By James Hall
The habitual pilgrimage to kiss the ring of the “Khazar conspiracy” is upon us once again. The late great and trustworthy friend Alan Stang sheds light on the political movement called Zionism. “Presumably the Jews in Israel are Zionists, or they would leave. But there are only a few million Israelis. In the United States, there are scores of millions of Christians in mainline churches who are Zionists and who support Israel as staunchly as any Israeli, with funds as well as prayer.” He continues, “Consider that tens of thousands of Jews not only are not Zionists; they fervently oppose Zionism. They believe that Zionism is condemned by Holy Scripture.”
Within this context, the only way to view the American Israel Public Affairs Committee is as a pressure group that favors the political interests of a foreign nation at the expense of our own nation. The hordes of heretic Christian Zionists disgrace themselves because they cling to a false interpretation of scripture and are oblivious to the best self-interests of their own country.
Therefore, it comes with no surprise that theAIPAC Treason Fest shouts clearly, “Hey goys and girls, it’s that time of year again. Yup, it’s time for your so-called representatives in whore House and Senate to engage in the annual bacchanalian/sodomite freak show known as the AIPAC Policy Conference that runs from May 22-24 in downtown WashingTelAvivton.”
If you think this is a racial issue, you would be wrong. Over at Black Voices the AIPAC’S ABUSE OF US TAXPAYERS MONEY article warns of the lack of truth in advertising.
“For many years AIPAC has falsely advertised Israel as a democratic state that best serves U.S. interests in a turbulent and unpredictable part of the world, covering up Israel’s suppression of human rights and its very nature as a state premised on fanatic militarism, racial segregation and injustice, contrary to the supposed “shared values” with the “West” that AIPAC has fed to the American public so effectively with its well-oiled media machine and its unmatched power of intimidation as well as suppression of debate and dissent by anyone who dares to slightly step out of line and question the “Israel-first” agenda.”
Is this assessment correct? You know in your heart it is, but most are too sheepish to verbalize any criticism of Israel.
In the AIPAC 101 – What Every American Should Know video, Anthony Lawson provides a brilliant analysis of the basics. Then watch the strong sentiments of Brother Nathanael in AIPAC’s Prelude To Treason 2011 for an assessment from a former Jewish heritage cleric.
YouTube – Veterans Today –
Now evaluate, in Veterans Today, the perceptive Philip Giraldi summary.
“AIPAC operates by forcing all American politicians at a national level to respond to various positions supported by the Israel Lobby. Congressional candidates are carefully screened for their views on the Middle East and are coached to modify positions that are regarded as unacceptable. Those who pass the test are then vetted on their degree of reliability and, if approved, become recipients of good press from AIPAC’s friends in the media and cash contributions from the numerous PACs that have been set up to support the pro-Israel agenda.
Once in office, the politicians are bombarded with AIPAC position papers, with visits from AIPAC representatives, and are expected to conform completely to the positions taken by the organization. That is why resolutions in congress relating to Israel generally receive nearly unanimous approval no matter how frivolous or injurious to the US national interest.”
Next watch the incomparable Paul Craig Roberts explain how ‘AIPAC purchases US elections’. Finally, AIPAC: The Voice of America tops off the case against this unholy alliance.
YouTube – Veterans Today –
YouTube – Veterans Today –
Gilad Atzmon offers up this insight. “When analyzing the work and influence of AIPAC within American politics it is the Book of Esther that we should bear in mind. AIPAC is more than a mere political lobby. AIPAC is a modern-day Mordechai, the AJC is modern-day Mordechai. Both AIPAC and AJC are inherently in line with the Hebrew Biblical school of thought. However, while the Mordechais are relatively easy to spot, the Esthers, those who act for Israel behind the scenes, are slightly more difficult to trace.”
However, not all Jews are zealot Zionists. Ira Chernus cites from a recent poll, J Street National Survey of American Jews. A few of the most striking findings:
82% want the U.S. to “play an active role” in the Israel-Palestine peace process
71% want the U.S. to exert pressure on both sides to make compromises for peace
Fully half stick want U.S. involvement even if it means the U.S. exerting pressure on Israel alone to make compromises
Asked whether U.S. criticisms of Israel should be made in public, more Jews say “yes” than “no”
Asked to name the TWO most important issues facing our country, only 10% put Israel on their short list