukraine? So what if Europe becomes a nuclear wasteland? That’ll be a small price to pay for our success!”

Maybe Obama and his mad minions are thinking of reducing the population of Asia by a billion or two? How many Hiroshimas and Nagasakis are they planning in order to teach the Chinese a lesson for being so staggeringly successful? How many other nations are they going to wipe out for doing so well and making them look like a bunch of losers?

Maybe this is final scenario. Most of Asia will inhale nuclear dust. Millions of Indians and Indonesians will perish as collateral damage. Their survivors will feast on toxic fish in a glowing sea of radioactive poisons.

The real boss


Because our ‘Iron Dome’ will have failed us, we will have to re-emerge out of a mountain of rubble, dreaming of a New America free from wars and poverty. The Reign of Chaos will have ended. The ‘peace and order’ of the graveyard will then reign supreme. The Mad Emperors and their minions will be forgotten. They will  be dust and ashes in the trash can of history. Good riddance to them all!

None of this will matter in the post-nuclear age . . .  after the Chaos is over . . . and the New Troglodytes, blinking their bloodshot eyes, emerge from Plato’s cave of darkness.

LD:  I don’t know how the third World War will be fought,” Einstein once quipped, “but I know that the fourth will be fought with bows and arrows.”

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