Alan Dershowitz defender of sex traffickers

Dear Sammi,

Alan Dershowitz – celebrity lawyer, defender of sex traffickers, friend of Trump and Netanyahu – has built a career maligning Palestinians and groups like JVP working for a just peace in Israel/Palestine.

He LOVES to blame Palestinians for the violence and oppression they experience under Israeli occupation. He says things like:

“The suffering of Palestinians, which does not compare to the suffering of many other groups, has been largely inflicted by themselves.”

Dershowitz’s birthday is coming up on September 1st. Let’s make it a birthday he’ll never forget! Can you make a donation to JVP in Dershowitz’s name?DONATE NOW

For every donation, JVP will send Dershowitz a thank-you card saying he’s inspired the fight for Palestinian justice. 

And a JVP donor has agreed to match every donation up to $40,500 so we can raise $81,000 for his 81st birthday, doubling our impact… and sending him a lot of mail. Chip in now!DONATE NOW

Here’s a snapshot of how dangerous Dershowitz continues to be for Palestinians and Jewish Israelis working for equality in Israel/Palestine:

  • Dershowitz literally wrote the anti-BDS talking points pundits and Congress still use today. He isn’t satisfied simply disagreeing with using nonviolent boycotts – he says BDS is inherently IMMORAL.
  • He staunchly defended and was possibly behind Trump’s decision to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
  • Trump listens to Dershowitz on Israel. He’s one of the Trump team’s advisors on their widely disdained “Peace Plan.”
  • On Trump’s recent declaration on the Golan Heights, Dershowitz stated: “I compared the Golan Heights to a captured battleship, I said, ‘You don’t give back a battleship you’ve captured in a defensive war.’”

So help us wish him a happy birthday by letting him know that he inspired you to give to JVP.

The best part: he’ll be getting a mailbag full of thank-you cards from supporters of Palestinian rights.

Donate now – before his birthday – and your gift will be instantly doubled by a generous donor: DONATE NOW

JVP will use the money we raise to grow the movement for Palestinian justice and continue to build an inspired community of members, students, academics, artists, and religious leaders across the country.

Individual donations to JVP make an outsized impact in the world – and with every gift doubled by a generous donor, there’s no better time to donate. Chip in what you can now!


Granate Kim
Communications Director


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